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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News


A trio of University of Wisconsin-Madison engineering professors has launched a new high-performance computing center that will expand access to the supercomputing...

3D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution
From ACM News

3D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution

Businesses in the South Park district of San Francisco generally sell either Web technology or sandwiches and burritos. Bespoke Innovations plans to sell designer...

Museum Displays Personal Computer, Video Game Collection
From ACM News

Museum Displays Personal Computer, Video Game Collection

The small town of Brantford, Ontario, located about an hour west of Toronto, has been been gaining a reputation, in nerd circles at least, as home to the Personal...

From ACM News

Religious Search Engines Yield Tailored Results

In a world where Google has put every bit of information at our fingertips, some people are now demanding less information when they surf the Internet.

Number of New Computer Viruses at Record High
From ACM News

Number of New Computer Viruses at Record High

Cyber criminals are attracted to enormously popular Internet-based social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn, and are using such networks to attack Internet...

From ACM TechNews

Most Influential Tweeters of All

Northwestern University researchers have designed a website that tracks the top trending topics on Twitter in real time. The website——uses...

How Football Playing Robots Have the Future of AI at Their Feet
From ACM TechNews

How Football Playing Robots Have the Future of AI at Their Feet

Research published in WIREs Cognitive Science details how robots designed to play football (called "soccer" in the U.S.) are propelling the development of robotic...

From ACM TechNews

New Cctv Technology Helps Prevent Terror Attacks

The VTT Technical Research Center of Finland has developed image-processing technology that can analyze large amounts of video data automatically and quickly recognize...

From ACM News

FCC Move to Release 'white Spaces' Has Tech Firms Dreaming of Wireless Boom

Entire towns linked to the Web as giant hot spots with seamless wireless connections. Internet-connected refrigerators that monitor when it's time to get more...

Electric Skin That Rivals the Real Thing
From ACM TechNews

Electric Skin That Rivals the Real Thing

Two separate research groups have developed pressure-sensing devices that can match human skin in sensitivity and flexibility. 

From ACM TechNews

Software Improves Yuma Proving Ground Test Equipment

Researchers at the U.S. Army's Yuma Proving Ground have developed a program that can determine the positional and angular motion of relatively stationary test objects...

From ACM TechNews

Fcc Likely to Open Airwaves to Wireless

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is expected to approve the use of "white spaces"—unlicensed, TV-band airwaves that could lead to stronger, faster wireless...

Video Games Lead to Faster Decisions That Are No Less Accurate
From ACM News

Video Games Lead to Faster Decisions That Are No Less Accurate

Cognitive scientists have discovered that playing action video games trains people to make the right decisions faster. Gamers' heightened sensitivity improves a...

Can You Find Me Now?
From ACM News

Can You Find Me Now?

By demonstrating fundamental limits on their accuracy, MIT researchers show how to improve wireless location-detection systems.

Access to Data of the Past
From ICT Results

Access to Data of the Past

Tools to understand data from out-of-date systems will also promote the rapid integration of data from newly developed systems.

Wheelchair Makes the Most of Brain Control
From ACM News

Wheelchair Makes the Most of Brain Control

Artificial intelligence improves a wheelchair system that could give paralyzed people greater mobility.

From ACM News

Researchers in Asian Countries Raise Their Scientific Profiles Worldwide

While researchers at universities and institutes in many Western countries fret about budget pressures, scientists in many Asian nations are translating huge...

Fujitsu to Release Wireless Charging Tech in 2012
From ACM News

Fujitsu to Release Wireless Charging Tech in 2012

Fujitsu said Monday (September 13) that it has overcome design hurdles for a mechanism for wireless charging of electronic devices and that the company plans...

From ACM News

Crowdsourcing Peer Review

It is the greatest question in computer science. A negative answer would likely give a fundamentally deeper understanding of the nature of computation. And a...

Byu Research Predicts Path of Lost Hikers
From ACM TechNews

Byu Research Predicts Path of Lost Hikers

Computer models developed at Brigham Young University could help search and rescue teams in their effort to find lost hikers. The predictive models start at the...
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