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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Korean Government and Georgia Tech Form Platform Partnership
From ACM News

Korean Government and Georgia Tech Form Platform Partnership

A team of faculty from the Georgia Institute of Technology has formed a historic partnership with the Korean government, industry, and universities to develop a...

Touch Typists Could Help Stop Spammers in Their Tracks
From ACM TechNews

Touch Typists Could Help Stop Spammers in Their Tracks

Newcastle University computer scientists have developed Magic Bullet, a computer game that turns a tedious manual labeling task into entertainment, giving companies...

Data Overload on Dating Sites
From ACM TechNews

Data Overload on Dating Sites

New research on online dating sites shows that users can experience "cognitive overload" when faced with too many choices, causing them to make poorer decisions...

Computer Games Stretch and Hone Older Brains
From ACM News

Computer Games Stretch and Hone Older Brains

Seniors are sharpening their recall and other mental processes at The Brain Emporium, a community center program in Cleveland opened and run by Case Western Reserve...

Capturing Images in Non-Traditional Way May Benefit Af
From ACM TechNews

Capturing Images in Non-Traditional Way May Benefit Af

Research funded by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research could lead to advancements in data encryption and wide-area, high-resolution photography. The...

Algorithms Map Centaurus A Galaxy and Supermassive Black Hole
From ACM TechNews

Algorithms Map Centaurus A Galaxy and Supermassive Black Hole

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope team has developed an algorithm that enabled researchers at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific...

Computer Scientists Track the Life and Death of News
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Track the Life and Death of News

By observing global flow of news online, Cornell computer scientists have managed to track and analyze the "news cycle" — the way stories rise and fall in popularity...

New Bluetooth Application Will Let Sports Fans Share Experiences in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

New Bluetooth Application Will Let Sports Fans Share Experiences in Real Time

Researchers at the University of Glasgow are using ad hoc networking to make direct phone-to-phone communication possible in real-world settings without sending...

Digital Eyes Will Chart Baseball's ­nseen Skills
From ACM TechNews

Digital Eyes Will Chart Baseball's ­nseen Skills

The game of baseball could be significantly affected by a new camera and software system capable of recording the precise speed and location of the ball and every...

Robot Learns to Smile and Frown
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learns to Smile and Frown

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) have developed an Einstein robot "empowered" to learn to smile and frown realistically via machine...

Siggraph Announces Stereoscopic 3d Cinema and Home Theater Trends
From ACM TechNews

Siggraph Announces Stereoscopic 3d Cinema and Home Theater Trends

ACM's SIGGRAPH 2009 conference will take a comprehensive look at how stereoscopic 3D will impact the movie industry as well as the home theater in the years to...

Darpa's Smart, Flat Camera Is Packed With Beady Eyes
From ACM TechNews

Darpa's Smart, Flat Camera Is Packed With Beady Eyes

Southern Methodist University professor Marc Christensen, backed by funding from the U.S. Defense Department's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has developed...

How Computing Is Changing Journalism
From ACM News

How Computing Is Changing Journalism

Computing has influenced many fields in a big way, and journalism is one of them. There’s an ongoing trend away from print media and toward digital, and this is...

Robot Mowers Take the Sweat Out of Lawn Care
From ACM News

Robot Mowers Take the Sweat Out of Lawn Care

In the summer, the grass just grows and grows and grows. And that means people must mow and mow and mow. But maybe not for long. Grass-cutting robots already exist...

Computer Recognizes Archaeological Material and Fake Van Goghs
From ACM TechNews

Computer Recognizes Archaeological Material and Fake Van Goghs

Dutch researcher Laurens van der Maaten has developed an analytical technique that enables computers to better interpret and recognize the content of photos, images...

From ACM TechNews

Physics Brings Realism to Virtual Reality

The latest multi-core processors and smart software are enabling physicists and engineers to simulate the real world with unprecedented accuracy to create more...

Award-Winning Paper Reveals Key to Netflix Prize
From ACM News

Award-Winning Paper Reveals Key to Netflix Prize

When the organizers of the Netflix Prize contest announced late last week that one team had met the requirement for the $1 million Grand Prize, Yehuda Koren, a15th...

Digital Boost For Works of Art
From ACM News

Digital Boost For Works of Art

Imagine the research possibilities of being able to view three-dimensional scans of museum objects, write dance moves electronically or study ancient documents...

Master of Connections
From Communications of the ACM

Master of Connections

Jon Kleinberg is honored for his pioneering research on the Web and social networking.

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?
From Communications of the ACM

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?

Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe it might be affecting people's ability to think deeply.
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