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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Magnetoelectric Materials Promise Advances in Computing Technology
From ACM TechNews

Magnetoelectric Materials Promise Advances in Computing Technology

Argonne National Laboratory researchers have developed methods for controlling magnetic order in a specific class of materials called magnetoelectrics. 

People in Disaster Areas Are Not Helpless Victims, but Useful Informants
From ACM TechNews

People in Disaster Areas Are Not Helpless Victims, but Useful Informants

A decentralized disaster management system would allow people in a disaster to guide each other to safety and share information about changing conditions.

Apple and Samsung, Frenemies For Life
From ACM Opinion

Apple and Samsung, Frenemies For Life

It was the late Steve Jobs' worst nightmare. A powerful Asian manufacturer, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, uses Google Inc's Android software to create smartphones...

Ancient Board Game Offers Insight Into Military, Cyber Threats
From ACM TechNews

Ancient Board Game Offers Insight Into Military, Cyber Threats

Penn State University researchers are using the ancient Chinese game of Go to help students learn new methods for countering future cyber-attacks. 

Navy's Next-Gen Binoculars Will Recognize Your Face
From ACM News

Navy's Next-Gen Binoculars Will Recognize Your Face

Take a close look, because the next generation of military binoculars could be doing more than just letting sailors and soldiers see from far away.

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech
From ACM News

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech

The old-fashioned sewing machine is finally getting a modern makeover.

Nasa Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample
From ACM News

Nasa Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample

NASA's Curiosity rover has, for the first time, used a drill carried at the end of its robotic arm to bore into a flat, veiny rock on Mars and collect a sample...

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014
From ACM News

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014

Five years ago mobile phones were at the forefront of technology, by 2010 the focus was on tablet computers and now billions of yen, dollars and pounds are being...

Does Gestural Computing Break Fitts' Law?
From ACM TechNews

Does Gestural Computing Break Fitts' Law?

In an interview, Francisco Inchauste, a senior user experience designer for Universal Mind, discusses whether Fitts' Law is still relevant in a post-graphical user...

New Modeling Approach Transforms Imaging Technologies
From ACM TechNews

New Modeling Approach Transforms Imaging Technologies

Purdue University researchers have developed model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR), an approach that can improve the performance of technologies using a system...

Researchers Create 'building Block' of Quantum Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create 'building Block' of Quantum Networks

A group of U.S. researchers have constructed a proof-of-concept device that could clear a path for on-chip optical quantum networks by combining a single nitrogen...

Android Paternity Test App Developed By ­c Irvine Computer Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Android Paternity Test App Developed By ­c Irvine Computer Scientists

University of California, Irvine researchers have developed GenoDroid, a genomic application that conducts real-time paternity tests and could be used in personalized...

Study Uses Grins and Frowns to Predict Online Game Hits
From ACM TechNews

Study Uses Grins and Frowns to Predict Online Game Hits

Researchers at Academia Sinica's Institute of Information Science have developed a method for predicting an online game's success by studying gamers' initial emotional...

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?
From ACM News

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?

For years, Henry Markram has claimed that he can simulate the human brain in a computer within a decade. On 23 January 2013, the European Commission told him to...

Rat-Size Ancestor Said to Link Man and Beast
From ACM News

Rat-Size Ancestor Said to Link Man and Beast

Humankind's common ancestor with other mammals may have been a roughly rat-size animal that weighed no more than a half a pound, had a long furry tail and lived...

Self-Driving Cars More Jetsons Than Reality for Google Designers
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars More Jetsons Than Reality for Google Designers

Google Inc. sees self-driving cars being available to consumers in three to five years. Regulators and the insurance industry aren't so sure it can happen that...

NASA's 'Crazy' Robot Lab
From ACM Careers

NASA's 'Crazy' Robot Lab

It's three in the afternoon, and in their NASA lab in Silicon Valley, California, two engineers are playing with a toy designed for toddlers.

Faster Video Streaming
From ACM TechNews

Faster Video Streaming

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications' Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) are developing new types of data transfer that enable networks to...

Internet Blackout in the U.s. a Near Impossibility
From ACM TechNews

Internet Blackout in the U.s. a Near Impossibility

An Internet blackout in the United States is all but impossible due to its variety of Internet service providers and access channels, says Renesys, which ratedView...

White House Seeks Tech Innovation Fellows
From ACM TechNews

White House Seeks Tech Innovation Fellows

The White House's Presidential Innovation Fellows program, launched last May, is broadening its efforts to recruit key private sector employees to work for a limited...
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