From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
On Monday, the Defense Department’s best-known geek announced that she was leaving the Pentagon for a job at Google. It was an unexpected move: Washington and Mountain...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 15, 2012
In last month's State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to pass "legislation that will secure our country from the growing dangers of cyber...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 14, 2012
By most measures, the Android platform is an enormous success. It dominates the smartphone space in terms of market share, with over a quarter of a billion currently...Wired From ACM Opinion | January 23, 2012
We've blacked out the headlines on our Website homepage today as part of a global internet protest against two radical anti-piracy bills pending in Congress—legislation...Wired From ACM Opinion | January 18, 2012
The USA Patriot Act, the law granting the government vast surveillance powers that was adopted in the wake of September 11, turns a decade old Wednesday. But...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 26, 2011
There’s a bill sitting on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown, which if signed would ban police from searching the mobile devices of people arrested for...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 26, 2011
Former AT&T engineer Mark Klein handed a sheaf of papers in January 2006 to lawyers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, providing smoking-gun evidence that...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 15, 2011
The reauthorization of the Patriot Act looks like a forgone conclusion. But next month, a bipartisan band of legislators will try to mitigate a different kind...Wired From ACM News | May 31, 2011
Keep the surveillance planes flying. Fry the radar. While the sun hangs in the sky, let Libya’s pilots know they’re on borrowed time if they take off.Wired From ACM Opinion | March 11, 2011
Google's new update to its search engine addressed the growing complaint that low-quality content sites (derisively referred to as content farms) were ranked higher...Wired From ACM News | March 7, 2011
Whenever the military rolls out a new robot program, folks like to joke about SkyNet or the Rise of the Machines. But this time, the military really is starting...Wired From ACM News | March 4, 2011
A truly free press—one unfettered by concerns of nationalism—is apparently a terrifying problem for elected governments and tyrannies alike.Wired From ACM Opinion | December 7, 2010
Apple could soon be the target of an antitrust investigation by either the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Justice, according to numerous press reports...Wired From ACM Opinion | May 6, 2010
Here’s a typical “date night” with me and Hollywood: I don’t know what I want to see. Neither does Hollywood. But it bangs on my eyeballs and eardrums like Stanley...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 8, 2010
The company once known for its "don't be evil" motto is now in bed with the spy agency known for the mass surveillance of American citizens.
The National Security...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2010
A number of people are up in arms about a new bill going through the U.S. Senate that allows President Obama to "take over private networks." Oh no! That would...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 2, 2009