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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hackers Blind Quantum Cryptographers
From ACM News

Hackers Blind Quantum Cryptographers

Lasers crack commercial encryption systems, leaving no trace.

From ACM News

To Win Over Users, Gadgets Have to Be Touchable

Whoever said technology was dehumanizing was wrong. On screens everywhere—cellphones, e-readers, A.T.M.’s—as Diana Ross sang, we just want to reach out and touch...

Technology Assists Multi-Tasking Motorcycle Officers
From ICT Results

Technology Assists Multi-Tasking Motorcycle Officers

A motorcycle police officer on an urgent call faces huge information processing and decision-making demands. A new European research project aims to prevent potentially...

From ACM News


Tomorrow’s WikiLeakers may have to be sneakier than just dumping military docs onto a Lady Gaga disc. The futurists at Darpa are working on a project that would...

Nano Switches that Store More Data Head to Market
From ACM News

Nano Switches that Store More Data Head to Market

An electronic component that offers a new way to squeeze more data into computers and portable gadgets is set to go into production in just a couple of years.

From ACM News

Digital Media Essential in Building Democracies, Research Shows

Research from the University of Washington finds that digital media, such as mobile phones and the Internet, have become all but essential in building democracies...

Wonder Conductors Will Spin ­p Cooler Computers
From ACM News

Wonder Conductors Will Spin ­p Cooler Computers

Newly discovered materials called topological insulators could clear the way for blisteringly fast laptops and smartphones that don't warm your lap or singe your...

K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Model Needs a Little Help
From ACM News

K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Model Needs a Little Help

The "K-anonymity"  method of providing anonymity to large data sets has raised excitement in realms as diverse as social networks and medical records, but it appears...

Prison Without Walls
From ACM News

Prison Without Walls

Incarceration in America is a failure by almost any measure. But what if the prisons could be turned inside out, with convicts released into society under constant...

Helping Victoria Deal With Bushfires
From ACM TechNews

Helping Victoria Deal With Bushfires

The University of Melbourne and Bushfire CRC have designed Phoenix RapidFire, a simulation program that can provide detailed information on the spread of fires.

Tech Research Customizes Tv ­sers' Preferences
From ACM TechNews

Tech Research Customizes Tv ­sers' Preferences

Intel researchers have developed a way TV remote controls can identify users based on their viewing preferences and how they hold the remote, which could help advance...

From ACM News

Google Finding Its Voice

Google's Mike Cohen won't be satisfied until anyone who wants to talk to their computer can do so without laughing at the hideous translation or sighing in frustration...

Nasa Funds Development of Nano Materials For Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries
From ACM News

Nasa Funds Development of Nano Materials For Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries

NEI Corp. and UC San Diego recently won a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer contract from NASA to develop and implement high energy density cathode materials...

The Mind's Eye: How the Brain Sorts Out What You See
From ACM News

The Mind's Eye: How the Brain Sorts Out What You See

Can you tell a snake from a pretzel? Some can't—and their experiences are revealing how the brain builds up a coherent picture of the world.

From ACM News

James Myers to Lead the Nano Computational Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

James Myers has been selected to lead the Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

From ACM News

The Internet's Secret Back Door

Web users in the United Arab Emirates have more to worry about than having just their BlackBerries cracked.

From ACM News

Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chip

Scientists at Rice University and Hewlett-Packard are reporting this week that they can overcome a fundamental barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization...

Rational Design Process Produces Enhanced Optoelectronics Materials
From ICT Results

Rational Design Process Produces Enhanced Optoelectronics Materials

European researchers have combined computer modelling of quantum mechanics and precision fabrication processes to create novel transparent conductive oxides made...

Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites
From ACM News

Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites

The shoes that Julie Matlin recently saw on were kind of cute, or so she thought. But Ms. Matlin wasn’t ready to buy and left the site. Then the shoes...

N.c. Scientists Helping Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

N.c. Scientists Helping Soldiers

University of North Carolina researchers are collaborating with the Naval Postgraduate School to develop an intelligent-training system for the military using automatically...
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