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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter
From ACM News

Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter

Twitter, perhaps more than any other social media outlet, has become one of the most powerful tools to promote democracy in the Middle East.

For Syria’s Rebel Movement, Skype Is a ­seful and Increasingly Dangerous Tool
From ACM TechNews

For Syria’s Rebel Movement, Skype Is a ­seful and Increasingly Dangerous Tool

Syrian rebels responded to the recent nationwide Internet shutdown by relying on satellite technology to coordinate within the country and to communicate with...

Nasa Mars Rover Fully Analyzes First Soil Samples
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover Fully Analyzes First Soil Samples

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has used its full array of instruments to analyze Martian soil for the first time, and found a complex chemistry within the Martian...

How Martin Odersky Rewrote the Rules of Coding For a Mobile World
From ACM Opinion

How Martin Odersky Rewrote the Rules of Coding For a Mobile World

Next time you pull out your smartphone to use a popular application—whether it's to price check items in a store, to tweet or to check your cloud-based calendar—you...

Proving Quantum Computers Feasible
From ACM News

Proving Quantum Computers Feasible

Quantum computers are devices—still largely theoretical—that could perform certain types of computations much faster than classical computers; one way they might...

Bend Me, Shape Me: Flexible Phones 'out By 2013'
From ACM News

Bend Me, Shape Me: Flexible Phones 'out By 2013'

Imagine treating your phone like a piece of paper.

Teaching Tiny Drones How to Fly Themselves
From ACM News

Teaching Tiny Drones How to Fly Themselves

Thanks to the wars in the Middle East, drones like the Predator have become household names.

Privacy Professor to Try to Break Do Not Track Logjam
From ACM TechNews

Privacy Professor to Try to Break Do Not Track Logjam

  Ohio State University professor and new World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) co-chair Peter Swire is attempting to create a standard way to let users stop Web sites...

Java Inventor James Gosling Building Smart Marine Robots
From ACM TechNews

Java Inventor James Gosling Building Smart Marine Robots

Java inventor James Gosling is using Java's security framework to design marine robots that can be sent across the ocean to gather weather data or carry out research...

Researchers Create Versatile 3D Nanostructures ­sing Dna 'bricks'
From ACM News

Researchers Create Versatile 3D Nanostructures ­sing Dna 'bricks'

What Dna Actually Looks Like
From ACM News

What Dna Actually Looks Like

DNA, we are taught early on, is colorful.

Despite Ceasefire, Israel-Gaza War Continues Online
From ACM News

Despite Ceasefire, Israel-Gaza War Continues Online

It's been a week since Israel and Hamas reached a ceasefire pausing their war in Gaza. But on the internet, a different kind of fighting never stopped—and has actually...

Auto-Immune: 'symbiotes' Could Be Deployed to Thwart Cyber Attacks
From ACM News

Auto-Immune: 'symbiotes' Could Be Deployed to Thwart Cyber Attacks

Anti-hacker defenses have long focused mainly on protecting personal computers and servers in homes and offices.

Cybercity Allows Government Hackers to Train For Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Cybercity Allows Government Hackers to Train For Attacks

The Pentagon is building a virtual city that will enable government hackers to practice attacking and defending the computers and networks that increasingly run...

­niversities Report Highest-Ever R&d Spending of $65 Billion in Fy 2011
From ACM TechNews

­niversities Report Highest-Ever R&d Spending of $65 Billion in Fy 2011

U.S. university spending on R&D in all fields rose 6.3 percent in fiscal year 2011, according to a U.S. National Science Foundation Survey. Much of the spending...

Smallest Logic Circuit Fabricated With Single-Electron Transistors
From ACM TechNews

Smallest Logic Circuit Fabricated With Single-Electron Transistors

Researchers from South Korea, Japan, and the United Kingdom have fabricated a half-adder logic circuit using only five transistors.

Big Data + Semantic Web: Love at First Terabyte?
From ACM TechNews

Big Data + Semantic Web: Love at First Terabyte?

The Semantic Web has been slow to catch on with enterprises, but Cambridge Semantics chief technical officer Sean Martin believes big data could give Semantic Web...

Web Monitor: 100 Percent of Syria's Internet Just Shut Down
From ACM News

Web Monitor: 100 Percent of Syria's Internet Just Shut Down

It appears that the Syrian government may have just taken a drastic measure it has conspicuously avoided over the nearly two years of fighting: cutting itself off...

Courts Divided Over Searches of Cellphones
From ACM News

Courts Divided Over Searches of Cellphones

Judges and lawmakers across the country are wrangling over whether and when law enforcement authorities can peer into suspects' cellphones, and the cornucopia of...

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable
From ACM TechNews

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable

Google's stated mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible. To achieve this goal the company needs to utilize experience...
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