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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hinton to Receive Bbva Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
From ACM News

Hinton to Receive Bbva Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award

Artificial intelligence researcher Geoffrey Hinton is being honored “for his pioneering and highly influential work” to endow machines with the ability to learn...

Teaching Computers to Recognize Sick Guts: Machine-Learning and the Microbiome
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Computers to Recognize Sick Guts: Machine-Learning and the Microbiome

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have harnessed machine-learning techniques to classify proteins found in healthy and unhealthy gut microbiomes...

New Technology Enables 5-Dimensional Imaging in Live Animals and Humans
From ACM TechNews

New Technology Enables 5-Dimensional Imaging in Live Animals and Humans

University of Southern California researchers have developed an image-analysis technique that makes finding important biological molecules and learning how they...

11 Predictions For the Future of Programming
From ACM TechNews

11 Predictions For the Future of Programming

Among the expected trends for computer programming in 2017 and beyond is the cloud overtaking Moore's Law, which will require coders to find algorithms that can...

5 State Policies to Sustain Computer Science Education
From ACM TechNews

5 State Policies to Sustain Computer Science Education

The Southern Regional Education Board recently convened a group of U.S. state legislators and secondary and postsecondary education leaders to develop policies...

Give Robots 'personhood' Status, Eu Committee Argues
From ACM News

Give Robots 'personhood' Status, Eu Committee Argues

The European parliament has urged the drafting of a set of regulations to govern the use and creation of robots and artificial intelligence, including a form of...

Hackers Trigger Yet Another Power Outage in Ukraine
From ACM News

Hackers Trigger Yet Another Power Outage in Ukraine

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S
From ACM News

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S

Underneath the nostalgia and hope in President Obama's farewell address Tuesday night was a darker theme: the struggle to help the people on the losing end of technological...

How Northeastern Plans to Reach Equal Male-Female Computer Science Enrollment By 2021
From ACM TechNews

How Northeastern Plans to Reach Equal Male-Female Computer Science Enrollment By 2021

Carla Brodley, dean of Northeastern University's College of Computer and Information Science, aims to reach an equal male/female balance in computer science enrollment...

Air Force Tests Ibm's Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter
From ACM TechNews

Air Force Tests Ibm's Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter

The U.S. Air Force Research Lab is exploring whether brain-inspired computer chips could give satellites, aircraft, and drones the ability to automatically identify...

Army of 350,000 Star Wars Bots Found Lurking on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

Army of 350,000 Star Wars Bots Found Lurking on Twitter

Researchers at University College London in the U.K. discovered a Twitter botnet that could be comprised of more than 350,000 accounts.

Graphene Temporary Tattoo Tracks Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Temporary Tattoo Tracks Vital Signs

University of Texas at Austin researchers are developing graphene-based health sensors that stick to a person's skin like a temporary tattoo and take measurements...

Nram Set to Spark a 'holy War' Among Memory Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Nram Set to Spark a 'holy War' Among Memory Technologies

A non-volatile memory technology based on carbon nanotubes could be more disruptive to enterprise storage, servers, and consumer electronics than flash memory when...

N.s.a. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications
From ACM News

N.s.a. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications

In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the...

Poker Play Begins in 'brains vs. Ai: Upping the Ante'
From ACM News

Poker Play Begins in 'brains vs. Ai: Upping the Ante'

Play began Jan. 11 for "Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence: Upping the Ante," a competition at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh that pits a Carnegie Mellon University...

Robots Will Take Jobs, but Not as Fast as Some Fear, New Report Says
From ACM News

Robots Will Take Jobs, but Not as Fast as Some Fear, New Report Says

The march of automation will displace jobs more gradually than some alarming forecasts suggest.

Huygens: 'ground Truth' From an Alien Moon
From ACM News

Huygens: 'ground Truth' From an Alien Moon

After a two-and-a-half-hour descent, the metallic, saucer-shaped spacecraft came to rest with a thud on a dark floodplain covered in cobbles of water ice, in temperatures...

Stepping Stones in an Ocean of Data
From ACM News

Stepping Stones in an Ocean of Data

An interview with science writer, entrepreneur, and National Public Radio’s “Math Guy,” Keith Devlin.

Dod Successfully Tests Terrifying Swarm of 104 Micro-Drones
From ACM News

Dod Successfully Tests Terrifying Swarm of 104 Micro-Drones

The Department of Defense has released video of a test of swarming drones conducted in the skies over the US Navy's test range at Naval Air Weapons Station China...

New Framework Could Help Online Addicts Reduce Their ­sage
From ACM TechNews

New Framework Could Help Online Addicts Reduce Their ­sage

Binghamton University researchers have developed a new computer model that could help Internet addicts realize their usage is a problem and reduce it.
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