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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Nist Converts the Color of Single Photons Emitted By Quantum Dots

Researchers at NIST have demonstrated for the first time the conversion of single photons produced by a true quantum source to a near-visible wavelength, which...

Electronics Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Memory Chips
From ACM News

Electronics Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Memory Chips

Rice University graduate student Jun Yao's research with silicon-oxide circuits could be a game-changer in nanoelectronics.

From ACM TechNews

Multifunctional Smart Sensors and High-Power Devices on a Computer Chip

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a process for integrating gallium nitride (GaN) on silicon to create a hybrid computer chip. This...

From ACM News

China Poised to Lead World in Patent Filings

Having passed Germany (exports), Japan (gross domestic product) and the United States (auto sales) over the past year, China is now poised to lead the world in...

Futuristic Computing Designs Inside Beetle Scales
From ACM TechNews

Futuristic Computing Designs Inside Beetle Scales

Brigham Young University researchers are studying beetle scales to develop designs for future optical computers. 

From ACM News

Breaking the Noise Barrier: Enter the Phonon Computer

Noise is a chip designer's worst enemy. But handled properly it could become a powerful ally—and usher in the age of phonon computing.

Aiming to Learn As We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself
From ACM News

Aiming to Learn As We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself

Give a computer a task that can be crisply defined—win at chess, predict the weather—and the machine bests humans nearly every time. Yet when problems are nuanced...

Would Wiretapping Laws Spell the End of Quantum Encryption?
From ACM News

Would Wiretapping Laws Spell the End of Quantum Encryption?

A new effort to ensure that the government can gain back-door access to encrypted messages could thwart one of the most promising applications of physics for...

Breakthrough in Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough in Quantum Computing

A team led by engineers and physicists at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has developed a single electron reader to measure the spin of an electron in...

Physicists Break Color Barrier For Sending, Receiving Photons
From ACM News

Physicists Break Color Barrier For Sending, Receiving Photons

University of Oregon scientists have invented a method to change the color of single photons in a fiber optic cable. The feat could be a quantum step forward for...

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale
From ACM News

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale

Scanning 1,200 brains could help researchers chart the organ's fine structure and better understand neurological disorders.

Should Code Be Released?
From Communications of the ACM

Should Code Be Released?

Software code can provide important insights into the results of research, but it's up to individual scientists whether their code is released---and many opt not...

Linear Logic
From Communications of the ACM

Linear Logic

A novel approach to computational logic is reaching maturity, opening up opening up new vistas in programming languages, proof nets, and security applications.

Growing Nanowires Horizontally Yields New Benefit: 'nano-Leds'
From ACM News

Growing Nanowires Horizontally Yields New Benefit: 'nano-Leds'

While refining their novel method for making nanoscale wires, chemists at NIST discovered an unexpected bonus—a new way to create nanowires that produce light similar...

From ACM News

Semiconductor Could Turn Heat Into Computing Power

Computers might one day recycle part of their own waste heat, using a material being studied by researchers at Ohio State University.

Quantum Data Converted to Telecom Wavelengths
From ACM News

Quantum Data Converted to Telecom Wavelengths

Using optically dense, ultra-cold clouds of rubidium atoms, researchers at Georgia Tech have made advances in three key elements needed for quantum information...

From ACM News

PARC, Which Laid Foundation for PC Revolution, Turns 40

PARC—the Xerox-backed research institution that laid the foundation for the personal computing revolution—is celebrating its 40th anniversary, but the fabled...

New Wave: Spin Soliton Could Be a Hit in Cell Phone Communication
From ACM TechNews

New Wave: Spin Soliton Could Be a Hit in Cell Phone Communication

NIST researchers say they have discovered a new way to generate the high-frequency waves used in modern communication devices, which could lead to the development...

NASA's LRO Exposes Moon's Complex, Turbulent Youth
From ACM News

NASA's LRO Exposes Moon's Complex, Turbulent Youth

The moon was bombarded by two distinct populations of asteroids or comets in its youth, and its surface is more complex than previously thought, according to...

New Approach to Quantum Computing Devised in the U.K.
From ACM News

New Approach to Quantum Computing Devised in the U.K.

A team of expert led by physicists from the University of Bristol announced the development of a new approach to conducting quantum computing. The team believes...
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