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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chip Technology Keeps Checked Luggage in Check
From ACM News

Chip Technology Keeps Checked Luggage in Check

On a recent Southwest Airlines flight from Baltimore, Shvilla Rasheem arrived in Indianapolis, but her luggage did not.

Internet Voting Leaves Out a Cornerstone of Democracy: The Secret Ballot
From ACM TechNews

Internet Voting Leaves Out a Cornerstone of Democracy: The Secret Ballot

Internet voting invalidates the secrecy of ballots, according to a report from Verified Voting.

New Law in Mass. Attempts to Raise It Pay For Women
From ACM TechNews

New Law in Mass. Attempts to Raise It Pay For Women

A new Massachusetts statute signed this month by Gov. Charlie Baker could help close the wage gap between men and women in the information technology industry.

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked
From ACM News

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked

Not everything belongs on the Internet, and the American electoral process is a textbook example. But 31 states don't see it that way.

98 Personal Data Points that Facebook ­ses to Target Ads to You
From ACM News

98 Personal Data Points that Facebook ­ses to Target Ads to You

Say you're scrolling through your Facebook Newsfeed and you encounter an ad so eerily well-suited, it seems someone has possibly read your brain.

­S Ready to 'hand Over' the Internet's Naming System
From ACM News

­S Ready to 'hand Over' the Internet's Naming System

The US has confirmed it is finally ready to cede power of the internet's naming system, ending the almost 20-year process to hand over a crucial part of the internet's...

Data on Taxi Routes and Points of Interest May Improve Crime Predictions
From ACM TechNews

Data on Taxi Routes and Points of Interest May Improve Crime Predictions

Researchers say knowing where taxis travel and how people label points of interest on social media could aid analysts and police in understanding neighborhood crime...

Nowhere to Hide: ­c San Diego Researchers Devise New Method For Detecting Hardware Trojans
From ACM TechNews

Nowhere to Hide: ­c San Diego Researchers Devise New Method For Detecting Hardware Trojans

A new technique for detecting Trojans hidden in a device's hardware has been developed by University of California, San Diego computer scientists.

The Shadow Brokers Mess Is What Happens When the Nsa Hoards Zero-Days
From ACM News

The Shadow Brokers Mess Is What Happens When the Nsa Hoards Zero-Days

When the NSA discovers a new method of hacking into a piece of software or hardware, it faces a dilemma.

­.s. Says Transfer of Internet Governance Will Go Ahead on Oct. 1
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Says Transfer of Internet Governance Will Go Ahead on Oct. 1

The U.S. will move forward with its plan to transfer governance of the Internet domain name system to a multi-stakeholder entity on Oct. 1.

Powerful Nsa Hacking Tools Have Been Revealed Online
From ACM TechNews

Powerful Nsa Hacking Tools Have Been Revealed Online

The online exposure of some of the most powerful hacking tools developed by the U.S. National Security Agency could threaten the agency's operations and security...

Spiking Genomic Databases with Misinformation Could Protect Patient privacy
From ACM News

Spiking Genomic Databases with Misinformation Could Protect Patient privacy

Large genomic databases are indispensable for scientists looking for genetic variations associated with diseases. But they come with privacy risks for people who...

­ta Researcher Wins Grant to ­se Data Mining to Improve Diagnosis, Treatment of Depression
From ACM TechNews

­ta Researcher Wins Grant to ­se Data Mining to Improve Diagnosis, Treatment of Depression

University of Texas at Arlington professor Heng Huang's data-mining efforts could help improve the diagnosis and treatment of depression.

Ironic Windows Vulnerability Shows Why Backdoors Can't Work
From ACM News

Ironic Windows Vulnerability Shows Why Backdoors Can't Work

Apple's refusal to comply with a court order to help the FBI crack an iPhone highlighted the pressure tech companies face to include backdoors in their software...

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

Envisioning Bitcoin's Technology at the Heart of Global Finance
From ACM Careers

Envisioning Bitcoin's Technology at the Heart of Global Finance

A new report from the World Economic Forum predicts that the underlying technology introduced by the virtual currency Bitcoin will come to occupy a central place...

Researchers Find That Android Apps Can Secretly Track Users' Whereabouts
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find That Android Apps Can Secretly Track Users' Whereabouts

A team of researchers has demonstrated how Android applications can be manipulated to transmit sensitive information using a phone's built-in sensors.

This Timing Technology Determines Who Wins the Gold
From ACM News

This Timing Technology Determines Who Wins the Gold

Timing is everything.

A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens
From ACM News

A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens

In 2013, when University of Birmingham computer scientist Flavio Garcia and a team of researchers were preparing to reveal a vulnerability that allowed them todelayed...

'faceless Recognition System' Can Identify You Even When You Hide Your Face
From ACM News

'faceless Recognition System' Can Identify You Even When You Hide Your Face

With widespread adoption among law enforcement, advertisers, and even churches, face recognition has undoubtedly become one of the biggest threats to privacy out...
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