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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Pi record Smashed As Team Finds Two-Quadrillionth Digit

A researcher has calculated the 2,000,000,000,000,000th digit of pi—and a few digits either side of it.

Intel Will Teach Gadgets to Learn About You
From ACM News

Intel Will Teach Gadgets to Learn About You

Rather than teach your gadgets what to do, Intel researchers say that in the not-too-distant future they will learn about you on their own. That means where you...

From ACM News

Steampunk Chip Takes the Heat

Steampunk, the reimagining of modern day technology through a Victorian perspective, has found an unlikely follower in the US Defense Advanced Research Projects...

Can You Find Me Now?
From ACM News

Can You Find Me Now?

By demonstrating fundamental limits on their accuracy, MIT researchers show how to improve wireless location-detection systems.

Wheelchair Makes the Most of Brain Control
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Wheelchair Makes the Most of Brain Control

Artificial intelligence improves a wheelchair system that could give paralyzed people greater mobility.

From ACM News

Researchers in Asian Countries Raise Their Scientific Profiles Worldwide

While researchers at universities and institutes in many Western countries fret about budget pressures, scientists in many Asian nations are translating huge...

From ACM News

Crowdsourcing Peer Review

It is the greatest question in computer science. A negative answer would likely give a fundamentally deeper understanding of the nature of computation. And a...

'Slow Light' on a Chip Holds Promise for Optical Communications
From ACM TechNews

'Slow Light' on a Chip Holds Promise for Optical Communications

Scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) and Brigham Young University have developed an optical device that has the slowest-ever light propagation...

The Human Process Behind Google's Algorithm
From ACM News

The Human Process Behind Google's Algorithm

Google is famous for evangelizing the power of the algorithm. It spends less time talking about the several hundred human beings who influence its algorithm.

From ACM News

To Win Over Users, Gadgets Have to Be Touchable

Whoever said technology was dehumanizing was wrong. On screens everywhere—cellphones, e-readers, A.T.M.’s—as Diana Ross sang, we just want to reach out and touch...

From ACM News


Tomorrow’s WikiLeakers may have to be sneakier than just dumping military docs onto a Lady Gaga disc. The futurists at Darpa are working on a project that would...

Nano Switches that Store More Data Head to Market
From ACM News

Nano Switches that Store More Data Head to Market

An electronic component that offers a new way to squeeze more data into computers and portable gadgets is set to go into production in just a couple of years.

Wonder Conductors Will Spin ­p Cooler Computers
From ACM News

Wonder Conductors Will Spin ­p Cooler Computers

Newly discovered materials called topological insulators could clear the way for blisteringly fast laptops and smartphones that don't warm your lap or singe your...

From ACM News

Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chip

Scientists at Rice University and Hewlett-Packard are reporting this week that they can overcome a fundamental barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization...

Prediction of Intrinsic Magnetism at Silicon Surfaces Could Lead to Single-Spin Magnetoelectronics
From ACM TechNews

Prediction of Intrinsic Magnetism at Silicon Surfaces Could Lead to Single-Spin Magnetoelectronics

Physicists at the Naval Research Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin-Madison predict that a family of well-known silicon surfaces, stabilized by chains of...

Nsf Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards
From ACM News

Nsf Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards

Four basic research projects funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation will explore different aspects of network architecture to foster new ideas and innovations...

Sizing Samples
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Sizing Samples

Many scientific disciplines use computers to infer patterns in data. But how much data is enough to ensure that the inferences are right?

Size Matters: Canadian Research Could Shrink Gadget Size
From ACM TechNews

Size Matters: Canadian Research Could Shrink Gadget Size

McGill University researchers have found that quantum dots are capable of creating large voltages that can keep compact electronic devices running. "We need to...

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers
From ACM TechNews

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers

University of Kansas (KU) researchers have discovered a way to recognize currents of spinning electrons, or spintronics, within a semiconductor using powerful lasers...

From ACM News

China's Secure Communications Quantum Leap

A team of 15 Chinese researchers in May published a research paper announcing a successful demonstration of "quantum teleportation" over 16 kilometers of free...
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