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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Football-Playing Robots Eye Their Own Cup, and Beyond
From ACM TechNews

Football-Playing Robots Eye Their Own Cup, and Beyond

The premiere event for robotic football (soccer) is scheduled for Brazil in July, and the University of Pennsylvania robotics lab will be seeking a fourth consecutive...

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...

Who's Using Your Data?
From ACM TechNews

Who's Using Your Data?

The HTTP with Accountability protocol is designed to track the transmission of private data and enable the data owner to see how it is used online. 

Thermal Camera Turns Many Things Into Interactive Surfaces
From ACM TechNews

Thermal Camera Turns Many Things Into Interactive Surfaces

Augmented reality company Metaio is developing technology that could enable people to use all kinds of objects as interactive touch surfaces. 

Online Marketing Schemes Can Still Lure Customers
From ACM TechNews

Online Marketing Schemes Can Still Lure Customers

Despite legislation and warnings, online consumers remain susceptible to post-transaction marketing schemes. 

How to Win at Bridge ­sing Quantum Physics
From ACM News

How to Win at Bridge ­sing Quantum Physics

Contract bridge requires major brainpower, and preferably an obsession with rules and strategy. So how to make it even geekier? Throw in some quantum mechanics...

At World Cup, Goal-Line Tech Causes Controversy
From ACM News

At World Cup, Goal-Line Tech Causes Controversy

As all things that are meant to be infallible, new technology being used in the 2014 World Cup has caused a stir.

How to Watch the World Cup in the ­.s. Without Paying For Tv
From ACM News

How to Watch the World Cup in the ­.s. Without Paying For Tv

Most of the world can watch the World Cup for free. Not so much in the U.S.

Google Embraces Docker, the Next Big Thing in Cloud Computing
From ACM News

Google Embraces Docker, the Next Big Thing in Cloud Computing

Google is putting its considerable weight behind an open source technology that’s already one of the hottest new ideas in the world of cloud computing.

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer
From ACM News

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer

If Hewlett-Packard founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard are spinning in their graves, they may be due for a break.

Fcc Unveils 'new Regulatory Paradigm' For Defeating Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Fcc Unveils 'new Regulatory Paradigm' For Defeating Hackers

The Federal Communications Commission is working to expand its role among federal agencies charged with protecting U.S. networks from cyberattacks. 

Which Country Has the World's Best Coders? There's an Axe For That
From ACM TechNews

Which Country Has the World's Best Coders? There's an Axe For That

A team of three Polish programmers won the Hello World Open 2014 worldwide programming competition. 

Guarding Against 'carmageddon' Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Guarding Against 'carmageddon' Cyberattacks

Security researchers are developing tools and technologies to unite aspects of major traffic corridors and operate them as an integrated system. 

Mind-Controlled Exoskeleton to Kick Off World Cup
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Controlled Exoskeleton to Kick Off World Cup

A paralyzed young adult using an exoskeleton controlled by his thoughts took the first kick of the World Cup in Thursday's opening ceremony in Sao Paulo, Brazil...

­sing Twitter to Track Flu, Lady Gaga
From ACM TechNews

­sing Twitter to Track Flu, Lady Gaga

The Health Social Analytics website visualizes data about health-related disorders, drugs, and organizations from Twitter, news stories, and online health forums...

Intelligence Too Big For a Single Machine
From ACM News

Intelligence Too Big For a Single Machine

Ever since the computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence in 1955, the field has gone through cycles of boundless optimism and sobering...

Submarines for Saturn, Comet Hitchhikers, Asteroid Wranglers and Other Space Fantasies
From ACM News

Submarines for Saturn, Comet Hitchhikers, Asteroid Wranglers and Other Space Fantasies

If you thought Elon Musk was the only person coming up with innovative ideas for the exploration of outer space, you'd be wrong.

Researchers Design Circuits Capable of Functioning at Temperatures Greater Than 650 Degrees Fahrenheit
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Design Circuits Capable of Functioning at Temperatures Greater Than 650 Degrees Fahrenheit

Integrated circuits able to function at temperatures greater than 660°F could improve how processors, drivers, controllers, and other analog and digital circuits...

Waterloo Researchers Find 'magic' Ingredient For Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Waterloo Researchers Find 'magic' Ingredient For Quantum Computing

Quantum contextuality is a key requirement for universal quantum computation, researchers say.

Charging Portable Electronics in 10 Minutes
From ACM TechNews

Charging Portable Electronics in 10 Minutes

A new architecture for lithium-ion battery anodes has the potential to enable portable electronics to be charged in just 10 minutes. 
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