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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

"unethical" Html Video Copy Protection Proposal Draws Criticism from W3c Reps
From ACM News

"unethical" Html Video Copy Protection Proposal Draws Criticism from W3c Reps

A new Web standard proposal authored by Google, Microsoft, and Netflix seeks to bring copy protection mechanisms to the Web.

High-Tech New Citizens Bemoan Long Path to Ceremony
From ACM News

High-Tech New Citizens Bemoan Long Path to Ceremony

Twenty-one years after he set foot in the United States, Facebook engineer Wei Zhu was overjoyed to take his oath of citizenship Wednesday at a special Silicon...

From ACM News

'do Not Track' Button

Alongside the news that the White House will announce voluntary privacy guidelines for Web companies comes the announcement from major online advertisers that they...

Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual Reality

It wasn't so long ago that legions of people began walking the streets, talking to themselves. On closer inspection, many of them turned out to be wearing tiny...

How Twitter Traffic Follows Air Traffic
From ACM News

How Twitter Traffic Follows Air Traffic

Twitter has a reputation for linking people through interests rather than geography. But while the little blue bird lets us connect with people all around the world...

Stanford ­niversity Researchers Break Nucaptcha Video Security
From ACM News

Stanford ­niversity Researchers Break Nucaptcha Video Security

When it launched in 2010, NuCaptcha touted its proprietary technology as being able to "provide the highest level of security available" by using video streams...

Seven Equations That Rule Your World
From ACM News

Seven Equations That Rule Your World

The alarm rings. You glance at the clock. The time is 6.30 am. You haven't even got out of bed, and already at least six mathematical equations have influenced...

Algorithm Uses Photo Networks to Reveal Your Hometown
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Uses Photo Networks to Reveal Your Hometown

There is growing evidence that information gleaned from online social networks can be processed and used in ways to gain an accurate profile of an individual.

IBM Says Future Computers Will Be Constant Learners
From ACM TechNews

IBM Says Future Computers Will Be Constant Learners

Tomorrow's computers will constantly improve their understanding of the data they work with, which will help them provide users with more appropriate information...

The Industrial Robot Revolution
From ACM TechNews

The Industrial Robot Revolution

A dramatic shift in how robots are made and perceived is leading to their widespread adoption and use.  

Nash's Beautiful Mind Pre-Empted Million-Dollar Puzzle
From ACM News

Nash's Beautiful Mind Pre-Empted Million-Dollar Puzzle

John Nash's mind is even more exquisite than we thought. The Nobel laureate, famous for both his work in game theory and his schizophrenia—as portrayed in the book...

Gaining Wisdom from Crowds
From Communications of the ACM

Gaining Wisdom from Crowds

Online games are harnessing humans' skills to solve scientific problems that are currently beyond the ability of computers.

Computing With Magnets
From Communications of the ACM

Computing With Magnets

Researchers are finding ways to develop ultra-efficient and nonvolatile computer processors out of nanoscale magnets. A number of obstacles, however, stand in the...

Policing the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Policing the Future

Computer programs and new mathematical algorithms are helping law enforcement agencies better predict when and where crimes will occur.

Stanford Schooling - Gratis!
From Communications of the ACM

Stanford Schooling - Gratis!

Stanford University's experiment with online classes could help transform computer science education.

Computer Science Awards
From Communications of the ACM

Computer Science Awards

Scientists worldwide are honored for their contributions to design, computing, science, and technology.

From ACM News

Avi Rubin on Hacking All Sorts of Devices

Avi Rubin is the technical director of the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University, and in this talk from the TEDxMidAtlantic conference in November...

Beware Malware Networks in Search Engines: Report
From ACM News

Beware Malware Networks in Search Engines: Report

A new security report warns of malware networks ("malnets") lurking within Google and other search engines, driving unsuspecting Web surfers to sites where they...

Cybersecurity Research Gets Boost in 2013 Budget Request
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Research Gets Boost in 2013 Budget Request

President Obama's fiscal 2013 budget request prioritizes basic research and development in cybersecurity at the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland...

Computer Sleuthing Helps ­nravel Rna's Role in Cellular Function
From ACM TechNews

Computer Sleuthing Helps ­nravel Rna's Role in Cellular Function

University of Central Florida computer engineers used a computer program to analyze the subunits that make up ribonucleic acid.  
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