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The Ar-15 Is More Than a Gun. It's a Gadget
From ACM Opinion

The Ar-15 Is More Than a Gun. It's a Gadget

I was shaking as I shouldered the rifle and peered through the scope at the small steel target 100 yards downrange.

Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook

Jay Parikh sits at a desk inside Building 16 at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, and his administrative assistant, Genie Samuel, sits next to...

The Fbi Needs Hackers, Not Backdoors
From ACM Opinion

The Fbi Needs Hackers, Not Backdoors

Just imagine if all the applications and services you saw or heard about at CES earlier this month had to be designed to be "wiretap ready" before they could be...

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs

It's hard to believe you'd have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force.

Intellectual Ventures: Why the Patent System Needs Aggregators Like ­S
From ACM Opinion

Intellectual Ventures: Why the Patent System Needs Aggregators Like ­S

The U.S. patent system borrowed from mainland Europe a concept that had evolved over hundreds of years: the "moral right" for inventors to protect their ideas....

Kill the Password: Why a String of Characters Can't Protect ­S Anymore
From ACM Opinion

Kill the Password: Why a String of Characters Can't Protect ­S Anymore

You have a secret that can ruin your life.

Cybercrime: Mobile Changes Everything—and No One's Safe
From ACM Opinion

Cybercrime: Mobile Changes Everything—and No One's Safe

The FBI recently put out a mobile malware alert, providing us with a sobering reminder of this "evil software" for phones and tablets.

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms

Craig Venter imagines a future where you can download software, print a vaccine, inject it, and presto! Contagion averted.

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data

Hugo Campos has a cardiac defibrillator implanted in his body. It sends data about his heart to his doctors and back to the manufacturer, but it takes days to get...

From ACM Opinion

Air Force Video Compares Facebook, Iphone to Atom Bombs

The world of tomorrow is going to be a dark and sinister place, according to a group of Air Force futurists. One reason why it'll be so scary: Facebook.

William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (thankfully) Almost Always Wrong
From ACM Opinion

William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (thankfully) Almost Always Wrong

William Gibson, one of science fiction's most visionary and distinctive voices, maintains that he and his fellow writers don't possess some mystical ability to...

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking
From ACM Opinion

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking

In the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed.

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils ­S Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals
From ACM Opinion

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils ­S Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals

It's early February in Cancun, Mexico. A group of 60 or so financial analysts, reporters, diplomats, and cybersecurity specialists shake off the previous night's...

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'compute Engine'
From ACM News

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'compute Engine'

Google started work on the Google Compute Engine over a year and a half ago, and it was all Peter Magnusson could do to keep his mouth shut.

Berners-Lee: World Finally Realizes Web Belongs To No One
From ACM Opinion

Berners-Lee: World Finally Realizes Web Belongs To No One

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is the reason you're reading this story in a web browser, complete with hypertext like this and an internet address that looks like this: ...

Why Antivirus Companies Like Mine Failed to Catch Flame and Stuxnet
From ACM Opinion

Why Antivirus Companies Like Mine Failed to Catch Flame and Stuxnet

A couple of days ago, I received an e-mail from Iran. It was sent by an analyst from the Iranian Computer Emergency Response Team, and it was informing me about...

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis

There is one version of Craig Venter's life story where he would’ve been a dutiful scientist at the National Institutes of Health, a respected yet anonymous researcher...

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone
From ACM Opinion

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone

Four months after capturing a crashed U.S. stealth drone near the Iran-Afghanistan border, Tehran claims it has hacked into the ‘bot’s classified mission-control...

Jeff Bezos Should Send Eric Holder a Christmas Card
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Bezos Should Send Eric Holder a Christmas Card

I can imagine Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in Seattle Wednesday morning, reading the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit on a gigantic Kindle Fire XL prototype, and...

Data Mining and Kids: Thank Goodness She Didn't Pay Cash!
From ACM Opinion

Data Mining and Kids: Thank Goodness She Didn't Pay Cash!

Remember the movie The Minority Report? It is based upon a Philip K. Dick novel of the same name. Well, the movie is supposed to portray an implausible dystopian...
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