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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Curiosity Mars Rover Begins Study of Ridge Destination
From ACM News

Curiosity Mars Rover Begins Study of Ridge Destination

The car-size NASA rover on a Martian mountain, Curiosity, has begun its long-anticipated study of an iron-bearing ridge forming a distinctive layer on the mountain's...

Lights, Camera, Crispr: Biologists ­se Gene Editing to Store Movies in Dna
From ACM News

Lights, Camera, Crispr: Biologists ­se Gene Editing to Store Movies in Dna

Internet users have a variety of format options in which to store their movies, and biologists have now joined the party.

11,000 Girls Compete in International Mobile App Challenge
From ACM TechNews

11,000 Girls Compete in International Mobile App Challenge

Girls ages 10-18 from around the world are competing in the Technovation Challenge, a global effort to learn and apply technology to try to solve problems in their...

Why Do Some Neighborhoods Improve?
From ACM TechNews

Why Do Some Neighborhoods Improve?

Researchers have used a computer vision system to quantify the physical improvement or deterioration of neighborhoods in five U.S. cities.

Rare Enigma Machine Fetches 45,000 Euros at Auction
From ACM News

Rare Enigma Machine Fetches 45,000 Euros at Auction

A rare Enigma machine used by Nazi Germany during World War II was sold at auction Tuesday for 45,000 euros ($51,500). 

­w's Lip-Syncing Obama Demonstrates New Technique to Turn Audio Clips Into Realistic Video
From ACM TechNews

­w's Lip-Syncing Obama Demonstrates New Technique to Turn Audio Clips Into Realistic Video

University of Washington researchers have developed a system that can take audio clips from one speech and sync them with video clips from another.

Bangalore Taps Tech Crowdsourcing to Fix 'unruly' Gridlock
From ACM TechNews

Bangalore Taps Tech Crowdsourcing to Fix 'unruly' Gridlock

India's Gridlock Hackathon aims to find solutions to the congested roads that cost the economy billions of dollars.

Neural Network Poetry Is So Bad We Think It's Written By Humans
From ACM TechNews

Neural Network Poetry Is So Bad We Think It's Written By Humans

A neural network trained on poetry has attempted to write its own lines; ts best efforts can convince people they are reading the words of a human poet.

President of Harvey Mudd College Criticizes Silicon Valley's 'bro Culture'
From ACM News

President of Harvey Mudd College Criticizes Silicon Valley's 'bro Culture'

The president of Harvey Mudd University, Maria Klawe, has criticized the culture in some of Silicon Valley's tech companies.

First Object Teleported from Earth to Orbit
From ACM News

First Object Teleported from Earth to Orbit

Last year, a Long March 2D rocket took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert carrying a satellite called Micius, named after an ancient...

Hackers Find 'ideal Testing Ground' For Attacks: Developing Countries
From ACM News

Hackers Find 'ideal Testing Ground' For Attacks: Developing Countries

The attack had the hallmarks of something researchers had dreaded for years: malicious software using artificial intelligence that could lead to a new digital arms...

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Completes Flyby Over Jupiter's Great Red Spot
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Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Completes Flyby Over Jupiter's Great Red Spot

NASA's Juno mission completed a close flyby of Jupiter and its Great Red Spot on July 10, during its sixth science orbit.

Intelligent Machines Are Asked to Explain How Their Minds Work
From ACM TechNews

Intelligent Machines Are Asked to Explain How Their Minds Work

Researchers are trying to teach intelligent machines to explain, in human terms, how their minds work.

Fighting Tick-Borne Disease With Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

Fighting Tick-Borne Disease With Computer Science

Researchers are using new data on ticks in the southeastern U.S. to build mathematical models of how the grasses, wildlife, and ticks respond to different conditions...

Study Finds 'smart' Transformers Could Make Reliable Smart Grid a Reality
From ACM TechNews

Study Finds 'smart' Transformers Could Make Reliable Smart Grid a Reality

North Carolina State University researchers are developing smart solid-state transformers that could be used to make a stable, reliable smart grid.

Adding Humanity to Smart Machines
From ACM News

Adding Humanity to Smart Machines

A chat with former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov about his new book, machine intelligence, and human creativity.

International Group Aims to Protect the Core of the Public Internet
From ACM TechNews

International Group Aims to Protect the Core of the Public Internet

The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace has established a research group to protect the public Internet's core and critical infrastructure.

Ai, People, and Society
From ACM News

Ai, People, and Society

Isaac Asimov's stories about the relationship between people and robots were only a few years old when the phrase "artificial intelligence" was used in a 1955 study...

More Progress on Carbon Nanotube Processors: A 2.8ghz Ring Oscillator
From ACM News

More Progress on Carbon Nanotube Processors: A 2.8ghz Ring Oscillator

Back in 2012, I had the pleasure of visiting the IBM Watson research center.

Sun's Gravity Could Power Interstellar Video Streaming
From ACM News

Sun's Gravity Could Power Interstellar Video Streaming

Need to send a message across interstellar space? Use the sun for a signal boost. A new proposal suggests that the sun's gravity could be used to amplify signals...
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