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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Secret History of World War Ii-Era Drones
From ACM News

The Secret History of World War Ii-Era Drones

Drones are the hallmark of tech-y modern warfare, but weapons piloted from afar have been around for more than a century.  

5 Amazing and Alarming Things That May Be Done with Your Dna
From ACM Opinion

5 Amazing and Alarming Things That May Be Done with Your Dna

"You're a male, you're 34-years-old and your 5-foot-10 1/2 inches tall." That's a prediction that Craig Venter, long a pioneer on the frontier of genomics, offered...

Landmark Algorithm Breaks 30-Year Impasse
From ACM TechNews

Landmark Algorithm Breaks 30-Year Impasse

Computer scientists are calling a new algorithm a breakthrough in mapping how hard computational problems are to solve. 

What the World Will Be Like in 30 Years, According to the ­.s. Government's Top Scientists
From ACM TechNews

What the World Will Be Like in 30 Years, According to the ­.s. Government's Top Scientists

Three U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency researchers predict major technological advancements during the next 30 years in a new video series. 

Xprize Offers $7m Purse to ­nlock Mysteries of the Sea
From ACM TechNews

Xprize Offers $7m Purse to ­nlock Mysteries of the Sea

XPRIZE has launched a three-year global competition focused on ocean mapping, featuring a $7-million prize purse.

Algorithm Set to Save Millions in Energy Costs
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Set to Save Millions in Energy Costs

Nanyang Technological University researchers have developed an algorithm that could help companies cut their energy bills by as much as 10%.

How Artificial Intelligence Could Change the Way We Watch Sports
From ACM TechNews

How Artificial Intelligence Could Change the Way We Watch Sports

Machine learning and computer vision are being combined to provide commentary on professional sporting events as they occur.

Nasa's Fermi Satellite Kicks Off a Blazar-Detecting Bonanza
From ACM News

Nasa's Fermi Satellite Kicks Off a Blazar-Detecting Bonanza

A long time ago in a galaxy half the universe away, a flood of high-energy gamma rays began its journey to Earth.

Visualization Streams For ­ltimate Scalability
From ACM News

Visualization Streams For ­ltimate Scalability

In this era of big data, the world needs tools that can visualize the most important aspects of data without having to hold it all in memory.

What Can—or Should—internet Companies Do to Fight Terrorism?
From ACM News

What Can—or Should—internet Companies Do to Fight Terrorism?

After the recent attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, Calif., social media platforms are under pressure from politicians to do more to take down messages and...

­c Davis Scientists Demonstrate Dna-Based Electromechanical Switch
From ACM TechNews

­c Davis Scientists Demonstrate Dna-Based Electromechanical Switch

Researchers have demonstrated a method of modulating the conductance of DNA by controlling its structure. 

Scientists Discover New Computerized Linguistic Approach to Detect Alzheimer's Disease
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Discover New Computerized Linguistic Approach to Detect Alzheimer's Disease

University Health Network researchers have discovered how to diagnose Alzheimer's disease with more than 82% accuracy.

Yahoo's Engineers Move to Coding Without a Net
From ACM TechNews

Yahoo's Engineers Move to Coding Without a Net

Software engineering at Yahoo has undergone a transformation resulting in fewer errors and a much faster development cycle. 

Stanford-Led Skyscraper-Style Chip Design Boosts Electronic Performance By Factor of a Thousand
From ACM TechNews

Stanford-Led Skyscraper-Style Chip Design Boosts Electronic Performance By Factor of a Thousand

Stanford University engineers are leading a multi-institution effort to develop a revolutionary high-rise architecture for computing. 

Fact-Checking the Debate on Encryption
From ACM News

Fact-Checking the Debate on Encryption

As politicians and counter-terrorism officials search for lessons from the recent attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, senior officials have called...

How the Science in 'star Wars’ Is Actually Real
From ACM Opinion

How the Science in 'star Wars’ Is Actually Real

For a story that takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" a great deal of the technology in the "Star Wars" series actually has parallels today on...

How Thermal Imaging Tech Is About to Become Hot Stuff
From ACM News

How Thermal Imaging Tech Is About to Become Hot Stuff

Although it's already been used by industry, the military and some emergency services, it was expensive and therefore had a limited market.

Online Degree Hits Learning Curve
From ACM TechNews

Online Degree Hits Learning Curve

The Georgia Institute of Technology's launch of an inexpensive online computer science master's degree program two years ago has had mixed results.

Computing With Time Travel
From ACM TechNews

Computing With Time Travel

National University of Singapore researchers have shown a quantum computer can solve insoluble problems even if it is traveling along "open time-like curves." 

New Lie-Detecting Software From ­-M ­ses Real Court Case Data
From ACM TechNews

New Lie-Detecting Software From ­-M ­ses Real Court Case Data

Researchers from the University of Michigan are using machine-learning techniques to develop new lie-detecting software. 
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