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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Machine Science

Manually tracking all the published science relevant to a scientist's research is an impossible task, but it is predicted that computers capable of generating many...

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps
From ACM News

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps

A new research breakthrough from Intel combines silicon chips and lasers to transmit data at 50 gigabits per second—and someday, maybe as fast as a terabit per...

Polymer Synthesis Could Aid Future Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Polymer Synthesis Could Aid Future Electronics

Canadian and Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a process that could lead to the development of brighter, clearer, and more energy-efficient...

Cut-and-Paste Simplicity For Computer Animation
From ICT Results

Cut-and-Paste Simplicity For Computer Animation

Tools developed by European researchers bring cut-and-paste simplicity to gaming and animation. Users will be able to cut-and-paste complex elements like emotion...

Asu Camera Yields Best Red Planet Map Ever
From ACM News

Asu Camera Yields Best Red Planet Map Ever

The best Mars map ever made is now available online for planetary scientists and armchair astronauts alike. And citizen scientists invited to help make it even...

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato
From Communications of the ACM

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato

The PLATO@50 Conference marked the semicentennial of the computer system that was the forerunner of today's social media and interactive education.

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior
From Communications of the ACM

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior

Data captured by sensors worn on the human body and analyzed in near real-time could transform our understanding of human behavior, health, and society.

Mechanism Design Meets Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

Mechanism Design Meets Computer Science

A field emerging from economics is teaming up with computer science to improve auctions, supply chains, and communication protocols.

Stanford 'frankencamera' Platform Available on Nokia N900 Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Stanford 'frankencamera' Platform Available on Nokia N900 Smartphone

Stanford University has released Frankencamera, an open source digital photography software platform that enables users to create imaging applications for use on...

From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Made Faster

University of Utah researchers have developed a new multidimensional scaling method that they say enables simpler, faster data mining. 

Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing
From ACM News

Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to roll out sophisticated electronic ID tags to track individual pairs of jeans and underwear, the first step in a system that advocates...

Safety in Numbers
From ACM TechNews

Safety in Numbers

Mathematicians and computer scientists are working on equations and algorithms that exhibit potential as terrorism countermeasures. These include powerful algorithms...

Brighter Color For Reflective E-Reading Displays
From ACM TechNews

Brighter Color For Reflective E-Reading Displays

Hewlett-Packard researchers are developing a composite material that use ambient light to create more vibrant colors for video-capable, low-power screens. 

Geo-Tags Reveal Celeb Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Geo-Tags Reveal Celeb Secrets

U.S. computer scientists have demonstrated that by using information from Internet images and videos it is possible to determine the addresses and locations of...

From ACM News

Letting the Machines Decide

Wall Street is notorious for not learning from its mistakes. Maybe machines can do better.

ECS Releases All Public Data in Open Linked Data Format
From ACM TechNews

ECS Releases All Public Data in Open Linked Data Format

The University of Southampton's School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) recently became the United Kingdom's first university department to release all...

Solving the Crisis of Choice Online
From ICT Results

Solving the Crisis of Choice Online

In an age of information overload, a team of European researchers are developing technology to solve the "crisis of choice" people face when surfing the Web, shopping...

Flexible Organic Transistor Memory Looks Promising For Future Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Organic Transistor Memory Looks Promising For Future Electronics

South Korean engineers have developed a flexible memory based on an organic transistor, which they say could be integrated, along with transistors and logic circuits...

From ACM TechNews

International Conference Confronts Data Deluge

At the recent International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, scientific domain experts, database researchers, practitioners, and developers...

Soccer Stars Ranked ­sing Statistics
From ACM News

Soccer Stars Ranked ­sing Statistics

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a computer program that objectively measures player performance; the research method also could be used...
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