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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Two Volunteers Built the Raspberry Pi’s Operating System
From ACM Careers

How Two Volunteers Built the Raspberry Pi’s Operating System

When you buy a Raspberry Pi, the $35 computer doesn't come with an operating system.

The Disappearing Interface
From ACM News

The Disappearing Interface

Where static computer screens and smartphones suck in our gaze and extract us from the world around us, many of the most interesting new tech gadgets and ideas...

You May Now Kiss the Computer Screen
From ACM News

You May Now Kiss the Computer Screen

With a red embroidered veil draped over her dark hair, Punam Chowdhury held her breath last month as her fiancé said the words that would make them husband and...

Led Display Puts Bay Bridge in New Light
From ACM News

Led Display Puts Bay Bridge in New Light

The Bay Bridge will never win a beauty contest against the Golden Gate, but for the next two years, it gets to set aside its inferiority complex for several hours...

Pixels Guide the Way For the Visually Impaired
From ACM TechNews

Pixels Guide the Way For the Visually Impaired

Using a mathematical algorithm and a video camera, researchers project pixels onto a headset to improve vision for people with retinal implants. 

Video Game Invades Classroom, Scores Education Points
From ACM TechNews

Video Game Invades Classroom, Scores Education Points

GlassLab is an effort by Electronic Arts to use video games to inspire students to embrace careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns
From ACM TechNews

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns

Privacy advocates fear linking cars with wireless networks may be giving automakers, software developers, and police officers access to such information. 

Big Blue, Big Bang, Big Data: Telescope Funds Computing R&d
From ACM TechNews

Big Blue, Big Bang, Big Data: Telescope Funds Computing R&d

IBM wants to advance supercomputing technology in processing, optical communications, and memory by using the Square Kilometer Array radio telescope. 

Eu Commission Launches 'grand Coalition' to Tackle It Shortage
From ACM TechNews

Eu Commission Launches 'grand Coalition' to Tackle It Shortage

A grand coalition launched by the European Commission will address the IT skills shortage in the European Union. 

A Window Into Europa's Ocean Right at the Surface
From ACM News

A Window Into Europa's Ocean Right at the Surface

If you could lick the surface of Jupiter's icy moon Europa, you would actually be sampling a bit of the ocean beneath.

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns
From ACM News

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns

Cars will soon be so linked into wireless networks they will be like giant rolling smartphones—with calling systems, streaming video, cameras, and apps ­capable...

Massive Fiber-Optic Installation Lights ­p Library Queries
From ACM News

Massive Fiber-Optic Installation Lights ­p Library Queries

Getting a glimpse into the curious minds of others has never been so beautiful—or so bright.

Here's What Law Enforcement Can Recover From a Seized Iphone
From ACM News

Here's What Law Enforcement Can Recover From a Seized Iphone

You may think of your iPhone as a friendly personal assistant. But once it’s alone in a room full of law enforcement officials, you might be surprised at the revealing...

Next, 4d Printers?
From ACM News

Next, 4d Printers?

Now that the promise of 3D printing has landed on the national agenda, researchers want to increase the stakes—with so-called 4D printing.

Computer Interfaces: Tech's Next Great Frontier
From ACM Opinion

Computer Interfaces: Tech's Next Great Frontier

Consider the tongue. It's sensitive yet muscular, packed with taste buds and nerves, and without its acrobatic ability humans wouldn’t be able to eat or talk. It's...

Ucsb Physicists Make Discovery in the Quantum Realm By Manipulating Light
From ACM TechNews

Ucsb Physicists Make Discovery in the Quantum Realm By Manipulating Light

New methods for building the quantum devices of the future, including super-fast quantum computers, are based on manipulating light on superconducting chips.

Google Publishes Zopfli as Open Source Compression Algorithm to Speed ­p Web Downloads
From ACM TechNews

Google Publishes Zopfli as Open Source Compression Algorithm to Speed ­p Web Downloads

A new general purpose data compression library from Google can be used to accelerate Web downloads. 

NDSU Researchers Develop Method for Embedding RFID in Paper
From ACM TechNews

NDSU Researchers Develop Method for Embedding RFID in Paper

A new method for embedding ultrathin passive RFID chips on paper or other flexible substrates could lead to the production of RFID-enabled paper at low cost. 

Salford Ph.d. Student Develops Revolutionary Elderly Care Robot
From ACM TechNews

Salford Ph.d. Student Develops Revolutionary Elderly Care Robot

University of Salford researchers have created an interactive care robot designed to help care for elderly people in nursing homes. 

Connecting the (Quantum) Dots
From ACM TechNews

Connecting the (Quantum) Dots

Researchers have developed a method that better preserves qubits for use in quantum computers. 
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