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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facebook: The Wimps Will Inherit the Data Center
From ACM News

Facebook: The Wimps Will Inherit the Data Center

Unlike Google, Facebook believes the wimps have a future in the data center. As variousacademics and free-thinking startups seek to reinvent the server using ultra...

Standards Leader Blasts Html5 Video Copy Protection
From ACM TechNews

Standards Leader Blasts Html5 Video Copy Protection

Microsoft, Google, and Netflix recently proposed a standard for copy-protected Web video, but HTML editor Ian Hickson calls it impractical and unethical.  

From ACM News

How Data Storage Cripples Mobile Apps

The latest smart phones and tablets at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last month came with an emphasis on faster processors and compatibility with faster...

Study Explores Computing Bursts For Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Study Explores Computing Bursts For Smartphones

The performance of smartphones could be improved by using chips that are designed for computational sprinting, say researchers at Pennsylvania and Michigan universities...

Computer Modeling: Brain in a Box
From ACM TechNews

Computer Modeling: Brain in a Box

A proposal by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology scientist Henry Markram to build a supercomputer model integrating all knowledge about the human brain is one...

From ACM TechNews

Report: Open Source Tops Proprietary Code in Quality

Open source code has fewer defects per thousand lines of code than proprietary software, according to the 2011 Scan Open Source Integrity Report from the U.S. Department...

New Chips Help Bring High-Definition Sound to Smartphones and Other Devices
From ACM News

New Chips Help Bring High-Definition Sound to Smartphones and Other Devices

Smartphone owners can surf the Web, pay bills, watch videos, enjoy music, and send email. But while their gadgets have been designed to handle increasing amounts...

From ACM News

Appeals Court ­pholds Constitutional Right Against Forced Decryption

A federal appeals court has found a Florida man's constitutional rights were violated when he was imprisoned for refusing to decrypt data on several devices.

From ACM Opinion

The Coming Entanglement: Bill Joy and Danny Hillis

Digital innovators Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, and Danny Hillis, co-founder of the Long Now Foundation, talk with Scientific American Executive Editor...

Tech Giants Agree to Deal on Privacy Policies For Apps
From ACM TechNews

Tech Giants Agree to Deal on Privacy Policies For Apps

California attorney general Kamala D. Harris reached an agreement with major mobile-device companies, including Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard...

The U.N. Threat to Internet Freedom
From ACM TechNews

The U.N. Threat to Internet Freedom

Dozens of countries are pushing aggressively for the establishment of international control over the Internet via the United Nations' International Telecommunication...

Mathematician Sees Artistic Side to Father of Computer
From ACM TechNews

Mathematician Sees Artistic Side to Father of Computer

In a book to be published later this year, University of Chicago mathematician Robert Soare proposes that Alan Turing's design for the modern computer was an artistic...

A Law Apple Would Like to Break
From ACM News

A Law Apple Would Like to Break

These days, it’s hard to find a superlative that adequately describes Apple. But maybe simplest is best: biggest.

In Back Alleys and Basements, Video Arcades Quietly Survive
From ACM News

In Back Alleys and Basements, Video Arcades Quietly Survive

The Stockton Tunnel, excavated in 1914, lets San Francisco drivers get between downtown and Fisherman’s Wharf without having to ascend the scarily steep grades...

Over-the-Air Tv Catches Second Wind, Aided By Web
From ACM News

Over-the-Air Tv Catches Second Wind, Aided By Web

It's cool to have rabbit ears again.

From ACM News

More Design Hobbyists, Entrepreneurs Use 3D Printing

Matt Sullivan, a retired soldier, still has trouble explaining his right leg to strangers.

Intel Ponders Solar-Powered CP­ Tech in Graphics, Memory
From ACM TechNews

Intel Ponders Solar-Powered CP­ Tech in Graphics, Memory

Intel is working to extend its experimental solar-powered processor technology to hardware such as graphics processors, memory, and floating point units.

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: Ancient Computers in ­se Today
From ACM TechNews

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: Ancient Computers in ­se Today

Large sections of the transportation and military infrastructure, some modern businesses, and computer programmers still use technology that has not been updated...

The DIY Copyright Revolution
From ACM News

The DIY Copyright Revolution

It is something of a fluke that copyright law has become so intertwined with our online lives. For most people, the first things that were easy to create and distribute...

Smithsonian Turns to 3d to Bring Collection to the World
From ACM News

Smithsonian Turns to 3d to Bring Collection to the World

With just 2% of the Smithsonian's archive of 137 million items available to the public at any one time, an effort is under way at the world's largest museum and...
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