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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Antennas in Your Clothes? New Design Could Pave the Way
From ACM TechNews

Antennas in Your Clothes? New Design Could Pave the Way

Ohio State University researchers are working on a new way to incorporate radio antennas directly into clothing, in an effort to improve communications reliability...

From ACM News


Hundreds of framed patents hang on two separate walls at the headquarters of Motorola Mobility in Libertyville, IL. They testify to the pride in innovation at...

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Had to Have Motorola Mobility

For several years now, Google has been following a vow made by former CEO Eric Schmidt: mobile first. New CEO Larry Page is taking that dictum to a new level...

Intel Recruits Sci-Fi Writers to Dream Up Future Tech
From ACM News

Intel Recruits Sci-Fi Writers to Dream Up Future Tech

Chip maker Intel has commissioned leading science fiction authors to pen short stories that imagine future uses for the firm's technology.

Trust Develops 'science Base' For Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Trust Develops 'science Base' For Cybersecurity

University of California, Berkeley's TRUST is developing a cybersecurity "science base"– a principled approach to developing trustworthy systems in which security...

From ACM News

Court Says Only Hard Math Is Patentable

The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit rejected a patent on a method of detecting credit card fraud. The result was unsurprising, but the...

From ACM News

Nasa and Tor-Forge Books Partner in Themed Science Fiction Works

In an effort to introduce, inform, and inspire readers about NASA, the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, has partnered with Tor-Forge Books...

Wire Robot Yanks Your Golf Game Into Shape
From ACM TechNews

Wire Robot Yanks Your Golf Game Into Shape

University of Pennsylvania researchers have developed a haptics-based robotic wire system designed to help golfers with putting. 

Face Recognition Technology Fails to Find U.k. Rioters
From ACM News

Face Recognition Technology Fails to Find U.k. Rioters

The response was as aggressive and swift as the riots themselves. Within a few hours of the worst of the looting across London and other English cities, attempts...

Mediocre Hackers Can Cause Major Damage
From ACM TechNews

Mediocre Hackers Can Cause Major Damage

Even minimally competent hackers can hijack the computer systems that control critical industrial machinery to deadly effect, according to security researchers. ...

W3c Ignites Developer Participation in Web Standards Process
From ACM TechNews

W3c Ignites Developer Participation in Web Standards Process

The World Wide Web Consortium recently announced a new track, called W3C Community Groups, that makes it easier for developers and businesses to create Web technology...

Taking a Disruptive Approach to Exascale
From ACM TechNews

Taking a Disruptive Approach to Exascale

A recent U.S. Department of Energy workshop concentrating on exascale challenges and current gaps in research and ideology offered insight for those seeking a disruptive...

From ACM TechNews

Research Team Develops Face-Mapping App For Global Smartphone Searching

Rice University researchers have developed a smartphone application that allows users to search images on other users' phones that have been transmitted by a centralized...

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy
From ACM News

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy

At the Wright–Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, some Ph.D. candidates are working on micro air vehicles, or tiny flying machines that are remotely piloted...

Red-Light Cameras Throughout Nyc Are Bringing in $52 Million from Speedy City Drivers
From ACM News

Red-Light Cameras Throughout Nyc Are Bringing in $52 Million from Speedy City Drivers

Lights, cameras, cash. New York's driver nanny cams are working, generating more than $52 million in fines last year from unsuspecting motorists who blew through...

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'
From ACM News

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'

You want a good look at Silicon Valley's bipolar job market? Step into the 11th-floor office of Young Sohn. The CEO of Santa Clara-based Inphi is tearing his...

From ACM News

A Bull Market in Tech Patents

Google was willing on Monday to pay $12.5 billion for Motorola Mobility in no small part because of its stockpile of 17,000 patents. The patent portfolio, some...

Parc Hosts Summit on Content-Centric Nets
From ACM TechNews

Parc Hosts Summit on Content-Centric Nets

Xerox PARC is planning an event focused on content-centric networking, a new approach to organizing Internet traffic that could provide greater security and faster...

Latest in Web Tracking: Stealthy 'supercookies'
From ACM TechNews

Latest in Web Tracking: Stealthy 'supercookies'

It is almost impossible for computer users to detect new, legal techniques employed by major Web sites that track people's online activities through the installation...

Romance vs. STEM
From ACM TechNews

Romance vs. STEM

State University of New York at Buffalo professor Lora Park recently completed a series of research projects, the results of which suggest that when college-age...
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