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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stanford Researchers Break Million-Core Supercomputer Barrier
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Researchers Break Million-Core Supercomputer Barrier

Researchers at Stanford University's Center for Turbulence Research used the Sequoia IBM BlueGene/Q supercomputer with more than 1 million computing cores to solve...

Google Asks: How Much Is Mapping Worth?
From ACM Careers

Google Asks: How Much Is Mapping Worth?

How much has mapping software changed your life?

Hackers in China Attacked The Times For Last 4 Months
From ACM News

Hackers in China Attacked The Times For Last 4 Months

For the last four months, Chinese hackers have persistently attacked The New York Times, infiltrating its computer systems and getting passwords for its reporters...

Computer Scientists Take Road Less Traveled
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Take Road Less Traveled

Not long ago, a team of researchers from Stanford and McGill universities broke a 35-year record in computer science by an almost imperceptible margin — four hundredths...

DARPA Looking For Technology to Create 'transient Electronics' Devices
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Looking For Technology to Create 'transient Electronics' Devices

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Vanishing Programmable Resources program was established to foster the development of "transient electronics"...

Microscopic Leds Could Speed ­p Wireless Communication
From ACM TechNews

Microscopic Leds Could Speed ­p Wireless Communication

Researchers believe microscopic LEDs could make wireless communication even faster. A team led by Strathclyde University is developing a visible light communication...

A Digital Paradise By the Dashboard Light
From ACM News

A Digital Paradise By the Dashboard Light

The driver of the first Corvette, in 1953, was welcomed by a lovely fan of numbers—a sweeping, eye-catching speedometer denominated in 10-mile-per-hour intervals...

IBM Sends Watson to Ny College to Boost Its Skills
From ACM TechNews

IBM Sends Watson to Ny College to Boost Its Skills

IBM announced that it will provide Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with a Watson supercomputing system. IBM says RPI's artificial intelligence researchers...

Rice Technique Points Toward 2-D Devices
From ACM TechNews

Rice Technique Points Toward 2-D Devices

Rice University researchers have developed a method to make patterns in atom-thick layers of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, which could lead to the creation...

A Boost to Your Mobile Signal
From ACM TechNews

A Boost to Your Mobile Signal

European Union-funded researchers are developing femtocells, small mobile telephony cells that improve both wireless connectivity and coverage at the local level...

Rio De Janeiro Brings Qr Codes to Its Streets
From ACM News

Rio De Janeiro Brings Qr Codes to Its Streets

Rio de Janeiro is adding something new into its trademark black-and-white mosaic pavements: QR codes.

Cellphone Chips Will Remake the Server World. Period.
From ACM News

Cellphone Chips Will Remake the Server World. Period.

Facebook recently ran an experiment. Inside a test lab, somewhere behind the scenes at the world's most popular network, engineers sidled up to a computer server...

The Inside Story Of Siri's Origins
From ACM News

The Inside Story Of Siri's Origins

The world got its first inkling of the quick wit that would make Apple's Siri an icon during a packed press conference held before an auditorium of tech elite.

Has Chip and Pin Had Its Day?
From ACM News

Has Chip and Pin Had Its Day?

Go to a cash machine in Japan or Poland and there's a good chance you'll find a finger-sized scanner next to the keypad.

Quantum Communication: Each Photon Counts
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Communication: Each Photon Counts

Researchers say they have developed ultrafast, efficient, and reliable single-photon detectors, which makes possible the application of the latest advances in optical...

Sinister Code-Breakers, Beware
From ACM TechNews

Sinister Code-Breakers, Beware

Governments used cryptography in the mid-20th century to encrypt top-secret messages or communications, but today cryptography is used more widely to address the...

In Massive Online Course Offered By Stanford, Teams ­nleash Diverse Approaches to Creativity
From ACM TechNews

In Massive Online Course Offered By Stanford, Teams ­nleash Diverse Approaches to Creativity

An online course on creativity open to thousands of students worldwide proved a unique teaching and learning experience that will help shape the future of online...

Lens-Less Camera Emerges from Metamaterials Work
From ACM News

Lens-Less Camera Emerges from Metamaterials Work

U.S. scientists have used metamaterials to build the imaging system, which samples infra-red and microwave light.

Web Founder Berners-Lee: Share Info, Improve the World
From ACM TechNews

Web Founder Berners-Lee: Share Info, Improve the World

Sharing information online has the potential to improve society worldwide, said World Wide Web founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee at the recent 2013 World Economic Forum...

Mathematical Breakthrough Sets Out Rules For More Effective Teleportation
From ACM News

Mathematical Breakthrough Sets Out Rules For More Effective Teleportation

For the past 10 years, theoretical physicists have shown that the intense connections generated between particles as established in the quantum law of 'entanglement'...
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