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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The AI Game That Knows You Better Than Anyone
From ACM TechNews

The AI Game That Knows You Better Than Anyone

Many computer science researchers are trying to create an AI system that offers video game players a more tailored experience.  

Zoran Popovi?: Recruiting Gamers to Fight Disease
From ACM Opinion

Zoran Popovi?: Recruiting Gamers to Fight Disease

Proteins are the workhorses of our cells: They turn food into energy and determine our health. Each one is a chain of molecules—sometimes thousands of links long—that...

'Big Data' From Social Media, Elsewhere Online Redefines Trend-Watching
From ACM TechNews

'Big Data' From Social Media, Elsewhere Online Redefines Trend-Watching

Trend analysis and forecasting is being rethought thanks to the explosion of data generated by social media and other services, with IBM estimating that about 2...

New Commission Aims to Help Government Tap Into Big Data
From ACM TechNews

New Commission Aims to Help Government Tap Into Big Data

The TechAmerica Foundation says 22 experts and academics will collaborate to form a Big Data Commission to provide guidance to the U.S. government and businesses...

Astronomers Predict Titanic Collision: Milky Way vs. Andromeda
From ACM News

Astronomers Predict Titanic Collision: Milky Way vs. Andromeda

NASA astronomers say they can now predict with certainty the next major cosmic event to affect our galaxy, sun, and solar system: the titanic collision of our Milky...

The Whois Database May Finally Get an Overhaul
From ACM TechNews

The Whois Database May Finally Get an Overhaul

A volunteer group at ICANN has released a report on the Whois database that points out the problems with the database, the parties responsible, and some potential...

Dark Shadows on Mars: Scene from Durable Nasa Rover
From ACM News

Dark Shadows on Mars: Scene from Durable Nasa Rover

Like a tourist waiting for just the right lighting to snap a favorite shot during a stay at the Grand Canyon, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has used...

High Court to Hear Warrantless Eavesdropping Challenge
From ACM News

High Court to Hear Warrantless Eavesdropping Challenge

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to decide whether to halt a legal challenge to a once-secret warrantless surveillance program targeting Americans' communications...

Online Friendships Light ­p Shadow Social Networks
From ACM News

Online Friendships Light ­p Shadow Social Networks

Friending someone on Facebook makes an association public, but many relationships are never professed online.

Data Mining Meets City Hall
From Communications of the ACM

Data Mining Meets City Hall

Local and national governments are turning to open data to cut their costs, increase transparency and efficiency, and respond to the needs of citizens.

Analyzing Medical Data
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Medical Data

Electronic patient records contain a treasure trove of data, and researchers are using natural language processing technology to mine the structured data and free...

From ACM News

Troves of Personal Data, Forbidden to Researchers

When scientists publish their research, they also make the underlying data available so the results can be verified by other scientists.

Welcome to the Multiverse
From ACM News

Welcome to the Multiverse

"What really interests me is whether God had any choice in creating the world." That's how Albert Einstein, in his characteristically poetic way, asked whether...

Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist
From ACM News

Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist

Just over five years ago, Jim Gray, a computer scientist then working for Microsoft, vanished with his sailboat somewhere in the waters beyond the Golden Gate Bridge...

Project Aims to Build Online Hub for Archival Materials
From ACM TechNews

Project Aims to Build Online Hub for Archival Materials

The Social Networks and Archival Context Project, developed by Daniel V. Pitti at the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities...

Nasa Survey Counts Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
From ACM News

Nasa Survey Counts Potentially Hazardous Asteroids

Observations from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have led to the best assessment yet of our solar system's population of potentially hazardous...

Facebook's Prospects May Rest on Trove of Data
From ACM News

Facebook's Prospects May Rest on Trove of Data

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief, has managed to amass more information about more people than anyone else in history. Now what?

Font for Digits Lets Numbers Punch Their Weight
From ACM TechNews

Font for Digits Lets Numbers Punch Their Weight

Researchers at the St. Andrews and Calgary universities have developed FatFonts, a font that offers a way to write numbers so that their areas equal their numerical...

US Sets $1.4m to Get Unique Metaphor-Recognizing Software System Humming
From ACM TechNews

US Sets $1.4m to Get Unique Metaphor-Recognizing Software System Humming

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory has awarded a $1.4 million contract to a team that plans to develop software that can automatically recognize metaphorical speech...

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind
From ACM News

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind

Conversations between people include a lot more than just words. All sorts of visual and aural cues indicate each party's state of mind and make for a productive...
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