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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robot Scouts Rooms People Can't Enter
From ACM TechNews

Robot Scouts Rooms People Can't Enter

Student researchers are working with Sandia National Laboratories to develop a robotic system that can be used to map rooms in three-dimensional space. 

Superconducting Qubit Array Points the Way to Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Superconducting Qubit Array Points the Way to Quantum Computers

Researchers say they have demonstrated a new level of reliability in a five-qubit array, moving one step closer to making a quantum computer a reality. 

Technology Confounds the Courts
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Confounds the Courts

Despite the need to make decisions relevant to technologies, the U.S. Supreme Court is not the most techno-savvy group.

The Forever Disc
From Communications of the ACM

The Forever Disc

Can our digital data represent us a million years from now?

How Computers Are Changing Biology
From Communications of the ACM

How Computers Are Changing Biology

Sophisticated computer models and simulations are replacing test tubes and beakers. This revolution in biology research is redefining medicine, agriculture, and...

Alzheimer's and Cancer Link Found
From ACM TechNews

Alzheimer's and Cancer Link Found

Researchers have determined that Alzheimer's disease and glioblastoma multiform, the most aggressive form of brain cancer, share a pathway in gene transcription...

Computational Method Dramatically Speeds Up Estimates of Gene Expression, CMU, UMD Researchers Report
From ACM TechNews

Computational Method Dramatically Speeds Up Estimates of Gene Expression, CMU, UMD Researchers Report

Researchers say they have developed a computational method that dramatically speeds up estimates of gene activity from RNA sequencing data. 

Heartbleed Bug Provokes Open Source Soul-Searching
From ACM News

Heartbleed Bug Provokes Open Source Soul-Searching

Vulnerability underscored the issue of how projects like OpenSSL should be supported.

Apple's Display Tech Lets Users Interact with 3D Objects in Mid-Air
From ACM News

Apple's Display Tech Lets Users Interact with 3D Objects in Mid-Air

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published an Apple patent application for an "Interactive three-dimensional display system," which details a method of presenting...

Wikipedia Searches and Sick Tweets Predict Flu Cases
From ACM TechNews

Wikipedia Searches and Sick Tweets Predict Flu Cases

A new algorithm mines data from Wikipedia to track flu cases across the United States. 

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.
From ACM Opinion

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.

The best way to think about Aereo, the company at the center of this week's Supreme Court battle over the future of computing, is as an example of legal performance...

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014
From ACM News

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014

Technology news is full of incremental developments, but few of them are true milestones.

How America's Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future
From ACM Opinion

How America's Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future

Stories set in the future are often judged, as time passes, on whether they come true or not.

Michigan Man Among 1st in U.s. to Get 'bionic Eye'
From ACM News

Michigan Man Among 1st in U.s. to Get 'bionic Eye'

A degenerative eye disease slowly robbed Roger Pontz of his vision.

Scientists Develop Antarctic Ice Dating Technique Using Krypton
From ACM News

Scientists Develop Antarctic Ice Dating Technique Using Krypton

Using a form of krypton, a chemical element created when cosmic rays hit the planet, scientists have developed a new technique to more accurately date ancient Antarctic...

Listening to the Big Bang
From ACM News

Listening to the Big Bang

For six months each year, the perennially dark and wind-swept plains of the southern polar ice cap have an average temperature of about 58 degrees Fahrenheit below...

'photonic Transistor' Switches Light Signals Instead of Electronic Signals
From ACM TechNews

'photonic Transistor' Switches Light Signals Instead of Electronic Signals

A practical "photonic transistor" for optical interconnects will be able to control light signals similarly to electronic transistors. 

Code Camp Empowers High School Girls With Computer Science Education
From ACM TechNews

Code Camp Empowers High School Girls With Computer Science Education

Stanford's Girls Teach Girls To Code program recently hosted more than 200 high school girls on campus for a "Code Camp."

Researchers ­se Twitter to Predict Crime
From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Twitter to Predict Crime

Twitter can be useful for predicting up to 25 kinds of crimes, especially offenses like stalking, thefts, and certain kinds of assault, if the correct analysis...

A Face to Remember
From ACM TechNews

A Face to Remember

Researchers have developed a way to change profile photos to highlight a person's most memorable facial features. 
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