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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Technology Confounds the Courts
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Confounds the Courts

Despite the need to make decisions relevant to technologies, the U.S. Supreme Court is not the most techno-savvy group.

The Forever Disc
From Communications of the ACM

The Forever Disc

Can our digital data represent us a million years from now?

How Computers Are Changing Biology
From Communications of the ACM

How Computers Are Changing Biology

Sophisticated computer models and simulations are replacing test tubes and beakers. This revolution in biology research is redefining medicine, agriculture, and...

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.
From ACM Opinion

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.

The best way to think about Aereo, the company at the center of this week's Supreme Court battle over the future of computing, is as an example of legal performance...

How America's Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future
From ACM Opinion

How America's Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future

Stories set in the future are often judged, as time passes, on whether they come true or not.

Gambling with Computers
From ACM News

Gambling with Computers

Researchers are turning to computers, big data, and sophisticated algorithms to improve the odds of picking a winner.

Aereo Analysis: Cloud Computing at a Crossroads
From ACM News

Aereo Analysis: Cloud Computing at a Crossroads

The question of whether online broadcast television is to remain in the hands of a stodgy industry that once declared the VCR the enemy is being put directly before...

Google ­ses Algorithms to Create Slr-Like Photos
From ACM TechNews

Google ­ses Algorithms to Create Slr-Like Photos

Google has developed an algorithm that can generate photographic images with a depth of field similar to pictures taken by a single lens reflex camera. 

Hopkins Code Cracks Baseball Scheduling
From ACM TechNews

Hopkins Code Cracks Baseball Scheduling

A new system fulfills all of a baseball league's scheduling rules, and as many of the teams' requests and preferences as possible, using thousands of lines of code...

Internet of Things: The 'ghosts' that Haunt the Machine
From ACM News

Internet of Things: The 'ghosts' that Haunt the Machine

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands
From ACM News

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands

One has a ganglion cyst.

Stanford Engineers Design Video Game Controller That Can Sense Players' Emotions
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Engineers Design Video Game Controller That Can Sense Players' Emotions

Stanford University researchers have developed a prototype video game controller that gauges the player's brain activity in real time. 

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables
From ACM Opinion

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables

As gadgets get smaller, and mobile manufacturers find new ways to shrink their devices to fit on a user's wrist, people like Steve Matteson are focused on keeping...

High-Tech Items Giving Deaf-Blind Online Access
From ACM News

High-Tech Items Giving Deaf-Blind Online Access

Tanisha Verdejo loves to surf the Internet for shopping deals. She chats on Facebook, learns about new recipes and enjoys sending emails to friends and family.

Explore Angkor Wat with Google Street View
From ACM News

Explore Angkor Wat with Google Street View

Angkor, what remains of the capital of the Khmer Empire, is an incredibly beautiful place, but it's also very remote: tucked in the Cambodian jungle, at the intersection...

Harnessing the Power of Hashtags to Tackle Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

Harnessing the Power of Hashtags to Tackle Climate Change

The #Climate mobile app is designed to help build momentum for climate change policies by connecting influential persons to nonprofits via a social network model...

If You Like Immersion, You'll Love This Reality
From ACM Opinion

If You Like Immersion, You'll Love This Reality

The news that Facebook paid $2 billion for a virtual reality start-up, Oculus VR, might strike you as a bit zany.

The Story of Cortana, Microsoft's Siri Killer
From ACM Opinion

The Story of Cortana, Microsoft's Siri Killer

Technically, Cortana isn't supposed to exist for at least another 500 years, but that's not stopping Microsoft from bringing her to life this week.

Knowledge Transfer: Computers Teach Each Other Pac-Man
From ACM TechNews

Knowledge Transfer: Computers Teach Each Other Pac-Man

A computer now can give advice and teach skills to another computer similar to the way a real teacher interacts with a student.

The Internet Is Killing Most Languages
From ACM News

The Internet Is Killing Most Languages

You might be living through another mass extinction of species—brought on by us humans, who have been changing climate and fragmenting habitats at an increasing...
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