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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Astronomers Creep ­p to the Edge of the Milky Way's Black Hole
From ACM News

Astronomers Creep ­p to the Edge of the Milky Way's Black Hole

For the first time, scientists have spotted something wobbling around the black hole at the core of our galaxy.

Machine Learning Spots Natural Selection at Work in Human Genome
From ACM News

Machine Learning Spots Natural Selection at Work in Human Genome

Pinpointing where and how the human genome is evolving can be like hunting for a needle in a haystack.

Quantum Physicists Found a New, Safer Way to Navigate
From ACM News

Quantum Physicists Found a New, Safer Way to Navigate

In 2015, the U.S. Naval Academy decided that its graduates needed to return to the past and learn how to navigate using the stars.

Even a Few Bots Can Shift Public Opinion in Big Ways
From ACM Opinion

Even a Few Bots Can Shift Public Opinion in Big Ways

Nearly two-thirds of the social media bots with political activity on Twitter before the 2016 U.S. presidential election supported Donald Trump.

English Has the Scientific Edge, for Now 
From ACM News

English Has the Scientific Edge, for Now 

For centuries, science was a multilingual affair, powered by French, German, English and other tongues. But since the early 1970s, English has become the undisputed...

Here's How Much Bots Drive Conversation During News Events
From ACM News

Here's How Much Bots Drive Conversation During News Events

Last week, as thousands of Central American migrants made their way northward through Mexico, walking a treacherous route toward the US border, talk of "the caravan...

Artificial Intelligence Is Learning to Keep Learning
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Learning to Keep Learning

What if you stopped learning after graduation? It sounds stultifying, but that is how most machine-learning systems are trained.

The World's Strongest MRI Machines Are Pushing Human Imaging to New Limits
From ACM News

The World's Strongest MRI Machines Are Pushing Human Imaging to New Limits

On a cold morning in Minneapolis last December, a man walked into a research centre to venture where only pigs had gone before: into the strongest magnetic resonance...

This Robot Transforms Itself to Navigate an Obstacle Course
From ACM News

This Robot Transforms Itself to Navigate an Obstacle Course

When you've got a hammer, everything looks like a nail, but the world starts to look more interesting if your hammer can change shape.

Electronic Voting Was Going to Be the Future. Now Paper's Making a Comeback
From ACM News

Electronic Voting Was Going to Be the Future. Now Paper's Making a Comeback

You could call it buyer's remorse. Five US states went all in on electronic voting machines, and four of those states are poised to get out.

NASA Retires Kepler Space Telescope, Passes Planet-Hunting Torch
From ACM News

NASA Retires Kepler Space Telescope, Passes Planet-Hunting Torch

After nine years in deep space collecting data that indicate our sky to be filled with billions of hidden planets—more planets even than stars—NASA's Kepler space...

Happy with a 20% Chance of Sadness
From ACM News

Happy with a 20% Chance of Sadness

In the winter of 1994, a young man in his early twenties named Tim was a patient in a London psychiatric hospital.

What Does a Crooked Election Look Like?
From ACM News

What Does a Crooked Election Look Like?

For voters around the world, including the millions of Americans who will cast ballots in the midterms up to and on November 6, an election is democracy in action—an...

Europe Shows First Cards in €1-Billion Quantum Bet
From ACM News

Europe Shows First Cards in €1-Billion Quantum Bet

Plans to build two working quantum computers are among the first winners to be announced in a €1-billion (US$1.1 billion) funding initiative of the European Commission...

The ­.S. Pushes to Build ­nhackable Quantum Networks
From ACM News

The ­.S. Pushes to Build ­nhackable Quantum Networks

A few years ago, Edward Snowden, a contractor working for the US National Security Agency, leaked documents that showed the ways in which intelligence agenciestapped...

Building a Fly Brain in a Computer
From ACM TechNews

Building a Fly Brain in a Computer

Researchers have built a neural network that mimics the fruit fly's visual system, and can distinguish and re-identify flies.

China Rattles Washington's Tech Debates
From ACM News

China Rattles Washington's Tech Debates

A common thread is running through nearly every tech debate in Washington these days: fear that an ambitious China is poised to win the next wave of technology....

NASA's InSight Will Study Mars While Standing Still
From ACM News

NASA's InSight Will Study Mars While Standing Still

You don't need wheels to explore Mars.

A New Movement in Seismology
From Communications of the ACM

A New Movement in Seismology

Unused telecom fiber might be used to detect earthquakes, uncover other secrets in the soil.

What Comes After the Roomba?
From ACM News

What Comes After the Roomba?

It has been 16 years since the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner was introduced by iRobot.
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