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Take IT Out of the IT Department
From ACM Opinion

Take IT Out of the IT Department

It's time to reverse the trend of centralized information technology that has been the hallmark of most companies for at least 10 years. Control of IT shouldn't...

Sorry But the Game Does Not Build Anymore
From ACM Opinion

Sorry But the Game Does Not Build Anymore

Continuous integration and an automated asset pipeline should guarantee that you can produce an up-to-date working version of the game you are working on in very...

From ACM Opinion

Sony Hack Highlights Importance of Breach Analysis

Sony's apparent difficulty in figuring out the extent of the damage from the recent intrusion into its PlayStation Network, while frustrating for those affected...

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location
From ACM Opinion

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location

Although Apple was silent for several days after researchers raised issues about location information being stored on the iPhone, that wasn’t because it was ignoring...

From ACM Opinion

Video Game Shapes Leadership Style of the New Head of Mit's Media Lab

Joi Ito has a knack for leading people, which he demonstrated, of all places, in World of Warcraft.

Electronic Health Records Face Human Hurdles More Than Technological Ones
From ACM News

Electronic Health Records Face Human Hurdles More Than Technological Ones

In medicine, there's the patient and there's the chart. And the chart is paper.

The Importance of Reviewing the Code
From Communications of the ACM

The Importance of Reviewing the Code

Highlighting the significance of the often overlooked underlying software used to produce research results.

An Interview with Steve Furber
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Steve Furber

Steve Furber, designer of the seminal BBC Microcomputer System and the widely used ARM microprocessor, reflects on his career.

Bell Labs and Centralized Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

Bell Labs and Centralized Innovation

In early 1935, a man named Clarence Hickman had a secret machine, about six feet tall, standing in his office. Hickman was...

Reaching Learners Beyond Our Hallowed Halls
From Communications of the ACM

Reaching Learners Beyond Our Hallowed Halls

Rethinking the design of computer science courses and broadening the definition of computing education both on and off campus.

Online Advertising, Behavioral Targeting, and Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

Online Advertising, Behavioral Targeting, and Privacy

Studying how privacy regulation might impact economic activity on the advertising-supported Internet.

In the Digital Era Free Is Easy, So How Do You Persuade People to Pay?
From ACM Opinion

In the Digital Era Free Is Easy, So How Do You Persuade People to Pay?

To compete with piracy, content providers need clear value propositions that don't conflict with the product.

Misleading Government Stats on It Employment
From ACM Opinion

Misleading Government Stats on It Employment

David Foote, CEO of IT workforce analyst firm Foote Partners, says that U.S. government statistics on IT employment are misleading because they do not track 16...

Web Creator's Net Neutrality Fear
From ACM Opinion

Web Creator's Net Neutrality Fear

The inventor of the Web has said that governments must act to preserve the principle of net neutrality. Sir Tim Berners-Lee told the BBC that legislation may...

Patently Obvious
From ACM Opinion

Patently Obvious

On Monday the Supreme Court will consider whether to fundamentally alter the way American patent law is litigated. Specifically, in the context of an otherwise...

Why Cisco's Flip Flopped in the Camera Business
From ACM News

Why Cisco's Flip Flopped in the Camera Business

Cisco is shutting down a business unit that it bought for over half-a-billion dollars: the Flip camcorder division. That's a shame, considering how high the Flip...

Mars Science Laboratory + Curiosity Rover: Interview with Nasa Jpl's Ashwin Vasavada
From ACM Opinion

Mars Science Laboratory + Curiosity Rover: Interview with Nasa Jpl's Ashwin Vasavada

Boing Boing visited NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for a peek inside the clean room where NASA's next Mars rover, Curiosity, and other components of the Mars...

Disappearing Act
From ACM Opinion

Disappearing Act

Jack Dorsey is the creator and executive chairman of the popular communications network Twitter. In 2009, he cofounded another company, called Square, which lets...

Matt Cutts, Google Engineer
From ACM Opinion

Matt Cutts, Google Engineer

It was the usual standing-room-only crowd as Google's Matt Cutts appeared at the South By Southwest technology conference to talk about the inner workings of...

In Praise of Distraction
From ACM Opinion

In Praise of Distraction

For many Americans, March Madness has been a time to worry about office pools, busted brackets, and buzzer beaters. For American businesses, though, the N.C.A...
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