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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microbiologists Make Big Leap in Developing 'green' Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Microbiologists Make Big Leap in Developing 'green' Electronics

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have discovered a type of microbial nanowire that could help researchers develop sustainable conducting materials...

The Ftc Has Sued D-Link Over ­nsecure Routers and Webcams
From ACM News

The Ftc Has Sued D-Link Over ­nsecure Routers and Webcams

Part of an ongoing effort to secure the Internet of Things.

Superfast Camera Sees Shock Wave from Light
From ACM News

Superfast Camera Sees Shock Wave from Light

A camera system that captures a snapshot of overlapping light waves in a tiny fraction of a second could lead to new methods for imaging, allowing scientists to...

How to Learn Morse Code—semiconsciously
From ACM News

How to Learn Morse Code—semiconsciously

Learning Morse code, with its tappity-tap rhythms of dots and dashes, could take far less effort—and attention—than one might think.

Researchers Build Carbon Nanotube Transistors That Outperform Those Made with Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Build Carbon Nanotube Transistors That Outperform Those Made with Silicon

Researchers at Peking University in China say they have built a carbon nanotube-based working transistor that outperforms larger transistors made with silicon. ...

Data Mining Solves the Mystery of Your Slow Wi-Fi Connection
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Solves the Mystery of Your Slow Wi-Fi Connection

Researchers at Tsinghua University in China have discovered why slow or failed Wi-Fi connectivity happens and how to avoid it, by measuring the time it took for...

Soft Robot Helps the Heart Beat
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robot Helps the Heart Beat

Researchers have developed a customizable soft robot that twists and compresses in sync with a beating heart, augmenting cardiovascular functions compromised by...

­.s. Soldiers Will Be Armed With Machine Translators to Kill Communication Woes
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Soldiers Will Be Armed With Machine Translators to Kill Communication Woes

The U.S. military will soon reach full deployment of its Machine Foreign Language Translation System, which runs on military and commercial devices.

Heartbeat Could Be ­sed as Password to Access Electronic Health Records
From ACM TechNews

Heartbeat Could Be ­sed as Password to Access Electronic Health Records

Binghamton University researchers say they have developed a way to protect personal electronic health records using a patient's own heartbeat.

Secure Quantum Communications
From Communications of the ACM

Secure Quantum Communications

Data locking experiments provide stepping stones to a possible future in quantum cryptography.

Are Computer Chips the New Security Threat?
From Communications of the ACM

Are Computer Chips the New Security Threat?

Security researchers have identified a technique for installing a backdoor on computer chips, a security flaw that could profoundly change the computing industry...

It's Not the Algorithm, It's the Data
From Communications of the ACM

It's Not the Algorithm, It's the Data

In risk assessment and predictive policing, biased data can yield biased results.

What Better Way For the Marines to Prepare For Future Wars Than With Sci-Fi?
From ACM News

What Better Way For the Marines to Prepare For Future Wars Than With Sci-Fi?

Lance Cpl. Steven West steps into a remote enemy hideout clad in a 350-pound exoskeleton, sensors piercing the darkness and displaying digital info on his helmet...

Impact of Job-Stealing Robots a Growing Concern at Davos
From ACM News

Impact of Job-Stealing Robots a Growing Concern at Davos

Open markets and global trade have been blamed for job losses over the last decade, but global CEOs say the real culprits are increasingly machines.

DARPA Wants to Simulate How Social Media Spreads Info Like Wildfire
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Wants to Simulate How Social Media Spreads Info Like Wildfire

A new program from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency aims to better understand the spread and evolution of information online.

After First Week, AI System Is Beating Human Poker Players
From ACM TechNews

After First Week, AI System Is Beating Human Poker Players

An artificial intelligence system called Libratus has gained the upper hand against human poker players in the first week of a 20-day tournament in Pittsburgh. ...

Artificial Fingertip That 'feels' Wins Harvard's Robotics Competition
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Fingertip That 'feels' Wins Harvard's Robotics Competition

Researchers from the University of Bristol recently won Harvard University's international Soft Robotics competition for TacTip, an open source three-dimensionally...

New Smartwatch Application For Accurate Signature Verification Developed
From ACM TechNews

New Smartwatch Application For Accurate Signature Verification Developed

Researchers say they have developed a system that uses smartwatch devices and software to verify handwritten signatures and detect even the most skilled forgeries...

Brainwaves Could Act as Your Password--but Not If You're Drunk
From ACM TechNews

Brainwaves Could Act as Your Password--but Not If You're Drunk

Rochester Institute of Technology have found that although brainwave readings can accurately authenticate someone's identity about 94% of the time, there could...

In 2017, China Is Doubling Down on AI
From ACM News

In 2017, China Is Doubling Down on AI

This year, China looks set to make larger waves than ever in artificial intelligence and augmented reality.
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