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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Say Web Searches Are Good Predictors of Success

Web searches are an indicator of the success of movies, games, and songs, according to a Yahoo! research group. Although the study found that traditional predictors...

From ACM TechNews

Google Offers JPEG Alternative for Faster Web

Google has developed a new format for Web images called WebP, which it says can reduce image file sizes by 40 percent compared to the widely used JPEG format. 

Scidac Visualizations Bring Science to the Senses
From ACM News

Scidac Visualizations Bring Science to the Senses

The recent SciDAC 2010 conference included a visualization competition involving attendees' best scientific visualizations from simulations run on high-performance...

Researchers Generate Compelling Results on Tacc's Visualization Cluster
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Generate Compelling Results on Tacc's Visualization Cluster

The Texas Advanced Computing Center's hardware-accelerated interactive visualization cluster, called Longhorn, is providing researchers with new visualization capabilities...

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale
From ACM News

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale

Scanning 1,200 brains could help researchers chart the organ's fine structure and better understand neurological disorders.

Dust Models Paint Alien's View of Solar System
From ACM News

Dust Models Paint Alien's View of Solar System

New supercomputer simulations tracking the interactions of thousands of dust grains show what the solar system might look like to alien astronomers searching...

Personal Fabrication
From Communications of the ACM

Personal Fabrication

Open source 3D printers could herald the start of a new industrial revolution.

What Twitter Learns from All Those Tweets
From ACM News

What Twitter Learns from All Those Tweets

The company's head of analytics explains how Twitter mines the data users produce.

From ACM News

India Launches Project to Id 1.2 Billion People

India's vaunted tech savvy is being put to the test this week as the country embarks on a daunting mission: assigning a unique 12-digit number to each of its...

Quantum Data Converted to Telecom Wavelengths
From ACM News

Quantum Data Converted to Telecom Wavelengths

Using optically dense, ultra-cold clouds of rubidium atoms, researchers at Georgia Tech have made advances in three key elements needed for quantum information...

'citizen Scientists' Could Help in Response to Environmental Disasters
From ACM News

'citizen Scientists' Could Help in Response to Environmental Disasters

Jules White, with the Virginia Tech College of Engineering, seeks to create a massive data collection system that would rely on information captured by "citizen...

From ACM News

Progress Toward Terabit-Rate High-Density Recording

Next-generation high-density storage devices may keep more than 70 times the contents of the entire U.S. Library of Congress on a single disc—but only if that data...

From ACM News

Sensor Networks Top Social Networks For Big Data

The Internet of Things—with sensors that monitor, for example, road use or airline flights—is poised to dwarf social media sites in its ability to generate data...

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna
From ACM News

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna

The trick lets sensors last five times as long between charges.

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage

Berkeley Lab researchers have discovered a new class of phase-change materials that could be applied to phase-change random access memory technologies and possibly...

From ACM News

3-D Computer Simulations Help Shed Light on Supernovae Explosions

Scientists have found a novel way to make three-dimensional computer simulations of supernovae explosions that may help in understanding these explosions better...

From ACM News

Nist Data Sets Enable Technical Basis For High-Rise Evacuation Planning

Researchers at NIST are stepping up the pace for designing safer building evacuations by releasing large, numerical datasets tracking the movement of people on...

Archer Fish Can See Like Mammals
From ACM TechNews

Archer Fish Can See Like Mammals

Computer scientists at Ben Gurion University of the Negev trained archer fish to spit at images of insects on a liquid crystal display screen, then used images...

From ACM News

The Big Promise of Big Data: What You Need to Know Today

In the never-ending quest for a competitive advantage, organizations are turning to large repositories of corporate and external data to uncover trends, statistics...

From ACM News

Database Helps Researchers Identify Drug Targets

Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have developed a new computational method that will provide scientists with a better mechanistic understanding of...
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