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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Matter of Life or Death
From ACM TechNews

A Matter of Life or Death

More than 2.5 million people from more than 160 countries have shared their opinions about which algorithmic decisions are most ethical for a self-driving vehicle...

Astronauts to Get Help From Snake Robots
From ACM TechNews

Astronauts to Get Help From Snake Robots

Snake robots that can assist astronauts are being investigated by researchers at Norwegian independent research organization SINTEF as part of a project with the...

Walking the Line: Wpi Students Develop App as Sobriety Test
From ACM TechNews

Walking the Line: Wpi Students Develop App as Sobriety Test

A smartphone application in development at Massachusetts' Worcester Polytechnic Institute tells users when they have had too much alcohol by monitoring changes...

­se It or Lose It: The Search For Enlightenment in Dark Data
From ACM TechNews

­se It or Lose It: The Search For Enlightenment in Dark Data

The growth of structured and unstructured data is proceeding exponentially, yet a recent IBM study estimated more than 80% of all data is "dark," or unmanaged and...

New Rules For Avoiding Cyber Bugs in Medical Devices
From ACM News

New Rules For Avoiding Cyber Bugs in Medical Devices

The U.S. government on Tuesday issued rules for addressing cyber vulnerabilities in medical devices, providing manufacturers with guidelines for fixing security...

2016: The Year That Deep Learning Took Over the Internet
From ACM News

2016: The Year That Deep Learning Took Over the Internet

On the west coast of Australia, Amanda Hodgson is launching drones out towards the Indian Ocean so that they can photograph the water from above.

Silicon Valley Reckons With Its Political Power
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Reckons With Its Political Power

On Sept. 12, 2016, there was a momentary realignment in the constellation of global business.

Computer Models Find Ancient Solutions to Modern Problems
From ACM TechNews

Computer Models Find Ancient Solutions to Modern Problems

At Washington State University, archaeologists have developed computer simulations of the interactions between ancestral peoples in the American Southwest and their...

New Technology Coordinates Drones in Team Missions
From ACM TechNews

New Technology Coordinates Drones in Team Missions

West Virginia University researchers have developed a genetic algorithm to mobilize unmanned aerial vehicles in team missions.

Honey, I Shrunk the Circuit
From ACM TechNews

Honey, I Shrunk the Circuit

Sandia National Laboratories researchers have demonstrated the highest-bandgap transistor ever, a High Electron Mobility Transistor.

Why the Computing Cloud Will Keep Growing and Growing
From ACM News

Why the Computing Cloud Will Keep Growing and Growing

Jeff Bezos of Amazon, along with a couple of his rivals, may eventually control much of the $1 trillion global market for business computers and software.

Artificial Intelligence: The 3 Big Trends to Watch in 2017
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence: The 3 Big Trends to Watch in 2017

Experts expect artificial intelligence trends to progress in three major areas in 2017.

Settling ­p via Closed Loop Digital Wallets
From ACM News

Settling ­p via Closed Loop Digital Wallets

Starbucks and others are providing app-based alternatives to Apple Pay, Android Pay.

Canadians Solve Key Puzzle For Future of Encryption
From ACM News

Canadians Solve Key Puzzle For Future of Encryption

Students at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing have developed a system to transmit numerical keys that will unlock coded messages no future...

Apple and Nokia Battle Over Cellphone Patents
From ACM News

Apple and Nokia Battle Over Cellphone Patents

Apple's iPhone is a technological marvel.

­.s. Government Begins Asking Foreign Travelers About Social Media
From ACM News

­.s. Government Begins Asking Foreign Travelers About Social Media

The U.S. government quietly began requesting that select foreign visitors provide their Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts upon arriving in the country...

Ford Studies ­sing Drones to Guide Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

Ford Studies ­sing Drones to Guide Self-Driving Cars

Ford Motor researchers are studying a system to use drones to help guide self-driving vehicles, including on off-road adventures.

Mimicking Biological Movements With Soft Robots
From ACM TechNews

Mimicking Biological Movements With Soft Robots

Harvard University researchers have developed a method to automatically design soft actuators based on a desired movement, in order to create a soft robot that...

Bat Chat: Machine Learning Algorithms Provide Translations For Bat Squeaks
From ACM TechNews

Bat Chat: Machine Learning Algorithms Provide Translations For Bat Squeaks

Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel studying Egyptian fruit bats have found a way to determine which bats are communicating with which other bats, what...

A Level Playing Field: Lab Adapts Toys For Disabled Children
From ACM TechNews

A Level Playing Field: Lab Adapts Toys For Disabled Children

A University of North Florida program is now in its third year of adapting toys from store shelves for disabled children.
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