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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Biggest Digital Map of the Cosmos Ever Made
From ACM News

The Biggest Digital Map of the Cosmos Ever Made

On the summit of Haleakala, a dormant volcano on the island of Maui in Hawaii, a telescope began clicking pictures of the night sky in 2010.

Drones Inspired By Insects Could Keep Flying Even When Damaged
From ACM TechNews

Drones Inspired By Insects Could Keep Flying Even When Damaged

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands programmed a robotic fly to mimic insects with different levels of wing damage, enabling them to examine...

2016 Robotics Roadmap and the National Robotics Initiative 2.0
From ACM TechNews

2016 Robotics Roadmap and the National Robotics Initiative 2.0

An updated version of the 2009 "A Roadmap for U.S. Robotics, From Internet to Robotics" report was released in November, expanding on the topics discussed in the...

Taming Oceans of Data With New Visualization Techniques
From ACM TechNews

Taming Oceans of Data With New Visualization Techniques

Princeton University researchers say they have transformed complex modeling data of the global ocean into an animated movie that shows how the Earth's heating and...

Nanowire 'inks' Enable Paper-Based Printable Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Nanowire 'inks' Enable Paper-Based Printable Electronics

Electrons zip through films made of silver nanowires much easier than films made from other shapes, such as nanospheres or microflakes, according to Duke University...

Supercomputing Subatomic Particle Research on Titan
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Subatomic Particle Research on Titan

Joint research by the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and NVIDIA is aimed at developing improved quantum chromodynamics codes for graphics-processing...

Apple Removes New York Times App in China 
From ACM News

Apple Removes New York Times App in China 

Apple has removed the New York Times app from its store in China after a government request, in an example of how far the company will go to please the authorities...

Google Reveals Secret Test of AI Bot to Beat Top Go Players
From ACM News

Google Reveals Secret Test of AI Bot to Beat Top Go Players

A mystery player causing a stir in the world of the complex strategy game Go has been revealed as an updated version of AlphaGo, the artificial-intelligence program...

Some Bizarre Black Holes Put On Light Shows
From ACM News

Some Bizarre Black Holes Put On Light Shows

People think of black holes as nightmare vacuum cleaners, sucking in everything in reach, from light to stars to Matthew McConaughey in the movie Interstellar....

In the Twinkling of an Eye
From ACM TechNews

In the Twinkling of an Eye

The process of automatically tracking the direction of a person's gaze is making significant progress.

5 Big Predictions For Artificial Intelligence in 2017
From ACM TechNews

5 Big Predictions For Artificial Intelligence in 2017

Among the expected advancements in artificial intelligence for 2017 is progress in applying deep reinforcement learning to real-world challenges such as automated...

Streamlining the Internet of Things and Other Cyber-Physical Systems
From ACM TechNews

Streamlining the Internet of Things and Other Cyber-Physical Systems

Researchers at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) and other institutions have developed a framework to enhance research on cyber-physical systems...

Can Paint Strokes Help Identify Alzheimer's?
From ACM TechNews

Can Paint Strokes Help Identify Alzheimer's?

Researchers at Maynooth University in Ireland and the University of Liverpool in the U.K. found it may be possible to use fractal analysis to detect neurodegenerative...

A Digital Portrayal of James Joyce's 'portrait'
From ACM TechNews

A Digital Portrayal of James Joyce's 'portrait'

Computer scientists and literature scholars at University College Dublin in Ireland have teamed up to create a multimedia version of James Joyce's novel "A Portrait...

Trump Questions Quest For Cybersecurity: 'no Computer Is Safe' 
From ACM News

Trump Questions Quest For Cybersecurity: 'no Computer Is Safe' 

President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly questioned whether critical computer networks can ever be protected from intruders, alarming cybersecurity experts who...

Scientists Working on ­sing Dna For Computers
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Working on ­sing Dna For Computers

Researchers at Brock University in Canada have developed a strategy that simplifies the design of DNA circuits, which eventually could be used in a DNA computer...

Mit's Foundry Interface Is the Photoshop of 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Mit's Foundry Interface Is the Photoshop of 3D Printing

MIT CSAIL has developed Foundry, a new interface for MultiFab, a multi-material printer unveiled last year.

Intel Finds Moore's Law’s Next Step at 10 Nanometers
From ACM News

Intel Finds Moore's Law’s Next Step at 10 Nanometers

These days, forecasts about the future of Moore's Law tend to look quite gloomy. But Intel's outlook—at least for the next few years—is decidedly bright.

Team at Rice Builds Machine to Transform the Way We Vote
From ACM TechNews

Team at Rice Builds Machine to Transform the Way We Vote

Rice University researchers say they have developed a prototype voting machine designed to restore faith and trust in the U.S. election system. 

Expect Deeper and Cheaper Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

Expect Deeper and Cheaper Machine Learning

Machine-learning technologies are undergoing a transformation, appearing in products and systems that experts predict will be less expensive and more focused on...
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