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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

CMU Algorithm Detects Online Fraudsters
From ACM TechNews

CMU Algorithm Detects Online Fraudsters

Carnegie Mellon University researchers say they have developed an algorithm that can perceive fraudsters hiding behind a digital veneer of legitimacy.

Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring Isis Recruits
From ACM News

Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring Isis Recruits

Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field.

The Rise of the Drone, and the Thorny Questions that Have Followed
From ACM News

The Rise of the Drone, and the Thorny Questions that Have Followed

Today in the skies over New Mexico, Air Force students are practicing for the kill.

Mars Contamination Fear Could Divert Curiosity Rover
From ACM News

Mars Contamination Fear Could Divert Curiosity Rover

Four years into its travels across Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover faces an un­expected challenge: wending its way safely among dozens of dark streaks that could indicate...

A Proactive Approach to Ensuring Long-Term Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

A Proactive Approach to Ensuring Long-Term Cybersecurity

The European Union is funding two projects devoted to developing new cybersecurity paradigms, architectures, and software.

How Apple Helped Create Ireland's Economies, Real and Fantastical
From ACM Careers

How Apple Helped Create Ireland's Economies, Real and Fantastical

There are two equally valid, yet seemingly incompatible, ways of viewing Apple Computer's relationship with Ireland.

Does the Messaging Service Telegram Take Privacy Too Far?
From ACM News

Does the Messaging Service Telegram Take Privacy Too Far?

The encryption of digital information is considered the best protection against hackers, snoops or potential enemies looking to poke around into private exchanges...

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything on a Smartphone
From ACM News

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything on a Smartphone

Want to invisibly spy on 10 iPhone owners without their knowledge? Gather their every keystroke, sound, message and location?

Building a New Tor that Can Resist Next-Generation State Surveillance
From ACM News

Building a New Tor that Can Resist Next-Generation State Surveillance

Since Edward Snowden stepped into the limelight from a hotel room in Hong Kong three years ago, use of the Tor anonymity network has grown massively.

So Much for Counter-Phishing Training: Half of People Click Anything Sent to Them
From ACM News

So Much for Counter-Phishing Training: Half of People Click Anything Sent to Them

Security experts often talk about the importance of educating people about the risks of "phishing" e-mails containing links to malicious websites. But sometimes...

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election
From ACM Opinion

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election

Reports this week of Russian intrusions into U.S. election systems have startled many voters, but computer experts are not surprised.

Comey: Fbi Wants 'adult Conversation' on Device Encryption
From ACM News

Comey: Fbi Wants 'adult Conversation' on Device Encryption

FBI Director James Comey warned again Tuesday about the bureau's inability to access digital devices because of encryption and said investigators were collecting...

How Driverless Cars May Interact With People
From ACM News

How Driverless Cars May Interact With People

There are plenty of unanswered questions about how self-driving cars would function in the real world, like understanding local driving customs and handing controls...

Apple Issues Global Ios ­pdate After Attempt to ­se Spyware on Activist's Iphone
From ACM News

Apple Issues Global Ios ­pdate After Attempt to ­se Spyware on Activist's Iphone

A botched attempt to break into the iPhone of an Arab activist using hitherto unknown espionage software has triggered a global upgrade of Apple's mobile operating...

Auto, Technology Industries Clash Over Talking Cars
From ACM News

Auto, Technology Industries Clash Over Talking Cars

Cars that wirelessly talk to each other are finally ready for the road, creating the potential to dramatically reduce traffic deaths, improve the safety of self...

All the Ways Your Wi-Fi Router Can Spy on You
From ACM News

All the Ways Your Wi-Fi Router Can Spy on You

City dwellers spend nearly every moment of every day awash in Wi-Fi signals.

Blockchain Could Bring Electronic Voting to Australia By 2017
From ACM TechNews

Blockchain Could Bring Electronic Voting to Australia By 2017

Australia intends to employ blockchain technology to let citizens vote online.

Hints Suggest an Insider Helped the Nsa 'equation Group' Hacking Tools Leak
From ACM News

Hints Suggest an Insider Helped the Nsa 'equation Group' Hacking Tools Leak

A group called the Shadow Brokers made headlines this month by leaking a hacking tool belonging to the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) team. Now this week...

Happy 25th Birthday to the World Wide Web
From ACM News

Happy 25th Birthday to the World Wide Web

Internauts, today we celebrate this glorious technology that brings us all together! On August 23, 1991--25 years ago today--the public gained access for the first...

This Web App Will Warn You If You Are a Twitter Troll
From ACM TechNews

This Web App Will Warn You If You Are a Twitter Troll

Researchers have developed a Web application that tells users how harassing they are on Twitter, providing a numerical rating and examples of potentially harassing...
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