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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Webrtc Puts Video Chats All in the Browser
From ACM TechNews

Webrtc Puts Video Chats All in the Browser

The Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) standard is expected to gain widespread use once it is mature, according to technology observers.  

A Quantum Network Built with Two Atoms and Fiber Optic Cable
From ACM News

A Quantum Network Built with Two Atoms and Fiber Optic Cable

In an ordinary computer network, data in the form of binary numbers are transferred from one machine (node) to another via some sort of electronic signal, either...

Israel's Rocket-Hunting Ace Got His Start Playing Warcraft
From ACM News

Israel's Rocket-Hunting Ace Got His Start Playing Warcraft

While many of the boys in Idan Yahya's high school class were buffing up and preparing themselves for selection into elite combat units, this gawky teenager was...

Hype Hangs Over Dropbox
From ACM News

Hype Hangs Over Dropbox

Dropbox Inc. followed the Internet start-up playbook to a tee last year.

Computer Scientists Build Computer ­sing Swarms of Crabs
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Build Computer ­sing Swarms of Crabs

Kobe University researchers have built a billiard ball computer using soldier crabs.

Mu Researchers Find Identical Dna Codes in Plant Species Providing Insights Into Plant and Animal Evolution
From ACM TechNews

Mu Researchers Find Identical Dna Codes in Plant Species Providing Insights Into Plant and Animal Evolution

University of Missouri researchers recently solved a biological mystery by using a computer algorithm to find identical DNA sequences in different plant and animal...

Cisco, Juniper Among New Software-Defined Networking Research Center's Founders
From ACM TechNews

Cisco, Juniper Among New Software-Defined Networking Research Center's Founders

A new research center is developing a comprehensive intellectual framework for software-defined networking.  

Humans vs. Robots: Who Should Dominate Space Exploration?
From ACM News

Humans vs. Robots: Who Should Dominate Space Exploration?

The most recent footprints on the moon are 40 years old, and the next artificial mark on the lunar surface will probably be made by a robot’s wheels rather than...

Law Allows Creationism to Be Taught in Tenn. Public Schools
From ACM News

Law Allows Creationism to Be Taught in Tenn. Public Schools

A bill that allows Tennessee public school teachers to teach alternatives to mainstream scientific theories, such as evolution, will become law this month after...

­ndergrad Computer Science Enrollments Rise For Fourth Straight Year
From ACM TechNews

­ndergrad Computer Science Enrollments Rise For Fourth Straight Year

The number of undergraduate students enrolled in computer science programs rose 9.6 percent in the 2011-12 school year, the fourth consecutive annual increase,...

Geek Chic: 'Brogrammer?' Now, That's Hot
From ACM TechNews

Geek Chic: 'Brogrammer?' Now, That's Hot

The image of the geeky techie is fading in real life, thanks to the legacy of industry giants such as Apple founder Steve Jobs and the increasing dependence of...

Chips as Mini Internets
From ACM TechNews

Chips as Mini Internets

MIT researchers have established theoretical limits on the efficiency of packet-switched on-chip communication networks, and have presented measurements from a...

Check Your Mac For Malware
From ACM News

Check Your Mac For Malware

Mac fans recently got a little taste of what it's like to be a Windows user.

Will We Ever Create a Perfect Lie Detector?
From ACM News

Will We Ever Create a Perfect Lie Detector?

To create machines that can always tell when someone is lying, we need to know much more about what goes on in our brains.

Linux Foundation Takes Linux Pulse in Progress Report
From ACM TechNews

Linux Foundation Takes Linux Pulse in Progress Report

The Linux Foundation has updated its progress report on Linux kernel development for the fourth time.  

Is It Time For Javascript to Step Aside For the Next Big 'web' Thing?
From ACM TechNews

Is It Time For Javascript to Step Aside For the Next Big 'web' Thing?

At Microsoft's recent Lang.Next conference, a panel of experts discussed various aspects of programming, agreeing that JavaScript is an unforgiving language but...

From Beaker to Bits: Unique Collaboration Between Biologists and Computer Scientists Creates Computational Model of Human Tissue
From ACM TechNews

From Beaker to Bits: Unique Collaboration Between Biologists and Computer Scientists Creates Computational Model of Human Tissue

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers have developed a computational model called cell graphs that links the structure of human tissue to its corresponding...

From ACM News

Iran Moving Ahead with Plans for National Intranet

Iran topped a recent list of repressive regimes that most aggressively restrict Internet freedom. The list, published by Reporters Without Borders, is a part of...

Nasa Views Our Perpetually Moving Ocean
From ACM News

Nasa Views Our Perpetually Moving Ocean

The swirling flows of Earth's perpetually changing ocean come to life in a new NASA scientific visualization that captures the movement of tens of thousands of...

Ford Is Ready For the Autonomous Car. Are Drivers?
From ACM News

Ford Is Ready For the Autonomous Car. Are Drivers?

The auto industry has already developed all the technology necessary to create truly autonomous vehicles, Ford engineers claim.
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