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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Untraceable Communication Guaranteed
From ACM TechNews

Untraceable Communication Guaranteed

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have unveiled an untraceable text-messaging system designed to foil even the most powerful adversaries.

Facebook's New Tools to Help the Blind Navigate Social Media
From ACM TechNews

Facebook's New Tools to Help the Blind Navigate Social Media

Engineer Matt King is blind and works on Facebook's accessibility team, which helps the service make it easier for the visually impaired to interact with it.

Crispr Gene-Editing Gets Rules. Well, Guidelines, Really
From ACM News

Crispr Gene-Editing Gets Rules. Well, Guidelines, Really

If you're hoping to engineer perfect babies, you're going to have to wait.

Japan's Venus Orbiter Makes Comeback
From ACM News

Japan's Venus Orbiter Makes Comeback

Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft has entered orbit around Venus, five years after its first attempt failed.

Stanford Scientists Develop 'shazam For Earthquakes'
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Scientists Develop 'shazam For Earthquakes'

The new Fingerprint And Similarity Thresholding algorithm could transform how seismologists detect temblors not strong enough to register as earthquakes. 

Man With No Limbs Controls Robotic Hand ­sing Muscle Whispers
From ACM TechNews

Man With No Limbs Controls Robotic Hand ­sing Muscle Whispers

Sam Wilson, a Ph.D. student at Imperial College London, and supervisor Ravi Vaidyanathan are designing new ways for the human body to control prostheses. 

A Smarter Kind of Crash Test Dummy
From ACM TechNews

A Smarter Kind of Crash Test Dummy

Car crash simulations are being run on a supercomputer using a combination of actual vehicle, scene, and medical data by Wake Forest University researchers. 

When Apps Talk Behind Your Back
From ACM TechNews

When Apps Talk Behind Your Back

A recent study found nearly 9% of popular apps downloaded from Google Play interact with websites that could compromise users' security and privacy. 

Google and Facebook Race to Solve the Ancient Game of Go With AI
From ACM TechNews

Google and Facebook Race to Solve the Ancient Game of Go With AI

Although software designed to play standard board games can now dominate even the best human players, the ancient game of Go has proven a much trickier challenge...

New Horizons Returns First, Best Images of Pluto
From ACM News

New Horizons Returns First, Best Images of Pluto

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has sent back the first in a series of the sharpest views of Pluto it obtained during its July flyby—and the best close-ups of Pluto...

Untraceable Communication—guaranteed
From ACM News

Untraceable Communication—guaranteed

Anonymity networks, which sit on top of the public Internet, are designed to conceal people’s Web-browsing habits from prying eyes.

Can’t Put Down Your Device? That's By Design
From ACM News

Can’t Put Down Your Device? That's By Design

Greg Hochmuth was one of the first software engineers hired at Instagram.

Does Encryption Really Help Isis? Here's What You Need to Know
From ACM News

Does Encryption Really Help Isis? Here's What You Need to Know

There's the war on terrorism, and then there's the war on how to fight the war on terrorism.

When Your Boss Is an ­ber Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

When Your Boss Is an ­ber Algorithm

Researchers say Uber and Lyft's automated management systems establish new dynamics between workers and their bosses that should garner regulatory attention.

Nasa Space Telescopes See Magnified Image of Faintest Galaxy from Early ­niverse
From ACM News

Nasa Space Telescopes See Magnified Image of Faintest Galaxy from Early ­niverse

Astronomers harnessing the combined power of NASA's Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes have found the faintest object ever seen in the early universe. It existed...

From AI and Data Science to Cryptography: Microsoft Researchers Offer 16 Predictions For ’16
From ACM News

From AI and Data Science to Cryptography: Microsoft Researchers Offer 16 Predictions For ’16

Microsoft has released a collection of predictions from 16 leaders and leading thinkers within its Technology and Research organization.

How Supercomputing Can Survive Beyond Moore's Law
From ACM TechNews

How Supercomputing Can Survive Beyond Moore's Law

Supercomputing needs to be extended beyond the limits of Moore's Law, says Sandia National Laboratories' Erik DeBenedictis.

­w Roboticists Learn to Teach Robots From Babies
From ACM TechNews

­w Roboticists Learn to Teach Robots From Babies

Babies learn by watching and imitating what adults are doing, and robots can "learn" in much the same way, according to researchers at the University of Washington...

Researchers Enlist Gamers to Find Something Fishy About Mathematical Models
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Enlist Gamers to Find Something Fishy About Mathematical Models

Uppsala University researchers recently used an online game to assess how good mathematical models were at reproducing the collective motion of real fish schools...

Data Storage on Dna Can Keep It Safe For Centuries
From ACM TechNews

Data Storage on Dna Can Keep It Safe For Centuries

Two separate recent experiments have demonstrated the possibilities of encoding information in synthetic DNA molecules. 
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