From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
The internet backbone—the infrastructure of networks upon which internet traffic travels—went from being a passive infrastructure for communication to an active...Wired From ACM Opinion | November 14, 2013
Since I started working with Snowden’s documents, I have been using a number of tools to try to stay secure from the NSA.Wired From ACM Opinion | October 9, 2013
It is now 30 years since I launched the campaign for freedom in computing, that is, for software to be free or "libre" (we use that word to emphasize that we're...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 1, 2013
When Apple bought AuthenTec for its biometrics technology—reported as one of its most expensive purchases—there was a lot of speculation about how the company would...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 9, 2013
NASA's Space Apps Challenge recently became the world's largest open hackathon, with over 8,000 participants spanning 44 countries.Wired From ACM Opinion | July 23, 2013
We now know that every day, U.S. phone companies quietly send the government a list of who called whom and when—"telephony metadata"—for every call made on their...Wired From ACM Opinion | June 20, 2013
Physically, the NSA has always been well protected by miles of high fences and electrified wire, thousands of cameras, and gun-toting guards.Wired From ACM Opinion | June 14, 2013
Rand Paul is having some problems with the jerks back at the office. So today he's bypassing them on a road trip through Silicon Valley.Wired From ACM Opinion | June 4, 2013
When Mailbox sold itself to Dropbox for a reported $100 million or so this March, the month-old iPhone app wasn’t even available to the public.Wired From ACM Opinion | May 24, 2013
We now live in a world where public servants informing the public about government behavior or wrongdoing must practice the tradecraft of drug dealers and spies...Wired From ACM Opinion | May 15, 2013
For the past few years, Sundar Pichai has been part of a tag-team routine staged at Google's annual I/O developer conference.Wired From ACM Opinion | May 14, 2013
Bitcoin. Everybody's talking about it. What's true, and what's hype? Perhaps the only thing that's clear about Bitcoin is that it's not going away anytime soon.Wired From ACM Opinion | May 6, 2013
Barely two days after cops apprehended Suspect #2 in the Boston Marathon bombings, supporters of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are rallying online.Wired From ACM Opinion | April 22, 2013
So you can’t wait for a self-driving car to take away the drudgery of driving? Me neither! But consider this scenario, recently posed by neuroscientist Gary Marcus...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 25, 2013
Evernote became the latest member of the "we’ve been hacked" club. And the thing is, what was once a pretty exclusive club now lets just about everyone in these...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 5, 2013