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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

More Radar, Less Radio for Safer Takeoffs And Landings
From ACM News

More Radar, Less Radio for Safer Takeoffs And Landings

US Airways Flight 27 was roaring down Runway 15R at Boston's Logan Airport when a pickup truck suddenly pulled into its path.

Learning to Accept, and Master, a $110,000 Mechanical Arm
From ACM News

Learning to Accept, and Master, a $110,000 Mechanical Arm

After the explosion, Cpl. Sebastian Gallegos awoke to see the October sun glinting through the water, an image so lovely he thought he was dreaming.

China Developing GPS-on-a-Shoestring Plan
From ACM News

China Developing GPS-on-a-Shoestring Plan

When it comes to satellite navigation systems, everybody's gotta have one.

An Accelerometer So Good That Only Quantum Mechanics Limits It
From ACM News

An Accelerometer So Good That Only Quantum Mechanics Limits It

We take it for granted now, but the fact that you can flip your phone from portrait to landscape mode depends on accelerometers. As everyone knows, though, the...

Is the Pixel About to Die?
From ACM TechNews

Is the Pixel About to Die?

University of Bath researchers say they have developed a vector-based video codec that could lead to the death of the pixel within five years.

Researchers Develop Featherweight Chips That Dissolve in Water
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Featherweight Chips That Dissolve in Water

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers have developed integrated circuits that can stick to the skin and in some cases dissolve in water when they...

Study: Tech Job Growth Strong
From ACM TechNews

Study: Tech Job Growth Strong

Engine Advocacy and the Bay Area Council Economic Institute have released a report that details key findings on how technology sector jobs impact the overall U.S...

Nsf Joins in Commemorating Computer Science Education Week 2012
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Joins in Commemorating Computer Science Education Week 2012

The U.S. National Science Foundation is joining the effort to promote Computer Science Education Week, which highlights the need to support computer science at...

Buggy Software: Achilles Heel of Big-Data-Powered Science?
From ACM TechNews

Buggy Software: Achilles Heel of Big-Data-Powered Science?

Software defects are a growing concern in the scientific computing community. A recent workshop focusing on maintainable software practices discussed how software...

They Know What You're Shopping For
From ACM News

They Know What You're Shopping For

Georgia resident Andy Morar is in the market for a BMW.

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'
From ACM Opinion

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'

Soon we'll be able to engineer living things with mechanical precision, says Tom Knight, father of synthetic biology.

From ACM News

Patent Lawsuits Now Dominated by 'Trolls': Study

For the first time, individuals and companies that do not themselves make anything—commonly known as "patent trolls"—are bringing the majority of U.S. patent lawsuits...

Japanese Team Targets 24-Tbps Optical Fiber By 2014
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Team Targets 24-Tbps Optical Fiber By 2014

The Japanese government is sponsoring a project to boost data transmission speeds over optical fiber, with a target of 400-Gbit/second per channel by 2014. 

Research Team to Develop Smart Skin Applications, Sensor Garments for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Research Team to Develop Smart Skin Applications, Sensor Garments for Robots

University of Texas at Arlington researchers recently received a $1.35 million U.S. NSF grant to develop human-like robots with skin and clothes embedded with sensors...

New Software Speeds Analysis of Animal Behavior
From ACM TechNews

New Software Speeds Analysis of Animal Behavior

Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have developed Janelia Automatic Animal Behavior Annotator, software that can recognize characteristic animal behaviors...

Point of Light
From ACM TechNews

Point of Light

Caltech researchers have created a device that can focus light into a point just a few nanometers across, a breakthrough they say could lead to next-generation...

A Rising Tide of Noise Is Now Easy to See
From ACM News

A Rising Tide of Noise Is Now Easy to See

When a hurricane forced the Nautilus to dive in Jules Verne’s "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," Captain Nemo took the submarine down to a depth of 25 fathoms...

Heart Gadgets Test Privacy-Law Limits
From ACM News

Heart Gadgets Test Privacy-Law Limits

The small box inside Amanda Hubbard's chest beams all kinds of data about her faulty heart to the company that makes her defibrillator implant.

Federal Agency Wants Black Boxes in Every New Car By September 2014
From ACM News

Federal Agency Wants Black Boxes in Every New Car By September 2014

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed a new unified standard for event data recorders for cars, commonly known as "black boxes."

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded
From ACM News

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded

A senior Iranian commander announced that the country has extracted all the data and information existing in the intelligence gathering systems of the United States'...
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