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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

London Riots: Britain Weighs Personal Freedoms Against Need to Keep Order
From ACM TechNews

London Riots: Britain Weighs Personal Freedoms Against Need to Keep Order

The British government is taking aim at social media amid the recent riots, claiming that it is undermining the country's democracy. British and Scottish authorities...

From ACM News

10 Award-Winning Scientific Simulation Videos

Thanks to increasingly cheap, fast, efficient computing power, scientific simulations are now a crucial tool for researchers who want to ask once impractical...

From ACM News

When Social Media Mining Gets It Wrong

A complex picture of your personal life can now be pieced together using a variety of public data sources, and increasingly sophisticated data-mining techniques...

Researchers Face Budget Bind
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Researchers Face Budget Bind

Federally funded researchers are facing months of uncertainty due to the budget-cutting battle that's unfolding in Washington. But policy experts say one outcome...

Computer Scientist Predicts Your Next Facebook Friends
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientist Predicts Your Next Facebook Friends

Stanford University professor Jure Leskovec is studying the traces human activity leaves on the Internet and how that data can be used to analyze human behavior...

Human Body Vulnerable to Cyberattack
From ACM TechNews

Human Body Vulnerable to Cyberattack

Security researcher Jay Radcliffe has demonstrated how a hacker could remotely attack medical devices used to treat diabetes. 

Open Source Effort Will Deliver Low-Cost Wi-Fi For All
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Effort Will Deliver Low-Cost Wi-Fi For All

The nonprofit Manna Energy Foundation's Geeks Without Frontiers initiative recently announced the final development of an inexpensive, open source Wi-Fi software...

Cloud, Exascale Challenges Converge
From ACM TechNews

Cloud, Exascale Challenges Converge

Ioan Raicu, director of the Illinois Institute of Technology's Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, studies cloud computing, exascale computing, and the...

David Cameron Considers Banning Suspected Rioters from Social Media
From ACM News

David Cameron Considers Banning Suspected Rioters from Social Media

David Cameron has told parliament that in the wake of this week's riots the government is looking at banning people from using social networking sites, such as...

From ACM News

Why Rioters Won't Be Protected by BlackBerry Messaging System

Those involved in the recent rioting and looting in Britain are unlikely to have their identities protected by the BlackBerry Messenger service, contrary to reports...

From ACM News

Self-Assembling Minirobots Swim and Manipulate Objects

Tiny, self-assembling robots can swim and clamp onto particles and then release them when subjected to the right magnetic fields.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil Says He Can Bring His Dead Father Back to Life Through a Computer Avatar
From ACM News

Futurist Ray Kurzweil Says He Can Bring His Dead Father Back to Life Through a Computer Avatar

Ray Kurzweil, a prominent inventor and "futurist" who has long predicted that mind and machine will one day merge, has been making arrangements to talk to his...

Future of War: Private Robot Armies Fight It Out
From ACM News

Future of War: Private Robot Armies Fight It Out

If robots are simply computers with wings (and missiles), then expect to see future wars fought by the descendants of flash-trading algorithms, with humans as...

From ACM News

Mobile Computing Giants in Patent Free-For-All

The mobile computing boom has turned into a courthouse war of the titans, as big tech companies are increasingly engaged in high-dollar legal disputes over lucrative...

NASA Mars Rover Arrives at New Site on Martian Surface
From ACM News

NASA Mars Rover Arrives at New Site on Martian Surface

After a journey of almost three years, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reached the Red Planet’s Endeavour crater to study rocks never seen before...

On Its Own, Europe Backs Web Privacy Fights
From ACM TechNews

On Its Own, Europe Backs Web Privacy Fights

European regulators are increasingly embracing the concept of giving people the right to be forgotten on the Web by providing them with greater control over their...

Los Alamos Builds Time Machine to the Way the Web Was
From ACM TechNews

Los Alamos Builds Time Machine to the Way the Web Was

Researchers at the Los Alamos Research Library and Old Dominion University have developed Memento, a technical specification that embeds the concept of time into...

New Way to Manage Energy in the Smart Grid
From ACM TechNews

New Way to Manage Energy in the Smart Grid

University of Southampton researchers have developed a decentralized control mechanism for managing micro-storage in the smart grid that can produce savings of...

Ieee to Create Anti-Malware 'packer' Validation System
From ACM TechNews

Ieee to Create Anti-Malware 'packer' Validation System

The IEEE has launched a system for tracing the output of all certified binary packers to verify which license was used to create an executable file. 

From ACM TechNews

Tracking Crime in Real Time

Tel Aviv University researchers are using digital activities to catch criminals and strengthen homeland security efforts against terrorists. 
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