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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Learns to Defy Laws of Physics to Win at Hide-and-Seek
From ACM TechNews

AI Learns to Defy Laws of Physics to Win at Hide-and-Seek

Scientists at the OpenAI artificial intelligence laboratory developed bots that trained themselves to cooperate by playing hide-and-seek.

Can You Locate Your Location Data?
From Communications of the ACM

Can You Locate Your Location Data?

Smartphone apps offering location data services may be desirable, but their ability to collect personal data that can be sold to third parties is less attractive...

An Inability to Reproduce
From Communications of the ACM

An Inability to Reproduce

Big data and modern analytics offer enormous possibilities for research, provided scientists can produce consistent results.

Virtual 'Universe Machine' Sheds Light on Galaxy Evolution
From ACM TechNews

Virtual 'Universe Machine' Sheds Light on Galaxy Evolution

Researchers at the University of Arizona have used supercomputer simulations to understand how galaxies such as the Milky Way come into existence.

Google Maps for Tissues
From ACM TechNews

Google Maps for Tissues

Researchers at the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine in Germany have developed software to help make sense of vast datasets generated by modern light microscopy...

Chipping Away at Big Data
From ACM News

Chipping Away at Big Data

Neural network chips whittle big data down to size.

Data Can Now Be Stored Inside Molecules That Power Our Metabolism
From ACM TechNews

Data Can Now Be Stored Inside Molecules That Power Our Metabolism

Brown University researchers have stored information within molecules smaller and less complex than DNA.

It's A Cloud, but Not As We Know It
From ACM News

It's A Cloud, but Not As We Know It

Can data be stored in orbiting laser beams?

Software to Protect World's Most Endangered Species
From ACM TechNews

Software to Protect World's Most Endangered Species

Researchers are integrating genetic and environmental databases to help identify species threatened by climate change more accurately.

Microsoft Quietly Deletes Largest Public Face-Recognition Dataset
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Quietly Deletes Largest Public Face-Recognition Dataset

Microsoft has deleted its MS Celeb dataset from the Internet.

Research Overcomes Key Obstacles to Scaling ­p DNA Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

Research Overcomes Key Obstacles to Scaling ­p DNA Data Storage

North Carolina State University researchers have created new techniques for labeling and retrieving data files in DNA-based information storage systems.

Apple, Google, WhatsApp Condemn British Spy Agency Proposal to Access Encrypted Messages
From ACM TechNews

Apple, Google, WhatsApp Condemn British Spy Agency Proposal to Access Encrypted Messages

Leading technology organizations have criticized an intelligence proposal by the U.K. Government Communications Headquarters to let law enforcement to spy on encrypted...

New Research Accurately Predicts Australian Wheat Harvests Months in Advance
From ACM TechNews

New Research Accurately Predicts Australian Wheat Harvests Months in Advance

A U.S. National Science Foundation-funded project found machine learning techniques could anticipate Australian wheat yields two months before the end of the growing...

Dataset Bridges Human Vision and Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

Dataset Bridges Human Vision and Machine Learning

Researchers have created a new dataset that allows cognitive neuroscientists to better leverage deep learning models that have significantly improved artificial...

Jaguar Land Rover Planning to Allow Helpful Car Drivers to Earn Cryptocurrency
From ACM TechNews

Jaguar Land Rover Planning to Allow Helpful Car Drivers to Earn Cryptocurrency

U.K. automaker Jaguar Land Rover is testing software that will allow drivers of its vehicles to earn virtual currency as an incentive for sharing data.

Questioning Quantum
From Communications of the ACM

Questioning Quantum

Researchers hunt for ways to keep quantum computing honest.

How WhatsApp, FaceTime and Other Encryption Apps Shaped the Outcome of the Mueller Report
From ACM News

How WhatsApp, FaceTime and Other Encryption Apps Shaped the Outcome of the Mueller Report

Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III detailed multiple contacts among Russian operatives and associates of President Trump in the report made public Thursday....

If Your Image Is Online, It Might Be Training Facial-Recognition AI
From ACM News

If Your Image Is Online, It Might Be Training Facial-Recognition AI

The photo is undeniably cute: a mom and a dad—he with a stubbly beard and rimless glasses, she with choppy brown hair and a wide grin—goofing around and eating...

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data
From ACM News

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data

When it comes to earthquakes, large, destructive ones dominate the headlines.

How 5G Drove Moves by Apple, Qualcomm and Intel
From ACM News

How 5G Drove Moves by Apple, Qualcomm and Intel

Apple Inc and Qualcomm Inc on Tuesday settled an acrimonious two-year legal dispute. Shortly afterward, Intel Corp said it will exit the smartphone modem chip business...
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