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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Where Cinema and Biology Meet
From ACM News

Where Cinema and Biology Meet

When Robert A. Lue considers the "Star Wars" Death Star, his first thought is not of outer space, but inner space.

Cell-Phone Chips to the Rescue
From ACM News

Cell-Phone Chips to the Rescue

Data centers, under greater demand than ever, are looking to low-power chips as a way to save money, but switching won't be easy.

Racetrack Memory
From ACM TechNews

Racetrack Memory

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne professor Mathias Klaui is working on a racetrack memory technology that could be 100,000 times faster and consume less...

From ACM TechNews

Ice and a Slice Makes Transistors More Precise

Transistors can be built more precisely by using ice as a mask, according to researchers at Harvard University. The ice lithography process resembles how computer...

All Optical Transistor
From ACM TechNews

All Optical Transistor

Researchers at EPFL have built a device that acts like an optical transistor. The device uses an optical microresonator to trap light in a tiny glass structure...

Improved Simulations May Help Harness Electrical Power From Sea Water
From ACM News

Improved Simulations May Help Harness Electrical Power From Sea Water

A new X-ray imaging capability has taken pictures of a critical instability at the heart of Sandia's huge Z accelerator. The effort may improve computer simulations...

From ACM News

New Class of Malware Attacks Specific Chips

Computer scientists reveal malware that attacks specific processors rather than the operating system that runs on them.

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers a Step Closer to Reality Thanks to New Finding

Quantum computers could have a much higher threshold for error than previously thought. New research reveals that a quantum computer could still be made to work...

Quantum Computing Reaches for True Power
From ACM News

Quantum Computing Reaches for True Power

In 1981 the physicist Richard Feynman speculated about the possibility of "tiny computers obeying quantum mechanical laws." He suggested that such a quantum computer...

Money For Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a Republican-Led House
From ACM News

Money For Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a Republican-Led House

Federal financing of science research, which has risen quickly since the Obama administration came to power, could fall back to pre-Obama levels if the incoming...

Computer Scientists Make Progress on Math Puzzle
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Make Progress on Math Puzzle

University of Texas at Dallas professors Linda Morales and Hal Sudborough have made progress on the Topswops mathematical puzzle. Stanford University computer...

Programming Crowds
From ACM News

Programming Crowds

With the Web, people worldwide can work on distributed tasks. But getting reliable results requires algorithms that specify workflow between people, not transistors...

Darpa: Fuse Nerves With Robot Limbs, Make Prosthetics Feel Real
From ACM News

Darpa: Fuse Nerves With Robot Limbs, Make Prosthetics Feel Real

Controlling robotic limbs with your brain is just step one. The Pentagon eventually wants artificial arms and legs to feel and perform just the same as naturally...

Teen Sailor Meets Nasa Team That Helped Save Her Life
From ACM News

Teen Sailor Meets Nasa Team That Helped Save Her Life

It has been almost six months since 16-year-old Abby Sunderland’s 40-foot vessel, Wild Eyes, was damaged in a storm, leaving her stranded in the middle of the...

Wiring The Brain to Aid People With Paralysis
From ACM News

Wiring The Brain to Aid People With Paralysis

Scientists are reporting progress in their efforts to channel brain waves to power mechanical devices, a development that could someday help paralyzed people...

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.

Building The Next Big Thing: 25 Years of Mit's Media Lab
From ACM News

Building The Next Big Thing: 25 Years of Mit's Media Lab

MIT’s Media Lab recently hosted a series of talks to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Anyone who has paid attention to technology news over that period has undoubtedly...

Bendable Memory Made from Nanowire Transistors
From ACM News

Bendable Memory Made from Nanowire Transistors

A new type of device could ultimately hold more data than flash memory.

From ACM News


Benoît B. Mandelbrot, a maverick mathematician who developed an innovative theory of roughness and applied it to physics, biology, finance and many other fields...

Campaign Builds to Construct Babbage Analytical Engine
From ACM News

Campaign Builds to Construct Babbage Analytical Engine

A U.K. campaign to build a truck-sized, prototype computer first envisaged in 1837 is gathering steam.
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