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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The New Smart Cities
From Communications of the ACM

The New Smart Cities

How urban information systems are slowly revamping the modern metropolis.

ACM Announces 2014 Award Recipients
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Announces 2014 Award Recipients

Recognizing excellence in technical and professional achievements and contributions in computer science and information technology.

Will Millimeter Waves Maximize 5g Wireless?
From ACM Opinion

Will Millimeter Waves Maximize 5g Wireless?

Every decade or so since the first cellular networks appeared the companies that make mobile devices and the networks linking them have worked out new requirements...

Vietnam's Mobile Revolution Catapults Millions Into the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

Vietnam's Mobile Revolution Catapults Millions Into the Digital Age

To get an idea of how the mobile Web is catapulting millions of people into the digital age by skipping landline connections, have a look at Vietnam.

Want Your Writing to Look Like Einstein's? Computers Mimic Handwriting of the Famous
From ACM Opinion

Want Your Writing to Look Like Einstein's? Computers Mimic Handwriting of the Famous

Harald Geisler wants to make you as brilliant as Albert Einstein. Or at least let you write like him. Or at least write in his handwriting.

Getting 'physical' and Emotional in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Getting 'physical' and Emotional in Virtual Reality

If you think about virtual reality, you probably think of it as the place where gamers don an Oculus headset and go shoot up enemies in 3D or travel space.

How Companies Turn Your Facebook Activity Into a Credit Score
From ACM News

How Companies Turn Your Facebook Activity Into a Credit Score

Nicole Keplinger, 22, had long seen ads on Facebook promising financial relief, but she always ignored them and assumed that they were scams.

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?
From ACM News

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?

Ivan Poupyrev looks like he's playing the world's smallest violin.

Household Robots Are Here, but Where Are They Going?
From ACM News

Household Robots Are Here, but Where Are They Going?

Social robots like the quasi-anthropomorphic Jibo and Amazon's far more utilitarian Echo are beginning to find their places in our living rooms.

'deep Learning' Will Soon Give ­S Super-Smart Robots
From ACM News

'deep Learning' Will Soon Give ­S Super-Smart Robots

Yann LeCun is among those bringing a new level of artificial intelligence to popular internet services from the likes of Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry
From ACM Opinion

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry

Ever since Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down as co-chairmen and co-chief executives of BlackBerry, neither has spoken much in public about the once-dominant...

Oculus Rift Hack Transfers Your Facial Expressions Onto Your Avatar
From ACM TechNews

Oculus Rift Hack Transfers Your Facial Expressions Onto Your Avatar

Researchers have developed a system to track the facial expressions of users wearing a virtual-reality headset and transfer them to a virtual avatar. 

Microsoft’s Hololens Will Put Realistic 3D People in Your Living Room
From ACM News

Microsoft’s Hololens Will Put Realistic 3D People in Your Living Room

Demonstrations of augmented-reality displays typically involve tricking you into seeing animated content such as monsters and robots that aren’t really there.

Forging Relationships
From Communications of the ACM

Forging Relationships

Michael Stonebraker didn't realize at the outset that it would take six years to create INGRES, one of the world's first relational databases.

Klaus Tschira
From Communications of the ACM

Klaus Tschira: 1940-2015

Klaus Tschira, the entrepreneur, software pioneer, and patron and supporter of scientific research who died unexpectedly on March 31st, 2015,  made numerous lasting...

From Communications of the ACM

Estonia: A Model For E-Government

Over the next decade, the population of Estonia is expected to soar more than 600% as the country becomes the first in the world to open its borders to an influx...

Between the Lines
From Communications of the ACM

Between the Lines

Smartphone apps are driving changes in the way people park. Sensors, crowdsourcing, and big data are making it easier to find open parking spots.

Plenty of Proteins
From Communications of the ACM

Plenty of Proteins

The growth of structural biology brings new challenges for the world's protein data archive.

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now
From ACM Careers

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now

In 1997 chess master Gary Kasparov went to battle against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in a landmark match. After six games Deep Blue prevailed, marking the...

Oculus Rift Hack Transfers Your Facial Expressions Onto Your Virtual Avatar
From ACM News

Oculus Rift Hack Transfers Your Facial Expressions Onto Your Virtual Avatar

When Facebook bought Oculus VR back in March of 2014, many wondered exactly what the social network was going to do with it; let's face it, many of us are still wondering...
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