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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ant Colonies Help Evacuees in Disaster Zones
From ACM TechNews

Ant Colonies Help Evacuees in Disaster Zones

Researchers in Japan have developed a system that can map escape routes for disasters based on the behavior of ant colonies. 

Google ­ses Algorithms to Create Slr-Like Photos
From ACM TechNews

Google ­ses Algorithms to Create Slr-Like Photos

Google has developed an algorithm that can generate photographic images with a depth of field similar to pictures taken by a single lens reflex camera. 

Trouble with Russia, Trouble with the Law: Inside Europe's Digital Crime Unit
From ACM News

Trouble with Russia, Trouble with the Law: Inside Europe's Digital Crime Unit

Four black brick towers search upwards to an empty grey sky.

Biometric Surveillance Means Someone Is Always Watching
From ACM News

Biometric Surveillance Means Someone Is Always Watching

Incrimination by selfie can happen.

Watch the Astounding Dexterity of Honda's Dancing Humanoid Robot
From ACM News

Watch the Astounding Dexterity of Honda's Dancing Humanoid Robot

Even in today's rapidly evolving world of technology, there are few things that make your jaw drop when you see them in real life.

Combs of Light Accelerate Communication
From ACM TechNews

Combs of Light Accelerate Communication

Miniaturized optical frequency comb sources can enable the transmission of data streams of several terabits per second over hundreds of kilometers. 

Hopkins Code Cracks Baseball Scheduling
From ACM TechNews

Hopkins Code Cracks Baseball Scheduling

A new system fulfills all of a baseball league's scheduling rules, and as many of the teams' requests and preferences as possible, using thousands of lines of code...

Soft Wear: Computer Simulated Design Is Tailoring the Future Fashion Industry
From ACM TechNews

Soft Wear: Computer Simulated Design Is Tailoring the Future Fashion Industry

Researchers have developed software that can simulate the making of complex clothing. 

Americans Wary of Futuristic Science, Tech
From ACM TechNews

Americans Wary of Futuristic Science, Tech

While the majority of Americans surveyed think tech developments will make life in the next half-century better, 30 percent said they would make life worse. 

Chess Robots to Cause Judgment Day?
From ACM TechNews

Chess Robots to Cause Judgment Day?

Autonomous systems must be designed and deployed very carefully or they could develop antisocial and potentially harmful behavior, according to a study.

Microrobots, Working Together, Build with Metal, Glass, and Electronics
From ACM News

Microrobots, Working Together, Build with Metal, Glass, and Electronics

Someone glancing through the door of Annjoe Wong-Foy's lab at SRI International might think his equipment is infested by ants.

How to Build an Earth-Size Telescope
From ACM News

How to Build an Earth-Size Telescope

Looking into the galactic center is hard.

Five Wonder Materials That Could Change the World
From ACM News

Five Wonder Materials That Could Change the World

"The history of materials is a history of mistakes," says Mark Miodownik, a materials scientist at University College London, who traces his own fascination with...

Cyber Cops: Target Hackers May Takes Years to Find
From ACM News

Cyber Cops: Target Hackers May Takes Years to Find

Secret Service investigators say they are close to gaining a full understanding of the methods hackers used to breach Target's computer systems last December.

The Plot to Kill the Password
From ACM News

The Plot to Kill the Password

Last Friday, Samsung's new Galaxy S5 arrived with an unexpected and underhyped feature.

The Next Generation of Mobile
From ACM News

The Next Generation of Mobile

By 2020, everyone will know what '5G' means.

Why Nobody Can Tell Whether the World's Biggest Quantum Computer Is a Quantum Computer
From ACM News

Why Nobody Can Tell Whether the World's Biggest Quantum Computer Is a Quantum Computer

For the past several years, a Canadian company called D-Wave Systems has been selling what it says is the largest quantum computer ever built.

Mit Transform Project Gives Shape to Human-Object Interplay
From ACM TechNews

Mit Transform Project Gives Shape to Human-Object Interplay

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Tangible Media Group recently demonstrated a tabletop that becomes a dynamic display. 

Mit's Alex Pentland: Measuring Idea Flows to Accelerate Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Mit's Alex Pentland: Measuring Idea Flows to Accelerate Innovation

Massachusetts Institute of Technology computational social scientist Alex Pentland's research has lately focused on social physics. 

'wearable Eyes' Make You Appear Friendly, Social Even When You're Not
From ACM TechNews

'wearable Eyes' Make You Appear Friendly, Social Even When You're Not

AgencyGlass is a wearable device that produces "virtual eyes" to give the wearer a semblance of friendliness and approachability. 
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