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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Data as Art: 10 Striking Science Maps
From ACM News

Data as Art: 10 Striking Science Maps

The computer age triggered a seemingly endless stream of scientific data, but such incoming mountains of information come at a cost. The more data you amass,...

2010 Visualization Challenge
From ACM News

2010 Visualization Challenge

An "ocean" composed of a single layer of molecules; an intricate depiction of an HIV particle as a study in orange and gray; a phantasmagoria of fungi; a video...

Remapping Computer Circuitry to Avert Impending Bottlenecks
From ACM News

Remapping Computer Circuitry to Avert Impending Bottlenecks

Hewlett-Packard researchers have proposed a fundamental rethinking of the modern computer for the coming era of nanoelectronics—a marriage of memory and computing...

How We Know
From ACM News

How We Know

James Gleick's first chapter has the title "Drums That Talk." It explains the concept of information by looking at a simple example.

Memristors: Pass or Fail?
From Communications of the ACM

Memristors: Pass or Fail?

The device may revolutionize data storage, replacing flash memory and perhaps even disks. Whether they can be reliably and cheaply manufactured, though, is an open...

Twitter as Medium and Message
From Communications of the ACM

Twitter as Medium and Message

Researchers are mining Twitter's vast flow of data to measure public sentiment, follow political activity, and detect earthquakes and flu outbreaks.

Grid Computing's Future
From Communications of the ACM

Grid Computing's Future

Outreach programs and usability improvements are drawing many researchers to grid computing from disciplines that have not traditionally used such resources.

Better Than Human? What's Next for Jeopardy! Computer
From ACM News

Better Than Human? What's Next for Jeopardy! Computer

A medical robot; a Google-killer; a financial advisor; a tool for trawling legal documents; an aide for the intelligence services. These are just some of the...

Electronic Mining of Published Research May Lead to New Scientific Breakthroughs
From ACM TechNews

Electronic Mining of Published Research May Lead to New Scientific Breakthroughs

University of Chicago researchers are exploring how metaknowledge can be used to better understand science's social context and the biases that can affect research...

Extracting Business Ideas From It Logs
From ACM News

Extracting Business Ideas From It Logs

Many companies' IT infrastructure is automatically gathering a comprehensive picture of their whole business, in the form of everything from Web server and phone...

ACM Launches New Digital Library
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Launches New Digital Library

More than 50 years of computing literature is augmented, streamlined, and joined to powerful new tools for retrieval and analysis.

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer
From Communications of the ACM

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer

Computer science has lost not only a great scientist, but an important link to the electronic computing revolution that took place in the 1940s.

Information Theory After Shannon
From Communications of the ACM

Information Theory After Shannon

Purdue University's Science of Information Center seeks new principles to answer the question 'What is information?'

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases
From Communications of the ACM

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases

Power-saving processor algorithms have the potential to create significant energy and cost savings.

3D Tv? How About Holographic Tv?
From ACM News

3D Tv? How About Holographic Tv?

Using a single Xbox Kinect and standard graphics chips, MIT researchers demonstrate the highest frame rate yet for streaming holographic video.

Rise of the Robot Astronomers
From ACM TechNews

Rise of the Robot Astronomers

Mount Palomar Observatory's Palomar Transient Factory uses AI to locate variable stars, or transients. "Our grand goal is to remove astronomers from the real-time...

From ACM TechNews

Smart ­se of Mobile Phone Power

University of Portsmouth's Mohamed Gaber is researching how smartphones could be combined to quickly collect and process information without using centralized computers...

From ACM TechNews

'outrageous Ideas' at Cidr: Seeking to Stimulate Innovative Research Directions

The Computing Community Consortium is sponsoring "wacky idea" sessions aimed at identifying major new research opportunities. The program hopes to move beyond...

Ph.d. Candidate Optimizes New Data Storage Method
From ACM TechNews

Ph.d. Candidate Optimizes New Data Storage Method

The University of Twente's Johan Engelen has optimized a new storage technique by adding another motor which drives a needle that reads bits. The new technique...

From ACM TechNews

Eu Project to Facilitate Collaboration in Data-Intensive Environments

The European Union's Dicode project is using high-performance computing technologies and data processing methods to facilitate decision making in data-intensive...
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