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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Insiders Doubt 2008 Pentagon Hack Was Foreign Spy Attack
From ACM News

Insiders Doubt 2008 Pentagon Hack Was Foreign Spy Attack

In the fall of 2008, a variant of a three year-old, relatively benign worm began winding its way through the U.S. military's networks, spread by troops usingfirst...

U.s. Funds Improve Broadband Connectivity to Foster Scientific Collaboration
From ACM News

U.s. Funds Improve Broadband Connectivity to Foster Scientific Collaboration

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $20 million to universities in 17 states to improve inter- and intra-campus cyber connectivity.

From ACM News

A Search Service that Can Peer into the Future

Showing news stories on a timeline has been tried before. But Time Explorer, a prototype news search engine created in Yahoo's Barcelona research lab, generates...

Supercomputers Supermodel Supermassive Black Holes
From ACM News

Supercomputers Supermodel Supermassive Black Holes

What happens when two black holes smash into each another? They form an even larger black hole while driving jets of relativistic matter into the far reaches...

Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime
From ACM News

Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime

It’s 1 p.m. on a Thursday and Dianne Bates, 40, juggles three screens. She listens to a few songs on her iPod, then taps out a quick e-mail on her iPhone and...

From ACM TechNews

Virtual Router Smashes Speed Records

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have developed a networking router that transmits data at nearly 40 gigabytes per second,...

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers
From ACM TechNews

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers

University of Kansas (KU) researchers have discovered a way to recognize currents of spinning electrons, or spintronics, within a semiconductor using powerful lasers...

­.K. Researchers Tap Semantic Web for Business Intelligence Innovation
From ACM TechNews

­.K. Researchers Tap Semantic Web for Business Intelligence Innovation

SAP is leading a European research project that will combine semantic technologies with business intelligence in a system to help business users make better sense...

Researchers Work to Protect, Restore Vulnerable Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Work to Protect, Restore Vulnerable Networks

The University of Arizona is collaborating with researchers at Columbia University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a project which is developing...

Solid-State Leds Promise Brighter, Not Necessarily Greener, Future
From ACM News

Solid-State Leds Promise Brighter, Not Necessarily Greener, Future

Solid-state lighting pioneers long have held that replacing the inefficient light bulbs with more efficient solid-state LEDs would lower electrical usage worldwide...

Tiny Logo Demonstrates Advanced Display Technology
From ACM News

Tiny Logo Demonstrates Advanced Display Technology

In a step toward more efficient, smaller and higher-definition display screens, a University of Michigan professor has developed a new type of color filter made...

From ACM News

Juicing Up Laptops and Cell Phones with Soda Pop or Vegetable Oil?

Scientists report the development of the first fuel cell designed to produce electricity with biochemical technology borrowed from the biological powerhouses...

From ACM News

Google Scholarship Program Kicks Off in China

Google hosted more than 130 Google Scholarship recipients at its Beijing office earlier this month. The undergraduate and graduate students in computer science...

From ACM News

China's Secure Communications Quantum Leap

A team of 15 Chinese researchers in May published a research paper announcing a successful demonstration of "quantum teleportation" over 16 kilometers of free...

Yahoo! Labs Competition Yields Better Ranking Model
From ACM News

Yahoo! Labs Competition Yields Better Ranking Model

The Learning to Rank Challenge showed Yahoo! that its approach to search is on target, but there’s still room for improvement.

Synaptic Behavior Captured By New Memristor Circuit Design
From ACM TechNews

Synaptic Behavior Captured By New Memristor Circuit Design

University of Tehran researchers Farnood Merrikh-Bayat and Saeed Bagheri have found that two memristors used in a series work more like a human brain using Hebbian...

From ACM TechNews

Nasa's Robot Rovers Keep on Rolling

Researchers from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock are working with robotics engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to prevent the space agency's...

From ACM News


On the Internet, he was known as BadB, a disembodied criminal flitting from one server to another selling stolen credit card numbers despite being pursued by...

Kyoto Prize and Other CS Awards
From Communications of the ACM

Kyoto Prize and Other CS Awards

László Lovász, Vinton G. Cerf, and other researchers are honored for their contributions to computer science.

ACM China Nearing Launch
From Communications of the ACM

ACM China Nearing Launch

ACM's expansion into China will support local professionals and increase Chinese involvement in ACM's international activities.
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