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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Bootstrap For STEM
From ACM News

A Bootstrap For STEM

The non-profit Bootstrap program teaches students to understand algebraic functions by helping them program video games.

Custom AI Programs Take on Top Ranked Humans in Starcraft
From ACM TechNews

Custom AI Programs Take on Top Ranked Humans in Starcraft

In a recent contest, three Artificial Intelligence programs played against a Russian player in StarCraft: Brood War.

New Clues to Ceres' Bright Spots and Origins
From ACM News

New Clues to Ceres' Bright Spots and Origins

Ceres reveals some of its well-kept secrets in two new studies in the journal Nature, thanks to data from NASA's Dawn spacecraft.

Hacker Lexicon: Malvertising, the Hack That Infects Computers Without a Click
From ACM News

Hacker Lexicon: Malvertising, the Hack That Infects Computers Without a Click

Malvertising is when hackers buy ad space on a legitimate website, and, as the name suggests, upload malicious advertisements designed to hack site visitor’s computers...

Teaching Computers How to Give Cricket Commentary
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Computers How to Give Cricket Commentary

Indian researchers have used machine-learning techniques to generate text-based cricket commentary with an accuracy rate of 90 percent. 

Chinese Researchers Unveil Brain-Powered Car
From ACM TechNews

Chinese Researchers Unveil Brain-Powered Car

Chinese researchers from Nankai University have spent the last two years developing a mind-controlled car. 

As Aging Population Grows, So Do Robotic Health Aides
From ACM TechNews

As Aging Population Grows, So Do Robotic Health Aides

Roboticists and doctors deployment of innovations in computerized, robotic, and Internet-connected technologies to help aging adults stay independent longer. 

What Makes Tom Hanks Look Like Tom Hanks?
From ACM TechNews

What Makes Tom Hanks Look Like Tom Hanks?

A new system uses machine-learning algorithms to construct and animate three-dimensional models of celebrities based on large numbers of photographs. 

Want a Computer That Never Crashes? Don't Let Bugs Freak It Out
From ACM TechNews

Want a Computer That Never Crashes? Don't Let Bugs Freak It Out

Developers' perception of software bugs must shift from something that must be found and removed at all costs to an unavoidable fact of life. 

Here's What Developers Are Doing with Google’s AI Brain
From ACM News

Here's What Developers Are Doing with Google’s AI Brain

An artificial intelligence engine that Google uses in many of its products, and that it made freely available last month, is now being used by others to perform...

Army to Stop Putting Social Security Numbers on Dog Tags
From ACM News

Army to Stop Putting Social Security Numbers on Dog Tags

Soldiers' Social Security numbers will no longer be part of their dog tags, the Army announced Tuesday.

China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots
From ACM News

China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots

China is laying the groundwork for a robot revolution by planning to automate the work currently done by millions of low-paid workers.

To Jupiter with Junocam!
From ACM News

To Jupiter with Junocam!

When NASA's Juno mission arrives at Jupiter on July 4, 2016, new views of the giant planet's swirling clouds will be sent back to Earth, courtesy of its color camera...

Virtual Reality Room Facilitates New Research
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Room Facilitates New Research

Brown University's YURT Ultimate Reality Theater creates images viewable with three-dimensional (3D) glasses.

Twitter Data Can Make Roads Safer During Inclement Weather
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Data Can Make Roads Safer During Inclement Weather

University at Buffalo researchers are examining how weather-related tweets can improve computer models of driving during inclement weather. 

Ornl Process Could Be White Lightning to Electronics Industry
From ACM TechNews

Ornl Process Could Be White Lightning to Electronics Industry

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a virtually perfect single layer of "white graphene" (hexagonal boron nitride). 

Obama Appeals to Silicon Valley For Help with Online Anti-Extremist Campaign
From ACM Careers

Obama Appeals to Silicon Valley For Help with Online Anti-Extremist Campaign

President Barack Obama on Sunday called on Silicon Valley to help address the threat of militant groups using social media and electronic communications to plan...

The High-Stakes Race to Rid the World of Human Drivers
From ACM News

The High-Stakes Race to Rid the World of Human Drivers

The race to bring driverless cars to the masses is only just beginning, but already it is a fight for the ages.

IBM to Develop Hardware to Wipe Out Errors in Quantum Computing
From ACM News

IBM to Develop Hardware to Wipe Out Errors in Quantum Computing

The race to build a full-blown quantum computer is heating up.

Software-Defined Batteries Take Charge
From ACM News

Software-Defined Batteries Take Charge

Researchers are exploring a new generation of batteries that rely on software to define performance.
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