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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Watch These Mini-Robots Self-Assemble Into Different Shapes
From ACM TechNews

Watch These Mini-Robots Self-Assemble Into Different Shapes

Harvard University's Self-Organizing Systems Research group has developed a "large-scale robot collective" that can self-assemble into different shapes.

DARPA Wants to Create Secure Data-Sharing Tech
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Wants to Create Secure Data-Sharing Tech

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is launching the Secure Handhelds on Assured Resilient networks at the tactical Edge project.

Semiconductor Eyed For Next-Generation 'power Electronics'
From ACM TechNews

Semiconductor Eyed For Next-Generation 'power Electronics'

Purdue University researchers have demonstrated the high-performance potential of an experimental transistor made of beta gallium oxide.

Searching Deep and Dark: Building a Google For the Less Visible Parts of the Web
From ACM TechNews

Searching Deep and Dark: Building a Google For the Less Visible Parts of the Web

Apache Tika could help with the effort to teach computers to recognize, index, and search all the different types of material that is available online.

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now
From ACM Opinion

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now

Trucks that can drive themselves along delivery routes. Computers capable of defeating world champions in a notoriously complex game. Apps that can translate sentences...

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It
From ACM News

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It

The McDonald's on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street in New York City doesn/t look all that different from any of the fast-food chain's other locations...

Black Holes Hide in Our Cosmic Backyard
From ACM News

Black Holes Hide in Our Cosmic Backyard

Monster black holes sometimes lurk behind gas and dust, hiding from the gaze of most telescopes. But they give themselves away when material they feed on emits...

Ua-Developed Avatar Is Helping to Screen New Arrivals at Bucharest Airport
From ACM TechNews

Ua-Developed Avatar Is Helping to Screen New Arrivals at Bucharest Airport

University of Arizona researchers have developed a virtual border agent to question international travelers and flag those that seem suspicious.

Jill Watson, Round Three
From ACM TechNews

Jill Watson, Round Three

The Georgia Institute of Technology is beginning its third semester using a virtual teaching assistant system in an online course about artificial intelligence....

Innovators Wanted: Machine Learning, Iot Jobs on the Rise
From ACM TechNews

Innovators Wanted: Machine Learning, Iot Jobs on the Rise

The job market for machine learning and artificial intelligence-related positions is heating up.

Taking Graphics Cards Beyond Gaming
From ACM TechNews

Taking Graphics Cards Beyond Gaming

A new mathematical solver enables the graphics cards found in gaming computers to solve computationally intensive mathematical problems.

New Camera Can See Around Corners
From ACM TechNews

New Camera Can See Around Corners

Researchers at Xi'an Jiaotong University in China have built a single-pixel camera that can capture images of objects even when they are not in direct view.

Air Force Tests Ibm's Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter
From ACM News

Air Force Tests Ibm's Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter

Satellites, aircraft, and growing numbers of drones—the U.S. Air Force has a lot of electronic eyes in the sky.  

The Many-Moons Theory
From ACM News

The Many-Moons Theory

Unbeknownst to most earthlings, the moon is experiencing a crisis.

Finding Trust and ­Understanding in Autonomous Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Finding Trust and ­Understanding in Autonomous Technologies

Whether autonomous technologies become truly ubiquitous will depend on how much they can be trusted.

Additive Manufacturing: A New Twist For Stretchable Electronics?
From ACM TechNews

Additive Manufacturing: A New Twist For Stretchable Electronics?

Missouri University of Science & Technology researchers are studying electronic components that can be elongated or twisted, which could soon be used to power a...

Utsa Study Shows How Phishing Scams Thrive on Overconfidence
From ACM TechNews

Utsa Study Shows How Phishing Scams Thrive on Overconfidence

University of Texas at San Antonio researchers have examined overconfidence in detecting phishing emails, based on the theory that most people believe they are...

50 Things That Made the Modern Economy
From ACM News

50 Things That Made the Modern Economy

The Compiler.

Vr Trauma Surgery 101: Going For the Grisly
From ACM News

Vr Trauma Surgery 101: Going For the Grisly

Medical students experience the controlled chaos of trauma surgery, virtually.

'transfer Learning' Jump-Starts New AI Projects
From ACM TechNews

'transfer Learning' Jump-Starts New AI Projects

Abstracting and reusing knowledge gleaned from a machine-learning application in other, newer apps--or "transfer learning"--is supplementing other learning methods...
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