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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Opens ­p About When Its Self-Driving Cars Have Nearly Crashed
From ACM TechNews

Google Opens ­p About When Its Self-Driving Cars Have Nearly Crashed

Google says its fleet of automated vehicles, currently undergoing testing, have had 13 near-misses in which a driver had to intervene to prevent a collision.

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind
From ACM News

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind

An inexpensive, full-page braille tablet could make topics like science and math more easily accessible to the blind, according to a team of researchers who have...

An Easy Way For Hackers to Remotely Burn Industrial Motors
From ACM News

An Easy Way For Hackers to Remotely Burn Industrial Motors

Hacks that cause physical destruction are so rare they can be counted on one hand.

Prediction Machines Will See the Future For Hedge Funds, CIA
From ACM News

Prediction Machines Will See the Future For Hedge Funds, CIA

Every time a new year rolls in, lots of people make predictions. Most will either be obvious (Apple will put out some new products) or wrong (still waiting for...

Philae Lander Fails to Respond to Last-Ditch Efforts to Wake It
From ACM News

Philae Lander Fails to Respond to Last-Ditch Efforts to Wake It

Farewell, Philae. The space lander that touched down on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (and in our hearts) in November 2014 has not responded to a last-ditch attempt...

Leading Through Impact
From ACM TechNews

Leading Through Impact

Harvard University's Office of Technology Development helped researchers launch a machine-learning startup that wound up being acquired by Twitter. 

Researchers Find Two Flaws in Oauth 2.0
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find Two Flaws in Oauth 2.0

Researchers have discovered vulnerabilities in the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol that could enable hackers to subvert single sign-on systems. 

New Tech to Help Companies Detect and Respond to Cloud Computing Performance Bugs
From ACM TechNews

New Tech to Help Companies Detect and Respond to Cloud Computing Performance Bugs

A startup aims to help organizations that use cloud computing improve their customers' user experience.

Anomaly Detectors Catch Zero-Day Hackers
From ACM News

Anomaly Detectors Catch Zero-Day Hackers

Faster than signature scanners, detectors spot anomalies before malware can be identified.

Cybersecurity Experts Debate Proper Response to Terrorism
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Experts Debate Proper Response to Terrorism

Recent terror attacks are spurring calls for greater government access to electronic communications, but privacy advocates and cybersecurity experts disagree. 

2015 Was the Best Year Ever in Space
From ACM Opinion

2015 Was the Best Year Ever in Space

With 2015 now behind us, what truly stands out?

The New Way Police Are Surveilling You: Calculating Your Threat 'score'
From ACM News

The New Way Police Are Surveilling You: Calculating Your Threat 'score'

While officers raced to a recent 911 call about a man threatening his ex-girlfriend, a police operator in headquarters consulted software that scored the suspect's...

Insurers Brace For the Self-Driving Future and Fewer Accidents
From ACM News

Insurers Brace For the Self-Driving Future and Fewer Accidents

As autonomous driving technology advances, perhaps the most notable benefit is the promise of a striking reduction in accidents.

Robotic Glove Invented By Nus Researchers Helps Patients Restore Hand Movements
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Glove Invented By Nus Researchers Helps Patients Restore Hand Movements

National University of Singapore researchers have developed the EsoGlove, a rehabilitation device equipped with sensors to detect muscle signals. 

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures

Researchers report training a machine-learning algorithm to recognize and generate humorous scenes. 

Drone Swarms Will Change the Face of Modern Warfare
From ACM TechNews

Drone Swarms Will Change the Face of Modern Warfare

Swarms of inexpensive, expendable U.S. Navy robots will leave the laboratory this summer to be tested in the field. 

New Digital Tools Could Help Speed Up Cultural Heritage Work
From ACM TechNews

New Digital Tools Could Help Speed Up Cultural Heritage Work

The European Union-funded PRESIOUS project is developing software tools intended to facilitate the work of archaeologists via computer simulations. 

Taskmaster Robots Watch While You Work in Case You Miss a Step
From ACM TechNews

Taskmaster Robots Watch While You Work in Case You Miss a Step

Researchers have developed a robot that can watch people work, learn the steps that make up the task, and remind people when they forget a step. 

­.s. Meets Tech Leaders, Forms Task Force to Fight Online Militants
From ACM News

­.s. Meets Tech Leaders, Forms Task Force to Fight Online Militants

The Obama administration on Friday sent its top national security officials to meet tech industry leaders in Silicon Valley and announced a new task force to counter...

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes
From ACM News

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes

The robots arrived years ago. They help build stuff in factories. They shuttle packages and products across the massive warehouses that drive Amazon’s worldwide...
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