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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Video Game Technology Aids Horse Rider Assessment
From ACM TechNews

Video Game Technology Aids Horse Rider Assessment

Researchers are using inertial motion sensors to assess horse rider asymmetry and how it is associated with lower back pain and injury risk. 

New Technology Aims to Rid World Cup of 'ghost Goals'
From ACM News

New Technology Aims to Rid World Cup of 'ghost Goals'

In 1966, British soccer legend Geoff Hurst booted a right-foot shot against Germany in the World Cup championship game.

Judge Weighs In on Chatbot’s Turing Test Performance
From ACM News

Judge Weighs In on Chatbot’s Turing Test Performance

One of the Turing Test’s judges looks at the test, its results, and what they mean.

Nsf, Intel Labs Partner on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Nsf, Intel Labs Partner on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy

The U.S. National Science Foundation and Intel Labs have partnered to support new approaches to securing current and emerging cyber-physical systems. 

Sound Clue in Hunt For Mh370
From ACM News

Sound Clue in Hunt For Mh370

Researchers are exploring what may be the first promising lead in months in the search for the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.

Nasa Instruments on Rosetta Start Comet Science
From ACM News

Nasa Instruments on Rosetta Start Comet Science

Three NASA science instruments aboard the European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft, which is set to become the first to orbit a comet and land a probe on...

Time Travel: Installing an Atomic Clock at 15,000 Feet
From ACM Opinion

Time Travel: Installing an Atomic Clock at 15,000 Feet

A few months ago I went to Cambridge, Mass. to check in with the Event Horizon Telescope crew and found Shep Doeleman, the project leader, fresh off the completion...

The Complex Mathematics of Robot Wrestling
From ACM TechNews

The Complex Mathematics of Robot Wrestling

Researchers at Utsunomiya University in Japan have written a mathematical model for the sport of wrestling, which they have tested in a numerical simulation. 

Data, Data Everywhere
From ACM TechNews

Data, Data Everywhere

The MOOC Research Initiative has released the results of 22 projects pertaining to massive open online courses. 

With New Hack, Cellphone Can Get Data Out of Computers
From ACM TechNews

With New Hack, Cellphone Can Get Data Out of Computers

A cellphone can be used to engage in air-gap network hacking, according to researchers at Ben Gurion University.

­N ­nveils Big Data Climate Change Challenge
From ACM TechNews

­N ­nveils Big Data Climate Change Challenge

The United Nations is hosting the Big Data Climate Challenge, a global competition to facilitate the use of big data to address issues related to climate change...

Genes in the Cloud: Google Steps Into Autism Research
From ACM TechNews

Genes in the Cloud: Google Steps Into Autism Research

Google and Autism Speaks will house the sequencing of 10,000 complete genomes and other clinical data with the goal of accelerating research on autism. 

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled
From ACM News

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled

A working group of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) presented a ten-year plan for the agency's portion of a major neuroscience initiative announced last...

If Robots Drove, How Much Safer Would Roads Be?
From ACM News

If Robots Drove, How Much Safer Would Roads Be?

Human error is the culprit in 93 percent of automobile crashes—including the pileup last weekend that left Tracy Morgan in critical condition, caused, prosecutors...

World Cup 2014 to Be Most Hi-Tech Football Event Ever
From ACM News

World Cup 2014 to Be Most Hi-Tech Football Event Ever

Football is full of "what ifs".

Modifying Behavior with Wearable Technologies
From ACM News

Modifying Behavior with Wearable Technologies

Created to monitor individuals’ activities, feedback from wearable technologies can help users learn from mistakes and behave better.

11 Amazing Images from High-Powered Microscopes
From ACM News

11 Amazing Images from High-Powered Microscopes

Thanks to high-powered microscopes we’re able to see life in incredible detail.

­niversity Engineers Design Systems to Help Children With Special Needs
From ACM TechNews

­niversity Engineers Design Systems to Help Children With Special Needs

Researchers are using a U.S. National Science Foundation grant to find ways to improve the health and quality of life for children with severe developmental disabilities...

Open Data Is Open For Business
From ACM TechNews

Open Data Is Open For Business

Open-data advocates say a multibillion-dollar industry could result from turning raw government data files into products for the public to consume or industries...

­CLA Researchers Create Nanoscale Structure For Computer Chips That Could Yield Higher-Performance Memory
From ACM TechNews

­CLA Researchers Create Nanoscale Structure For Computer Chips That Could Yield Higher-Performance Memory

Researchers say a new nanoscale magnetic component for memory chips could drastically improve their energy efficiency and scalability. 
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