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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Imperceptible Vibrations Could Take Augmented Reality to a New Level
From ACM TechNews

How Imperceptible Vibrations Could Take Augmented Reality to a New Level

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a technique to make augmented reality technologies more immersive.

Speech Technology Enables Kids to Control Video Game
From ACM TechNews

Speech Technology Enables Kids to Control Video Game

Researchers at Disney Research say their new keyword-spotting system works better with the video game "Mole Madness" than commercial speech-recognition systems....

Self-Driving Cars Can Learn a Lot By Playing Grand Theft Auto
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars Can Learn a Lot By Playing Grand Theft Auto

Several research groups are using the "Grand Theft Auto" video game to educate algorithms with potential application to self-driving vehicle navigation.

Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring Isis Recruits
From ACM News

Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring Isis Recruits

Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field.

Beam Me ­p to the Video Conference
From ACM TechNews

Beam Me ­p to the Video Conference

Researchers have created a technique for virtually transmitting a fully-sized, three-dimensional image of a person that viewers can see from different angles.

We're Ahead of Schedule to Turn 'star Trek' Tech Into Reality
From ACM News

We're Ahead of Schedule to Turn 'star Trek' Tech Into Reality

Most Star Trek stories from the vaunted franchise turning 50 this week take place in a distant future we're not likely to see.

Cornell Video Game Speeds Language Learning
From ACM News

Cornell Video Game Speeds Language Learning

Adding "fun" and "chat" aspects to the game enhances memorization and understanding of context.

The Man Who Created Leappad Wants To Turn Your Eyes Into a Mouse
From ACM Careers

The Man Who Created Leappad Wants To Turn Your Eyes Into a Mouse

First came the computer mouse. Then the touchscreen.

GPUs Reshape Computing
From Communications of the ACM

GPUs Reshape Computing

Graphical processing units have emerged as a major powerhouse in the computing world, unleashing huge advancements in deep learning and AI.

The Edge of the Uncanny
From Communications of the ACM

The Edge of the Uncanny

Scientists are learning more about what makes robots and chatbots engaging.

Happy 25th Birthday to the World Wide Web
From ACM News

Happy 25th Birthday to the World Wide Web

Internauts, today we celebrate this glorious technology that brings us all together! On August 23, 1991--25 years ago today--the public gained access for the first...

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

The Bandwidth Bottleneck that Is Throttling the Internet
From ACM News

The Bandwidth Bottleneck that Is Throttling the Internet

On 19 June, several hundred thousand US fans of the television drama Game of Thrones went online to watch an eagerly awaited episode—and triggered a partial failure...

When Computers Are The Hackers
From ACM News

When Computers Are The Hackers

A Pittsburgh company's cyber reasoning system takes the $2-million grand prize in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge.

Reach in and Touch Objects in Videos With 'interactive Dynamic Video'
From ACM TechNews

Reach in and Touch Objects in Videos With 'interactive Dynamic Video'

Interactive Dynamic Video is a new imaging method that can simulate the tactile sensation of objects in videos using cameras and algorithms.

Selfie Righteous: New Tool Corrects Angles and Distances in Portraits
From ACM TechNews

Selfie Righteous: New Tool Corrects Angles and Distances in Portraits

A new tool can correct distortions in self-portrait photographs by making a subject's face appear as if it were photographed from a longer distance or a different...

Facebook's Really Big Plans For Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Facebook's Really Big Plans For Virtual Reality

The office building on Facebook Way is in the unfinished style that honors materials like plywood, concrete, and steel.

New Method Reconstructs Highly Detailed 3D Eyes From a Single Photograph
From ACM TechNews

New Method Reconstructs Highly Detailed 3D Eyes From a Single Photograph

Disney researchers say they have developed a technique that can capture the important, yet subtle details of human eyes with a single facial scan or photo.

New Movie Screen Allows For Glasses-Free 3D at a Larger Scale
From ACM TechNews

New Movie Screen Allows For Glasses-Free 3D at a Larger Scale

Researchers have demonstrated a display on which audiences can watch three-dimensional films in a movie theater without additional eyewear.

Consumers and 3D Printing: The Future
From ACM News

Consumers and 3D Printing: The Future

The market, currently dominated by professional and hobbyist makers, could be changing.
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