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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How 'do Not Track' Ended Up Going Nowhere
From ACM News

How 'do Not Track' Ended Up Going Nowhere

Back in 2010, the Federal Trade Commission pledged to give Internet users the power to determine if or when websites were allowed to track their behavior.

Why Stem's Future Rests in the Hands of 12-Year-Old Girls
From ACM TechNews

Why Stem's Future Rests in the Hands of 12-Year-Old Girls

Girls are less confident and more anxious about their math abilities than boys, according to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report. 

The Father of Online Anonymity Has a Plan to End the Crypto War
From ACM TechNews

The Father of Online Anonymity Has a Plan to End the Crypto War

David Chaum, who has invented many cryptographic protocols, has developed an encryption scheme for secret, anonymous communications. 

Erica, the 'most Beautiful and Intelligent' Android, Leads Japan's Robot Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Erica, the 'most Beautiful and Intelligent' Android, Leads Japan's Robot Revolution

Researchers at Osaka and Kyoto universities and the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International call "Erica" their most advanced humanoid.

Internet of Things Brings New Era of Weather Forecasting
From ACM TechNews

Internet of Things Brings New Era of Weather Forecasting

As the Internet of Things continues to develop, weather systems will collect data from vehicles on the road and wirelessly transmit road condition and weather data...

Project Underway to Preserve Holocaust Experience in Virtual Form
From ACM TechNews

Project Underway to Preserve Holocaust Experience in Virtual Form

University of Huddersfield researchers are working on the Interact project, which aims to preserve the first-hand accounts of Nazi persecution survivors.

The Physics of Life
From ACM News

The Physics of Life

First, Zvonimir Dogic and his students took microtubules—threadlike proteins that make up part of the cell's internal 'cytoskeleton'—and mixed them with kinesins...

The Big Data of Bad Driving, and How Insurers Plan to Track Your Every Turn
From ACM News

The Big Data of Bad Driving, and How Insurers Plan to Track Your Every Turn

For years, insurance companies have used estimates of your annual mileage to determine your car insurance rates.

Full-Circle Panorama Beside 'namib Dune' on Mars
From ACM News

Full-Circle Panorama Beside 'namib Dune' on Mars

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, partway through the first up-close study ever conducted of extraterrestrial sand dunes, is providing dramatic views of a dune's steep...

Dancing with Drones
From ACM News

Dancing with Drones

Drones may have a poor reputation as threats to privacy, but they offer a new dimension to dance.

Face Time: Onr-Sponsored Tech Reads Facial Expressions For Autism Symptoms
From ACM TechNews

Face Time: Onr-Sponsored Tech Reads Facial Expressions For Autism Symptoms

A new app can screen for autism by reading children's facial expressions for emotional cues. 

Carnegie Mellon Develops New Method For Analyzing Synaptic Density
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Develops New Method For Analyzing Synaptic Density

Carnegie Mellon University researchers say they are using machine learning to survey learning-related changes in synapse properties.

Four Important Things to Expect in Virtual Reality in 2016
From ACM TechNews

Four Important Things to Expect in Virtual Reality in 2016

Significant virtual reality milestones are expected this year.

Machines, Lost in Translation: The Dream of ­Universal ­Understanding
From ACM TechNews

Machines, Lost in Translation: The Dream of ­Universal ­Understanding

A universal translator remains an elusive goal more than 60 years after the creation of one was first undertaken. 

In 2015, Promising Surveillance Cases Ran Into Legal Brick Walls
From ACM Opinion

In 2015, Promising Surveillance Cases Ran Into Legal Brick Walls

Today, the first Snowden disclosures in 2013 feel like a distant memory.

In Memoriam: Peter Naur 1928-2016
From ACM News

In Memoriam: Peter Naur 1928-2016

Peter Naur, a Danish computer scientist and 2005 recipient of the ACM A.M. Turing Award, died January 3 after a brief illness.

Page Views Don't Matter Anymore—but They Just Won't Die
From ACM News

Page Views Don't Matter Anymore—but They Just Won't Die

The page view is a zombie.

New Questions About Many Queries For Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

New Questions About Many Queries For Quantum Computing

Researchers in Canada have raised new concerns about the advantages of the bucket brigade model for algorithms using super-polynomial oracle queries. 

How Software Developers Helped End the Ebola Epidemic in Sierra Leone
From ACM TechNews

How Software Developers Helped End the Ebola Epidemic in Sierra Leone

A team of software developers helped solve the problem of distributing wages to healthcare workers fighting the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. 

App Differentiates a Baby's Crying Sounds
From ACM TechNews

App Differentiates a Baby's Crying Sounds

Researchers at National Taiwan University Hospital have developed the Infant Cries Translator app, which can distinguish four separate crying sounds made by babies...
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