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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

App Paired With Sensor Measures Stress and Delivers Advice to Cope in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

App Paired With Sensor Measures Stress and Delivers Advice to Cope in Real Time

ParentGuardian is a smartphone-based system designed to detect stress in parents and help decrease that stress during interactions with their children. 

Pixar to Give Away 'toy Story' 3D Renderman Software
From ACM TechNews

Pixar to Give Away 'toy Story' 3D Renderman Software

Pixar plans to make a non-commercial version of RenderMan freely available to students, institutions, researchers, developers, and for personal use. 

A Fast Look at Swift, Apple's New Programming Language
From ACM Opinion

A Fast Look at Swift, Apple's New Programming Language

If anyone outside Apple saw Swift coming, they certainly weren't making any public predictions.

How Ebay's Research Laboratories Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Fashion Recommendations
From ACM Careers

How Ebay's Research Laboratories Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Fashion Recommendations

If you've ever puzzled over what to wear in the morning, you might also have wondered whether you could leave the choice to an algorithm that could recommend a...

Theoretical Physics: Complexity on the Horizon
From ACM News

Theoretical Physics: Complexity on the Horizon

When physicist Leonard Susskind gives talks these days, he often wears a black T-shirt proclaiming "I ♥ Complexity".

New Nanotech May Provide Power Storage in Cables, Clothes
From ACM TechNews

New Nanotech May Provide Power Storage in Cables, Clothes

A new method to transmit and store electricity in a single lightweight copper wire could lead to smaller electronic devices because it could make batteries obsolete...

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?

Joss Wright is training a robot to freak people out.

Deeper Than, 'evocor' Identifies Gene Relationships
From ACM TechNews

Deeper Than, 'evocor' Identifies Gene Relationships

EvoCor is a new search engine that identifies genes that are functionally linked. 

2d Transistors Promise a Faster Electronics Future
From ACM TechNews

2d Transistors Promise a Faster Electronics Future

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers say they have developed the world's first fully two-dimensional field-effect transistor. 

Simple Sewing Machine Has High-Tech Role in Future 'soft' Machines
From ACM TechNews

Simple Sewing Machine Has High-Tech Role in Future 'soft' Machines

Purdue University researchers have altered a standard sewing machine so it can create ultra-stretchable interconnects out of conventional wire.

360-Degree Camera Shoots Vr Movies For Oculus Rift
From ACM News

360-Degree Camera Shoots Vr Movies For Oculus Rift

Step into the silver screen with movies shot using the Panopticam.

Tweets and Machine Learning Reveal Surprising Patterns of Happiness
From ACM News

Tweets and Machine Learning Reveal Surprising Patterns of Happiness

Determining life satisfaction by geography, based on tweets.

Wearable Submarine to Hunt for 2000-Year-Old Computer
From ACM News

Wearable Submarine to Hunt for 2000-Year-Old Computer

The world's most advanced robotic diving suit is getting ready to help search for one of the world's oldest computers.

New Chip to Bring Holograms to Smartphones
From ACM News

New Chip to Bring Holograms to Smartphones

In the future, virtual reality won't require strapping a bulky contraption to your head.

How Darpa's Augmented Reality Software Works
From ACM TechNews

How Darpa's Augmented Reality Software Works

Four experts at Applied Research Associates discuss the augmented reality system they created for the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Computer Model Predicts Academic Success
From ACM Careers

Computer Model Predicts Academic Success

The mantra "publish or perish" is drilled into every early-career scientist—and for good reason, a computer model suggests.

E­ launches world’s largest civilian robotics program – 240,000 new jobs expected
From ACM News

E­ launches world’s largest civilian robotics program – 240,000 new jobs expected

The European Commission and 180 companies and research organizations have launched the world’s largest civilian research and innovation program in robotics.

50 College Diplomas with the Highest Pay
From ACM Careers

50 College Diplomas with the Highest Pay

Students who recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science are making a handsome average salary of $89,800.

Automating Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

Automating Cybersecurity

A system enabling computers to detect intruders and the flaws they exploit, and to automatically repair those flaws, could garner its programmers $2 million. 

Apple's New Programming Language, Swift, Will Lure More Developers
From ACM TechNews

Apple's New Programming Language, Swift, Will Lure More Developers

Apple has unveiled a new programming language it says offers a faster, easier way to build software for Apple products than its predecessor, Objective-C. 
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