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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Jobs FBI File Notes Drug Use, Tendency to 'Distort Reality'

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released a decades-old file it kept on Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs that noted his past drug use and cites interviews with...

Double-Sided Touchscreen Changes When You Fold It
From ACM TechNews

Double-Sided Touchscreen Changes When You Fold It

Juergen Steimle, working with developer Mo Khalilbeigi and his team at the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, has developed a range of foldable displays...

Scientists Develop Biological Computer to Encrypt and Decipher Images
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop Biological Computer to Encrypt and Decipher Images

Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a computer made entirely from biomolecules that can...

From ACM News

Poll: Most Back Obama's Use of Drones

As the 2012 election approaches, there’s one area where President Barack Obama can feel confident he has broad voter support—his military policies and use of drones...

From ACM News

Let the Robot Drive: The Autonomous Car of the Future Is Here

The object, vaguely pink, sits on the shoulder of the freeway, slowly shimmering into view. Is it roadkill? A weird kind of sagebrush? No, wait, it's … a puffy...

From ACM News

Web Traffic Dips 20% During Super Bowl, Yet 2.1 Million Watch Online

Fun with numbers: For the first time ever, the Super Bowl was legally streamed online here in the U.S. and, according to NBC, over 2.1 million people fired up their...

Mit's New Free Courses May Threaten (and Improve) the Traditional Model, Program's Leader Says
From ACM TechNews

Mit's New Free Courses May Threaten (and Improve) the Traditional Model, Program's Leader Says

In an interview, MIT provost L. Rafael Reif and professor Anant Agarwal say MITx, a new set of online courses, will be run separately from OpenCourseWare.  

How to Predict the Spread of News on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

How to Predict the Spread of News on Twitter

Bernardo Huberman and colleagues at Hewlett-Packard's Social Computing Lab have developed an algorithm that can predict how popular new stories will become.  

Google Unveils 'secret Lab' For Radical Ideas
From ACM TechNews

Google Unveils 'secret Lab' For Radical Ideas

Google recently held a private technology gathering for innovators, and plans to share some of the discussions and related materials through the Web site WeSolveForX...

Engineers Boost Computer Processor Performance By Over 20 Percent
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Boost Computer Processor Performance By Over 20 Percent

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a technique that combines GPUs and CPUs on a single chip, boosting processor performance by an average...

From ACM News

Burning Man

On his first tour of duty in Afghanistan, Sam Brown was set on fire by an improvised explosive device. He survived, only to find himself, like thousands of other...

Hackers Outwit Online Banking Identity Security Systems
From ACM News

Hackers Outwit Online Banking Identity Security Systems

After logging in to the bank's real site, account holders are being tricked by the offer of training in a new "upgraded security system."

The Future of Hiring: Human Resources, Without the Humans
From ACM Careers

The Future of Hiring: Human Resources, Without the Humans

Imagine a scenario where your next job interview isn't face-to-face, but face-to-screen. There are no questions about your former work experience and office habits...

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit
From ACM News

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit

Sam Ramji met AT&T chief technology officer John Donovan on a speed date—or at least the tech world equivalent of a speed date.

From ACM News

Slow Graphene Down, Speed Computers Up

Astonishing conductivity helped the discoverers of graphene win the Nobel prize in physicsin 2010. Now a way to switch off the easy flow of electrons in this wonder...

Hp R&d Chief Shows Road to Terabyte Backplane
From ACM TechNews

Hp R&d Chief Shows Road to Terabyte Backplane

New technologies will be the key to dealing with the coming flood of digital data, says HP Labs director Prith Banerjee.  

A New Question of Internet Freedom
From ACM TechNews

A New Question of Internet Freedom

European activists are taking a page from the recent U.S. Web protests to halt the progress of domestic antipiracy legislation, and applying similar pressure to...

A Discussion With David Farber: Bandwidth, Cyber Security, and the Obsolescence of the Internet
From ACM TechNews

A Discussion With David Farber: Bandwidth, Cyber Security, and the Obsolescence of the Internet

Internet technology veteran David Farber projects that within a decade, computers will be outfitted with optical connections rather than pins for networking, and...

From ACM News

Wolfram, a Search Engine, Finds Answers Within Itself

Stephen Wolfram, a 52-year-old scientist, software designer and entrepreneur, tends to go his own way—often with noteworthy results.

Designing Windows 8, or How to Redesign a Religion
From ACM Opinion

Designing Windows 8, or How to Redesign a Religion

There are lot of hard jobs at Microsoft. But Sam Moreau just might have the hardest of all. Or at least the most harrowing. Over the past five years, he's taken...
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