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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Tech Breakthroughs Can Shatter the Bonds of Poverty
From ACM TechNews

How Tech Breakthroughs Can Shatter the Bonds of Poverty

Digital financial services can provide banking, insurance, and lending to the poor in emerging markets.

How To Fool AI Into Seeing Something That Isn't There
From ACM News

How To Fool AI Into Seeing Something That Isn't There

Our machines are littered with security holes, because programmers are human.

Machines v. Hackers: Cybersecurity's Artificial Intelligence Future
From ACM TechNews

Machines v. Hackers: Cybersecurity's Artificial Intelligence Future

Experts predict machines will perform increasingly complex cybersecurity operations over time, reducing the need for humans and facilitating a paradigm shift in...

Homeowners' Groups Fill ­.s. Last-Mile Broadband Gap
From ACM News

Homeowners' Groups Fill ­.s. Last-Mile Broadband Gap

Private homeowners associations are sidestepping incumbents by contracting with alternative network providers.

­pcoming Tor Design Battles Hidden Services Snooping
From ACM TechNews

­pcoming Tor Design Battles Hidden Services Snooping

Tor project representatives say malicious Tor Hidden Services Directories will be addressed in an upcoming redesign, and are only an "annoyance" in the meantime...

Radio Hack Steals Keystrokes from Millions of Wireless Keyboards
From ACM News

Radio Hack Steals Keystrokes from Millions of Wireless Keyboards

You should be able to trust your wireless keyboard.

Americans Are Wary About Body-Enhancement Technologies
From ACM Opinion

Americans Are Wary About Body-Enhancement Technologies

Emerging technologies that draw from biomedical technology, nanotechnology, information technology and other fields are developing at a rapid pace and may lead...

Feds Want to ­se Your Fingerprints to Open Iphones. Why Isn't It Working?
From ACM News

Feds Want to ­se Your Fingerprints to Open Iphones. Why Isn't It Working?

A single sentence was all that was needed to detail the results of a search warrant executed last month on a cell phone in Texas: "Unable to obtain forensic aquisition...

Open Source Software No Longer Optional
From Communications of the ACM

Open Source Software No Longer Optional

Open development and sharing of software gained widespread acceptance 15 years ago, and the practice is accelerating.

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy

Apple's legal battle over encryption dominated headlines earlier this year, but another tech giant is fighting a quieter legal war over user privacy: Microsoft....

Snowden Designs a Device to Warn If Your Iphone's Radios Are Snitching
From ACM News

Snowden Designs a Device to Warn If Your Iphone's Radios Are Snitching

When Edward Snowden met with reporters in a Hong Kong hotel room to spill the NSA's secrets, he famously asked them put their phones in the fridge to block any...

Eu Data Protection Law May End the ­nknowable Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Eu Data Protection Law May End the ­nknowable Algorithm

A new law to be enacted European Union-wide in 2018 could require companies to clarify their decision-making algorithms to avoid unlawful discrimination.

To Catch a Wireless Thief
From ACM TechNews

To Catch a Wireless Thief

Crowdsourcing programs one day could help authorities track down unauthorized radio bandwidth and malicious radio disruptions.

Learning to Trust a Self-Driving Car
From ACM News

Learning to Trust a Self-Driving Car

On a clear morning in early May, Brian Lathrop, a senior engineer for Volkswagen's Electronics Research Laboratory, was in the driver's seat of a Tesla Model S...

­.s. Pumps $400 Million Into Next-Generation Wireless Research
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Pumps $400 Million Into Next-Generation Wireless Research

The U.S. National Science Foundation will invest more than $400 million over the next seven years to fund next-generation wireless research.

Nyu Researchers Report Cybersecurity Risks in 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Nyu Researchers Report Cybersecurity Risks in 3D Printing

Additive manufacturing, also known as three-dimensional printing, faces some of the same cybersecurity risks as the electronics industry.

This Guy Trains Computers to Find Future Criminals
From ACM Opinion

This Guy Trains Computers to Find Future Criminals

When historians look back at the turmoil over prejudice and policing in the U.S. over the past few years, they're unlikely to dwell on the case of Eric Loomis.

Europe Is Going After Google Hard, and Google May Not Win
From ACM News

Europe Is Going After Google Hard, and Google May Not Win

Microsoft pulled the strings. At least, that’s what Google and so many business and tech journalists said when the search giant first faced antitrust complaints...

In Wake of Shootings, Facebook Struggles to Define Hate Speech
From ACM News

In Wake of Shootings, Facebook Struggles to Define Hate Speech

In the wake of last week's shootings, Facebook has seen a significant spike in flagged content, with users calling out each other's posts as racist, violent and...

Clever Tool Shields Your Car From Hacks By Watching Its Internal Clocks
From ACM News

Clever Tool Shields Your Car From Hacks By Watching Its Internal Clocks

Car-hacking demonstrations tend to get all the glory in the security research community—remotely paralyzing a Jeep on the highway or cutting a Corvette’s brakes...
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